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Iranian president orders work on nuclear propulsion device

Iran has also been building a 40 MW heavy water-moderated reactor at Arak fuelled by natural uranium. It is declared as being to replace the old Teheran reactor for production of radioisotopes.

In May 2007 the AEOI said it was planning to build an indigenous 360 MWe light water reactor at Darkhowin/Darkhovain on the Karun River in Khuzestan province

n June 2010 the AEOI announced that it planned to build four new research reactors for production of medical isotopes, including a 20 MW one to replace TRR when its operational life finishes in 15 years.

In May 2014 the AEOI announced plans for a 10 MW light water research reactor at Shiraz to produce medical and industrial radioisotopes.

In February 2016 the AEOI agreed to a project with Hungary to design and develop a 25 MWe reactor and another reactor of up to 100 MWe, which could be sold across Asia and Africa while being built in Iran.


IR-40 will be enough to power a nuclear submarine..
The SC,

Problem is, the Arak reactor project is closed per the "Iran Deal". The reactor core under-construction was removed. There are conflicting reports as to whether the core was "filled with concrete". The heavy-water facility nearby however is still operational.
If that's not your commitments then start building your centrifuges, but you know better that you can't. JCPOA is endorsed by UNSC resolution 2231, .
my brother have you read the UNSCR 2231 ?? where does it n 2231 UNSCR that the resolution that 2231 got to insure JCPOA ??

this is 2231 UNSCR .
The JCPOA will produce the comprehensive lifting of all UN Security Council
sanctions as well as multilateral and national sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear
programme, including steps on access in ar
eas of trade, technology, finance, and energy

it says whether Iran obey by JCPOA or NOT military equipment will lifted in 5 years and the same with missile transfer technology sanction whether Iran obey by JCPOA or NOT missile transfer technology sanction will be lifted in 8 years

20.1. Terminate the provisions of Council Regulation (EU) No 267/2012 and suspend the corresponding provisions of Council Decision 2010/413/CFSP specified in Sections 1.1.4, 1.3.2 (in so far as it concerns Articles 15 and 18 of Council Decision and Articles 36 and 37 of Council Regulation); 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 (in so far as it concerns Ballistic Missiles restrictions); 1.6.1-1.9.1 of Annex II.


IRemember how Mr Zarif was advertising this glorious resolution for people?
I already gave the link in which Zarif calls it International document that Americans can't scrap it!.
Zarif didn't tell the truth .watch this .you will understand that JCPOA is just deal and there is no commitment under it and it is not legally binding and can not be took to any international organization

so iran can technically and under low develop and build nuclear propulsion?
aeeeh, so why Rouhani is "threatening" the US with it.
if iran is allowed to do they should do it, i dont understand the logic
I threat someone with something which is not allowed, like "we build ICBM´s", or "we put heavy satelites into orbit"
i think it is again "hot air" from Iran, dont threat but instead JUST DO IT!
the zionists treat you like trash because they know IRAN IS BLUFFING!
As stated earlier, building the reactor is not much of an issue for Iran. We have already shown to have the capability to produce the required components.

What we need is a full design of a nuclear submarine now, not just its reactor.
As stated earlier, building the reactor is not much of an issue for Iran. We have already shown to have the capability to produce the required components.

What we need is a full design of a nuclear submarine now, not just its reactor.

i think blueprints of nuclear submarine designs should be reachable for IRGC (soviet...)
we will see in future, maybe Iran is already working on them
better put more resources into diesel/electric subs with AIP (Air Independent Propulsion)

Which submarine is better, one that is diesel or nuclear?

Mats Österholm, Former Sonar Officer in the Swedish ASW Task Force in the 90's.
Written Jul 31, 2015

For patrolling the High Seas, the nuclear. For defending a country against an enemy invasion, the diesel.

However, an conventional ("diesel") submarine with AIP (Air Independent Propulsion), like the Gotland class, combines the endurance of a nuclear submarine (not quite, it can stay submerged for weeks, not months) with the stealth of a conventional submarine in electric drive. The Swedish Navy's HMS Gotland independently and repeatedly sunk the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan in naval exercises in the Pacific. I don't think there is any other piece of military hardware that can do that.

According to the leading U.S. expert on submarines, Norman Polmar, the Gotland "really ran circles under our carrier battle groups". (my classmate from the Swedish Naval Academy was the captain of HMS Gotland at the time, btw).

The successor to the Gotland class, project name A26, will take the Gotland technology a couple of steps further. It will be able to survive a direct hit from a torpedo, i.e. be virtually unsinkable due to the hull being partially built with a vinyl and carbon laminated PVC core.

In short, it all depends on what you want the submarine to do."

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i think blueprints of nuclear submarine designs should be reachable for IRGC (soviet...)
we will see in future, maybe Iran is already working on them
better put more resources into diesel/electric subs with AIP (Air Independent Propulsion)

Which submarine is better, one that is diesel or nuclear?

Mats Österholm, Former Sonar Officer in the Swedish ASW Task Force in the 90's.
Written Jul 31, 2015

For patrolling the High Seas, the nuclear. For defending a country against an enemy invasion, the diesel.

However, an conventional ("diesel") submarine with AIP (Air Independent Propulsion), like the Gotland class, combines the endurance of a nuclear submarine (not quite, it can stay submerged for weeks, not months) with the stealth of a conventional submarine in electric drive. The Swedish Navy's HMS Gotland independently and repeatedly sunk the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan in naval exercises in the Pacific. I don't think there is any other piece of military hardware that can do that.

According to the leading U.S. expert on submarines, Norman Polmar, the Gotland "really ran circles under our carrier battle groups". (my classmate from the Swedish Naval Academy was the captain of HMS Gotland at the time, btw).

The successor to the Gotland class, project name A26, will take the Gotland technology a couple of steps further. It will be able to survive a direct hit from a torpedo, i.e. be virtually unsinkable due to the hull being partially built with a vinyl and carbon laminated PVC core.

In short, it all depends on what you want the submarine to do."

I also prefer non nuclear AIP submarine, but having a nuclear sub design/manufacturing capability will give a huge boost to Iran's defence industry. And of course, as we can see, such submarine will have huge political value as well.
IR-40 will be enough to power a nuclear submarine..

Heavy water reactors are just not suitable for submarine application,the only reactors that have been used are either light water or liquid metal cooled ie sodium/lead-bismuth.One option that would be feasible for iran to build and operate would be the low powered SLOWPOKE designs which could be used to recharge the subs batteries or run a low speed creep motor,it would also be possible to retro fit these into the kilo class subs,the canadians were seriously looking at dong this with their boats at one point.
Heavy water reactors are just not suitable for submarine application,the only reactors that have been used are either light water or liquid metal cooled ie sodium/lead-bismuth.One option that would be feasible for iran to build and operate would be the low powered SLOWPOKE designs which could be used to recharge the subs batteries or run a low speed creep motor,it would also be possible to retro fit these into the kilo class subs,the canadians were seriously looking at dong this with their boats at one point.
I was thinking of a variant of the IR-40, as I pointed out that Iran was working on different reactor technologies..
my brother have you read the UNSCR 2231 ?? where does it n 2231 UNSCR that the resolution that 2231 got to insure JCPOA ??

this is 2231 UNSCR .
The JCPOA will produce the comprehensive lifting of all UN Security Council
sanctions as well as multilateral and national sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear
programme, including steps on access in ar
eas of trade, technology, finance, and energy

it says whether Iran obey by JCPOA or NOT military equipment will lifted in 5 years and the same with missile transfer technology sanction whether Iran obey by JCPOA or NOT missile transfer technology sanction will be lifted in 8 years

20.1. Terminate the provisions of Council Regulation (EU) No 267/2012 and suspend the corresponding provisions of Council Decision 2010/413/CFSP specified in Sections 1.1.4, 1.3.2 (in so far as it concerns Articles 15 and 18 of Council Decision and Articles 36 and 37 of Council Regulation); 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 (in so far as it concerns Ballistic Missiles restrictions); 1.6.1-1.9.1 of Annex II.


Zarif didn't tell the truth .watch this .you will understand that JCPOA is just deal and there is no commitment under it and it is not legally binding and can not be took to any international organization

Mark my word, you wont see the day of lifting arms sanctions.
This is 2231 resolution:
12. Decides, acting under Article 41 of the Charter of the United Nations, that, if the Security Council does not adopt a resolution under paragraph 11 to continue in effect the terminations in paragraph 7 (a), then effective midnight Greenwich Mean Time after the thirtieth day after the notification to the Security Council described in paragraph 11, all of the provisions of resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), 1835 (2008), and 1929 (2010) that have been terminated pursuant to paragraph 7 (a) shall apply in the same manner as they applied before the adoption of this resolution, and the measures contained in paragraphs 7, 8 and 16 to 20 of this resolution shall be terminated, unless the Security Council decides otherwise;

And to end this discussion:
IAEA Chief Says Iran Remains Committed to Nuclear Deal
means Rohani's order was in the framework of the JCPOA. No actual work, no sh!t.

Any expectation from this lame government in any sector is a pure delusion.
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I was thinking of a variant of the IR-40, as I pointed out that Iran was working on different reactor technologies..[/Q

The ir40 is a heavy water reactor and as such isnt really practical for submarine or naval applications so it wouldnt matter what variant you could come up with,the only serious options are light water or liquid metal and most of the marine versions of these used heu fuel as well,so you can see both the real practical problems and of course the jcpoa problems that iran would face both in designing such a power plant and fueling it.
The ir40 is a heavy water reactor and as such isnt really practical for submarine or naval applications so it wouldnt matter what variant you could come up with,the only serious options are light water or liquid metal and most of the marine versions of these used heu fuel as well,so you can see both the real practical problems and of course the jcpoa problems that iran would face both in designing such a power plant and fueling it.
Please read post # 16 again.. there are light water reactors Iran was working on, they can make a 40 MW reactor from that since they were working on 25 and 100 MW, What I mean in brief is that Iran has the technology for marine nuclear propulsion..

so iran can technically and under low develop and build nuclear propulsion?
aeeeh, so why Rouhani is "threatening" the US with it.
if iran is allowed to do they should do it, i dont understand the logic
I threat someone with something which is not allowed, like "we build ICBM´s", or "we put heavy satelites into orbit"
i think it is again "hot air" from Iran, dont threat but instead JUST DO IT!
the zionists treat you like trash because they know IRAN IS BLUFFING!
The threat comes from the enrichment process, such marine reactors need a 90% enriched Uranium which is the same for making Uranium based nuclear devices..
Please read post # 16 again.. there are light water reactors Iran was working on, they can make a 40 MW reactor from that since they were working on 25 and 100 MW, What I mean in brief is that Iran has the technology for marine nuclear propulsion..
None of these light water reactors exist,none of them were constructed or even started and frankly its doubtful that they exist even as plans/designs on paper,iran only has one indigenous reactor and that is the heavy water ir40 and thanks to rouhani and co that has either been quietly halted/scrapped or if it is continuing its construction,which was already proceeding at a virtual snails pace,has now been set back many more years.The simple fact is that iran,even before the jcpoa gutted irans nuclear program, was years away from being able to design/build the sort of compact high output reactor that could be used on a submarine.This whole naval reactor thing appears to be nothing more than rouhanis rather desperate bluff and bluster bullsh!t in response to obama signing the sanctions bill recently.
None of these light water reactors exist,none of them were constructed or even started and frankly its doubtful that they exist even as plans/designs on paper,iran only has one indigenous reactor and that is the heavy water ir40 and thanks to rouhani and co that has either been quietly halted/scrapped or if it is continuing its construction,which was already proceeding at a virtual snails pace,has now been set back many more years.The simple fact is that iran,even before the jcpoa gutted irans nuclear program, was years away from being able to design/build the sort of compact high output reactor that could be used on a submarine.This whole naval reactor thing appears to be nothing more than rouhanis rather desperate bluff and bluster bullsh!t in response to obama signing the sanctions bill recently.
Iran has also a n indigenous 360 MW reactor..

"In May 2007 the AEOI said it was planning to build an indigenous 360 MWe light water reactor at Darkhowin/Darkhovain on the Karun River in Khuzestan province in the west, close to Iraq at the head of the Gulf. Two Framatome 950 MWe plants were about to be built here in 1970s, and two 300 MWe Chinese plants were planned in the 1990s. The head of NPPD denied that these new ones would use Chinese technology and in October 2008 announced that their design would begin shortly and be completed in six years."

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