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Charity Appeal: Personal - Please do read for once

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Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom

First, let me be clear this forum has nothing to do with this charity appeal. I have not sought the appropriate permission from the management and this is intended as a member-to-member contact. You are free to make donations in the name of humanity or just ignore it and make a prayer for them.

This thread is created in a good gesture thinking there was a Pakistani guy few months ago, who wanted to donate some money to charity and I asked him not to do so online for various reasons. Since you guys know me from 2008 I hope there is some credibility to what I am saying below.

I have a distant relative in Pakistan who is suffering from Liver Cancer (my father also died from liver cancer). He sold his shop in 1998 or 1999 to afford the cost of his daughter's medical treatment who was suffering from blood cancer, she died in 2005.

He started working in a factory as an electrician and relying on low income for the last 18 years. In 2013 he sold his house to marry his other daughter and we discovered only after she was married as he didn’t want to take help from anybody and had sold his house before wedding, relocated elsewhere after the wedding.

He is got one more daughter, around 17 years old and not engaged. Now about 1-2 month ago, we discovered that he was suffering from liver cancer and will require urgent transplant. He has got some savings after selling his house but that is primarily for the wedding of his youngest daughter however the relatives, the neighbours and some other people from my area have committed to some of the cost of his treatment and he will need to travel to India alongside donor which we have arranged (his married daughter is willing to donate) and it is expected that the total cost will be around 60,000 to 70,000USD.

I know that 25,000USD is arranged from relatives and other commitments I have mentioned above and I really wanted to help him as I had really good relationship with him in the childhood but due to personal reasons I am unable to make such a large contribution. I do wish to make as much contribution as possible and I have decided that I will sell my car to purchase a cheaper one, sell my Macbook pro which I recently bought to revert to windows laptop and my wife has pledged about £2000 after seeing my desperation.

If anyone of you wish to contribute I would require your email address in Private Message so that I could contact you if the operation did not go ahead and I have to refund the money back to you.

You can either donate by sending money on:

Paypal: zakifx1@gmail.com
Bank Details available upon request:

Or please visit his donation page on Gofundme website.


Every cent counts so even $1 is fine if you cannot afford more

Thank you
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He is a great man who spent his entire life in dignity and literally spent everything on his daughter's medical treatment and decided to choose poverty to prolong the imminent death of his daughter, the doctors have given hope that he has high chance of survival upon successful completion of operation.

I wish I could help him all alone but unfortunately I could only afford so much as described in the first post. Every cent counts so I guess its just an attempt in good gesture, May God/Allah have mercy on him

Ps: Consider to give zakat before Ramadan as I do not know anyone more deserving than him under present circumstances
Sad to hear this. After losing a sister and a number of relatives I know how painful this can be Zaki. I assure myself by reminding myself that all of us will meet again in Jannah and be together there. But someone suffering from disease/medical condition like me is worse because we don't know when that loved one will pass away and we hope against hope to keep him alive. Yet the person in such a condition is slipping into death slowly. I have no life and death disease but I know the huge problems it has caused me socially.

As for money, I do not have any for myself otherwise I am very interested in taking philanthrophic activities. I will pray for your relative Zaki.
Sad to hear this. After losing a sister and a number of relatives I know how painful this can be Zaki. I assure myself by reminding myself that all of us will meet again in Jannah and be together there. But someone suffering from disease/medical condition like me is worse because we don't know when that loved one will pass away and we hope against hope to keep him alive. Yet the person in such a condition is slipping into death slowly. I have no life and death disease but I know the huge problems it has caused me socially.

As for money, I do not have any for myself otherwise I am very interested in taking philanthrophic activities. I will pray for your relative Zaki.
You can say since my father died from the same disease, I have special feelings for patients who are suffering from liver cancer.

Its such a terrible time on the family. I remember when my father passed away there was somebody from my neighbourhood... my brother discovered he was suffering from similar disease. He immediately went to the hospital and treated him just like my father. My brother spent a lot of money on his treatment and had special affection with him even though we had hardly met when he was healthy. After few weeks he died as well... There are numerous such incidents on day to day basis but it just takes me back to the memories when I hear about such patients. This guy is my relative and it would be painful to see his orphan daughter if something happens to him
Just create a fund page, i am sure people will help.

Thank you so much my friend. I wasn't expecting someone to be so generous :cry:

During my dad's case he was too late for the liver transplant so I hope it doesn't happen again but still please do share your email address in Private message I have sent you in case I have to return your money

Please check your email, i am willing to donate a lil bit please don't laugh on the amount
Please check your email, i am willing to donate a lil bit please don't laugh on the amount
Every cent counts my friend. Trust me I am surprised on what I am doing but if its going to save his life, its a noble cause. God knows the intentions and he will reward you on your intentions and not the total value of money

Thank you so much
No problem, yeah i understand every penny counts, khair i will wait for you to share his bank details with me so i can transfer funds, All the best to the chap, wishing him a quick recovery.

Thank you so much my friend. I wasn't expecting someone to be so generous :cry:

During my dad's case he was too late for the liver transplant so I hope it doesn't happen again but still please do share your email address in Private message I have sent you in case I have to return your money


no need for thanks brother, its was a peanut and i wish more people donate a peanut to make it a full jar, as a muslim we believe everyone has a time and when time comes nothing can save a person...all we can do it try our best and pray and hope God accept our deeds and grant him full health.
Respect to everybody who cares for others. I am unable to help right now but hope the patient receives the strength, resources and support from the people he has known all his life.

I am currently doing something that I hope will change a persons life. The person is Pakistani and very young. Please pray for me as its an uphill task.
I have contributed by bit.

Doesn't matter how much you do, just be among the ones who contributed. Even if it is $1 only or even passing this message on to others who could help. Never stop yourself from contributing even if you contribute only a little. May be that little effort would be the only effort that would give you Jaza before your Lord.

May Allah bless complete health to the ones in need. Jazak Allah Khair.
@Zaki where is your uncle from?? in pk.. perhaps i can donate few hundred dollars but i want to see the person before i do that instead of just giving my money to a stranger i dont know.
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