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Azerbaijan Issues Warning Iran

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A secular totalitarian in which sperm chooses president for life, the Alyev family. Of course you choose that and no worries, Erdogan is taking you to exact same direction. In Iran, every single official is elected through popular vote, directly or indirectly. With all its fault, Iran looks far better than Azerbaijan when it comes to freedom.

You got to admit that Iran has a working democracy within a theocracy, so thats democratically speaking probably better then Aliyevs dictatorship. But I dont agree with individual freedoms. Come on you have guys running around telling women to cover themselves.
Why this retard is trolling in Turkish thread? Dont worry perso, if you stop being aggressor in the region and dont attack other neighbors, nothing will be happen.

Which is impossible with current islamist/dogmatic mullah retards. You have two choice above you; Declare secularism, remove mullah scum and keep staying alive, or get removed.
Why this retard is trolling in Turkish thread? Dont worry perso, if you stop being aggressor in the region and dont attack other neighbors, nothing will be happen.

Which is impossible with current islamist/dogmatic mullah retards. You have two choice above you; Declare secularism, remove mullah scum and keep staying alive, or get removed.

Hey Mr.talking too much !!!

Seems you need to visit a doctor immediately ...
Maybe you should check your information Azeris look like Armenians,iranians and other Caucasians their holiday is iranian holiday zoroadasterian and their customs and dance are Caucasians the only turk about them is their langeuge and yes azari is ancient iranian language from tat and talesh

Turks lived in Anatolia for thousands of years??!!! NO COMMENT

You and mongols are the same dont deny it
I just ask a question you. Iran was empty place, when indo-europeans came there?
Answer shows you a way for understanding about who Azerbaijani Turks are or who Turks in Anatolia are.
Turkification and indo-europenazation is similar process. If some people define temselves Turks or Arab or anything and feel same, you cannot say them you are iranian or mongol.
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Is peace possible we don't want mutual destruction of Muslim countries fighting with each other
Sounds more like Assad family to me except the secular part.

But I never claimed Syrian government was free, unlike the claim here about Azerbaijan being free. And Syrian gov is indeed secular, it's the sectarian rebels fighting it that made it a sectarian war, Sunni vs Alawites/Shia.

You got to admit that Iran has a working democracy within a theocracy, so thats democratically speaking probably better then Aliyevs dictatorship. But I dont agree with individual freedoms. Come on you have guys running around telling women to cover themselves.

Well yes, I never claimed we are a Jeffersonian democracy, and we have too many problems, it was a comparison between Iran and Azerbaijan. I have zero problem with Azerbaijan or its gov, if their people are satisfied, who am I to judge and if they are not, they should topple their gov. But people claimed things here as if Iran is North Korea and Azerbaijan is Switzerland, well that's not the truth.
Sounds more like Assad family to me except the secular part.
Except the Assad family is secular and so was his government, althought Syria was a different kind of secularism it was still secular.
But I never claimed Syrian government was free, unlike the claim here about Azerbaijan being free. And Syrian gov is indeed secular, it's the sectarian rebels fighting it that made it a sectarian war, Sunni vs Alawites/Shia.
I think the term secularism is often misunderstood, Syria is definately not secular.

Iranian leadership is Azeri.

Azerbaijan have claim that Iran occupy their territory.
Azeris living under the occupation of Iran wants to reunite with Azerbaijan.
Except the Assad family is secular and so was his government, althought Syria was a different kind of secularism it was still secular.
Except the religious courts.

Syria has separate secular and religious courts. Civil and criminal cases are heard in secular courts, while the Sharia courts handle personal, family, and religious matters in cases between Muslims or between Muslims and non-Muslims. Non-Muslim communities have their own religious courts using their own religious law.
Azerbaijan have claim that Iran occupy their territory.
Azeris living under the occupation of Iran wants to reunite with Azerbaijan.
We want to reunite with Iran although there are many ideas between my compatriots but if you are speaking of Muslims of Azerbaijan, i gotta tell you, they would choose Iran. Nowadays even Turkey is turning to Iran. So standing or uniting with Iran has no Inconsistency to uniting with Turkey.
In addition only Armenia is the occupier here not Iran or Turkey.
The only problem is Israel's presence in our country and inshallah we, Azeri Muslims, will **** them in the ***.:woot::rofl: Of course after receiving Iron dumb!!! Those fukin bastards need our dumbo government for a while after that those trashes will be expelled from Azerbaijan:partay:
"The National Iranian Gas Company in an announcement asked the residents of northern Iranian provinces, whose gas used to be supplied from Turkmenistan, to economize on gas so that they will not face a shortage of supply in the cold winter days."

Turkmenistan halts gas flow to Iran

Gas supply was stopped due to non payment to Turkgas.
When Iran dosn't have enough gas, than why is he pushing for sales to Pakistan.
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