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A not so silent war (Babur-3, SSK interception)

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As if it's another "Panipat" all over again. This time, however, it's "Made in China". And, you Pak folks call these damn things Babur, Ghori, Abdali etc.!
The Next in pipeline icbm should be named after either Nadir Shah or Taimoor :woot: Even the N & T of these names would set sanghi chaddis on fire :rofl:
You mean stabilise and control the missile right? What you have written fails to make sense.

Now I am no expert at this but here is how it can be achieved. The sub goes down to 100m depth (hypothetical). The missile is pre-programmed for 100m depth. Any problems due to lack of integration can be solved through extra compensation. For example, for the test, the missile can be equipped with a depth sensor. Or it can use signals from a buoy to determine depth. For the attitude, if you read the news report, it already says the missile utilized advanced under water capabilities. Even I can think of very simple strategies for attitude correction in a test.

What people fail to remember is this is a test.

Sir, a lot can be deduced from a video. The analyst would have made assumptions about the frame rate. Then, assumptions about size of features in the background can be made and triangulation can be used to measure size. Finally, people who have in-depth knowledge of cruise missiles already have estimates of what is possible and what is not.
You can not launch a missile from a submarine at deeper than 50 m, the best answer is that Babur-3 is a fire and forget type of missile.. everything is per-programed, from launch to target..
Read this:
childish..thats why I pity..

LACMs do not need any bloody synching with other inertial guidance systems, INS is there as a BASIC aid 'once they start flying' and than aid in correcting deviations from flight path. Actual navigation and positional information is determined more accurately by TERCOM which is far more complex and accurate or GPS. Unfortunately, your nirbhay had been unable to accomplish this basic task yet.
childish..thats why I pity..

LACMs do not need any bloody synching with other inertial guidance systems, INS is there as a BASIC aid 'once they start flying' and than aid in correcting deviations from flight path. Actual navigation and positional information is determined more accurately by TERCOM which is far more complex and accurate or GPS. Unfortunately, your nirbhay had been unable to accomplish this basic task yet.
Without stabilising the platform it is impossible to launch a missile without CMS.
For that syncing is needed.
Without stabilising the platform it is impossible to launch a missile without CMS.
For that syncing is needed.
Think about it.. can you fire a torpedo with/without "stabilising the platform", stop spewing this foolish crap. Modern torpedoes need integration with mission control systems because they can controlled via cable..

You need to be at the required depth and the safe speed in knots, pushing a canister from a torpedo tube does not require star trek technology.
The Babur-3 SLCM Bakwaas Exposed

I have quoted you before and again, is this the thing you want to be refuted. Or don't you think the thread deserves deletion and reporting you for use of unethical, offensive and provoking words.

On January 9, 2017 the following press-release was released by Pakistan’s ISPR (and curiously not from the PN

Did you even bother to check what ISPR stands for that makes you curios about PN did issue statement?.
Think about it.. can you fire a torpedo with/without "stabilising the platform", stop spewing this foolish crap.

You need to be at the required depth and the safe speed in knots, pushing a canister from a torpedo tube does not require star trek technology.
Even a simple thing like torpedo requires proper stabilization, for cruise missiles the need is even more.
Even a simple thing like torpedo requires proper stabilization, for cruise missiles the need is even more.
I suspected your level of intelligence so was editing last post while you posted this, read that out.

Note: although I am no expert in naval/submerged warfare, but I'll love to read out details of "proper stabilisation" required for torpedo firing.
I suspected your level of intelligence so was editing last post while you posted this, read that out.
A cruise missile without computerised stabilization will be a major disaster as missile could crash right in front og sub.
Indians can keep guessing but Pakistan will carry out secondary test as and when it sees necessary and not when Indians desparetly need more information.
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