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Madrassa reforms - Suggestions

You can try whatever you want.

@waz @Oscar

This person @CriticalThought is defaming 'Tassawwuf' by claiming that one who is in 'Fanah-fillah' stage, goes to jungle leaving everything behind. There is no priest-hood in Islam, whatever one's status is in spirituality, one has no exemption. But this person is doing propaganda in favour of priest-hood by self made stories. Please check last two pages.
99 percent Madrassa are built on " qabza " land. So, right there its un-islamic . Govt has all right to confiscate and demolish those piece of land, even under Islamic law.
Thus, the instutions of Madressah and Scholars, and the practice of seeking knowledge from them is proven and prescribed by the Sharia itself.
Scandanavian countries dont have proper knowledge of Sharia why are they not extremist and going on a rampage?
Do Pakistan's madrassas teach why the Caliphate abandoned most of sharia law by the end of the nineteenth century?
Do Pakistan's madrassas teach why the Caliphate abandoned most of sharia law by the end of the nineteenth century?

By the end of nineteenth century, piety and Taqwa amongst Muslims had decreased significantly. The existence of a Caliphate is the Mercy of Allah upon the world. If Muslims don't make themselves eligible for it, then over time they lose this Mercy. It is truly our loss. We should repent as a nation and turn back towards Allah the Almighty.
By the end of nineteenth century, piety and Taqwa amongst Muslims had decreased significantly. The existence of a Caliphate is the Mercy of Allah upon the world. If Muslims don't make themselves eligible for it, then over time they lose this Mercy. It is truly our loss. We should repent as a nation and turn back towards Allah the Almighty.
It isn't taught that the "decreased" "piety and Taqwa" occurred while the Caliphate was still under sharia law?
It isn't taught that the "decreased" "piety and Taqwa" occurred while the Caliphate was still under sharia law?

Having a Caliph isn't a guarantee of increased 'piety' and 'Taqwa'. You get the Mercy of Allah in the form of Caliphate when you are 'pious' and have 'Taqwa' as a group, and if you lose these qualities as a group, you lose the Caliphate as well.
There should be only one system of the education in the country. The system should be comprehensive and diverse enough that it caters for the needs of all, students are taught basic mannerism and etiquette in addition to literacy. The same system should cater for the needs of Muslim and non-Muslim students in terms of their religious needs. Muslim students can take optional courses like tajweed, Hifz-ul-Quran, fiqh and asool-e-fiqh, hadeeth, etc in addition to math and natural sciences, social studies and arts. The lectures on Islamic topic should be prepared in recorded forms by the best of the best scholars in the fields and played in the classrooms. While the students can ask their question by recording audio and video messages or sending emails and a panel of assistants helps the scholar answer in question on individual basis and FAQs. The approach can be adopted for non-Muslim students..so christians, hindus, liberals, libtards, atheists and Muslim student study in the same school and under the same roof but at the same time they are able to customise their academic path regardless of ethnic and economic backgrounds...no separate madrassahs and Coventry schools, no private grammar schools and no English vs Urdu medium debates, no FSc/ Matric vs O/A level arguments.

Close them down mindlessly and then you will witness the unprecedented dam-a-dam mast Qalandar that libtards will fly out of the country without the airplanes...and people will say "Oh see this libtard gotta jet" .

While the long term solution is the improve the education system of the country and make it truly universal.

Agreed. I did a fair bit of research in this and will be looking to open a small school in Pakistan focusing on developing critical thinking with strong focus on languages, sciences, maths and Islam. Project is still on the papers and I'm looking for the right people in PK to have further discussions.

In short, we need to move away from our current Matric and this GCE systems. These are enforced systems on us (by Industrialists, who took the Prussian concept of controlling the society by controlling the children) to produce dumb down managers for the Industrialists and these humans by age of 18 can't even fry an egg properly (survival is a far stretched imagination)! Human mind is like a sponge until puberty, thereon the absorption rate slows down. And one will be amazed at what kind of human a REAL education of 15 years (age 3 to age 18) can produce. I can assure you that an 18yrs old science student (for example) through a well planned 15yrs education system will be far more intelligent, skilled and principled human with a solid aim in and understanding of life than fresh out of uni 4yrs bachelor's degree holder.

And in this system, there is no ranking system as ranking system ruins humans. There is no measure of success per se. Each human is encouraged to do what they love doing and excel at it. It is amazing how humans transfer skills learnt in sports to business in a different part of their life, so nothing is discouraged. Very relaxed environment, one subject a day, class of 15 max. Upto age of 9 (first 6 years), only languages and maths taught - nothing else!

Mono-tone or trend following parents (who won't get this concept at all or for other reasons) will obviously not want their kids through this education system (although GCEs/Matric/FA/FSC etc will be offered). Teachers can be hired from a large resource pool available and trained by the right people. Running costs is a major hurdle at the moment as mainly it will start with kids from poor backgrounds so no fees revenue - although intention is that one fee paying student covers the fees of a poor non-fee paying student. Not for profit but got to pay for teacher fees, food (children will be given low fat high nutrition food during school time), and other fixed costs. But it's do-able, and will drive it properly after my return to PK.

14-15yrs of continuous education in current system produces humans that are utterly dependant on their parents, can't think clear (forget critical thinking) and do dumb things, and parents measure how well they are being educated via the grades. Cram, cram and cram some more stuff that's utterly useless in life to get good grades. Then get screwed in life working for someone and never being able to do something wonderful and amazing on your own! The whole world is full of such people, even those from very good Western universities. Is this how we want to continue in Pakistan?
Agreed. I did a fair bit of research in this and will be looking to open a small school in Pakistan focusing on developing critical thinking with strong focus on languages, sciences, maths and Islam. Project is still on the papers and I'm looking for the right people in PK to have further discussions.

In short, we need to move away from our current Matric and this GCE systems. These are enforced systems on us (by Industrialists, who took the Prussian concept of controlling the society by controlling the children) to produce dumb down managers for the Industrialists and these humans by age of 18 can't even fry an egg properly (survival is a far stretched imagination)! Human mind is like a sponge until puberty, thereon the absorption rate slows down. And one will be amazed at what kind of human a REAL education of 15 years (age 3 to age 18) can produce. I can assure you that an 18yrs old science student (for example) through a well planned 15yrs education system will be far more intelligent, skilled and principled human with a solid aim in and understanding of life than fresh out of uni 4yrs bachelor's degree holder.

And in this system, there is no ranking system as ranking system ruins humans. There is no measure of success per se. Each human is encouraged to do what they love doing and excel at it. It is amazing how humans transfer skills learnt in sports to business in a different part of their life, so nothing is discouraged. Very relaxed environment, one subject a day, class of 15 max. Upto age of 9 (first 6 years), only languages and maths taught - nothing else!

Mono-tone or trend following parents (who won't get this concept at all or for other reasons) will obviously not want their kids through this education system (although GCEs/Matric/FA/FSC etc will be offered). Teachers can be hired from a large resource pool available and trained by the right people. Running costs is a major hurdle at the moment as mainly it will start with kids from poor backgrounds so no fees revenue - although intention is that one fee paying student covers the fees of a poor non-fee paying student. Not for profit but got to pay for teacher fees, food (children will be given low fat high nutrition food during school time), and other fixed costs. But it's do-able, and will drive it properly after my return to PK.

14-15yrs of continuous education in current system produces humans that are utterly dependant on their parents, can't think clear (forget critical thinking) and do dumb things, and parents measure how well they are being educated via the grades. Cram, cram and cram some more stuff that's utterly useless in life to get good grades. Then get screwed in life working for someone and never being able to do something wonderful and amazing on your own! The whole world is full of such people, even those from very good Western universities. Is this how we want to continue in Pakistan?
Agreed. I have studied the American, German and Scandinavian education systems as models. Do you know why so many 18 year olds move out of their parents' home and start living independently in the west while we desis boast of our love for parents and cling parasitically to them for much longer, until married or in worst cases for the whole life..one reason is our failed education system that does not provide us the wholesome education. A student who graduates from a high school in the west is ready to exist as an independent and productive member of the society.

If we go back into your history, much before this trash-education system was imposed upon us, we have great instances of individual accomplishing great tasks at an early age... for example Muhammad Bin Qasim was 17-years old when he attacked and conquered Deebal, and our 17-yrs old can't even dress themselves up properly without the help of their ma-ma..
Agreed. I have studied the American, German and Scandinavian education systems as models. Do you know why so many 18 year olds move out of their parents' home and start living independently in the west while we desis boast of our love for parents and cling parasitically to them for much longer, until married or in worst cases for the whole life..one reason is our failed education system that does not provide us the wholesome education. A student who graduates from a high school in the west is ready to exist as an independent and productive member of the society.

If we go back into your history, much before this trash-education system was imposed upon us, we have great instances of individual accomplishing great tasks at an early age... for example Muhammad Bin Qasim was 17-years old when he attacked and conquered Deebal, and our 17-yrs old can't even dress themselves up properly without the help of their ma-ma..

Our system is ratta, ratta, and more ratta.

Yes, MBQ is a good example of what a fantastic education system can produce.

German education model is better than American, I would say. American school system, based on my personal experience of the american international school and British GCE school, I'd rate the American schools higher any given day. GCSE are the worst, one just have to look at GCSE Maths papers - our 8th graders from Metric system can ace those papers easily!

I do wonder when a real positive change in Pakistani education system will come. It is badly needed.
Why isn't there much progress on this? We need to teach the next generation vocational skills. It's going to pay more than a degree in the near future.
I think the most effective way forward is to hand over all schools, including English mediums, schools left behind by Britishers like Aitchison college, Karachi Grammar School, St. Patricks etc, all universities and erase them of western slave teaching. Then the entire system should be handed to madaris and learned mullahs with orders to desify them. We need to go back to pristine times when desi culture prevailed and before British arrived in 1849.

Back to Rajah Ranjit Singh's time.

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