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India's War Budget World's 3rd Biggest Despite High Poverty


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

In 2016, India surpassed Saudi Arabia and Russia to claim the 4th spot among the top five defense spenders globally for the first time, according to Jane's Defense. India, a country with 33% of the world's poor, is projected to surpass the United Kingdom to rise to the 3rd spot for defense spending by 2018.

Sources: FT/IHS Jane's (Defense Budgets) and World Bank (Poverty)

India's military spending has grown rapidly from $38.17 billion in 2010 to $50.7 billion in 2016. It is projected to rise further to $56.5 billion in 2018 and $64.07 billion in 2020, according to Jane's. For comparison, India's south Asian neighbor Pakistan's defense budget for 2016 is only $8 billion.

India's rapid rise to the list of world's top defense spenders stands in sharp contrast to the reality that it remains home to the world's largest population of poor, hungry and illiterate citizens. India also leads the world for lack of hygiene, disease burdens and open defecation.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's rule has seen dramatic growth of wealth inequality in India. Top 1% of Indians now own 58.4% of India's wealth, up from 49% in 2014 when Mr. Modi was elected Prime Minister, according to Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2016.

Median wealth data compiled by Credit Suisse for 2016 shows that average Pakistani adult is 20% richer than an average Indian adult and the median wealth of a Pakistani adult is 120% higher than that of his or her Indian counterpart, according to Credit Suisse Wealth Report 2016. Average household wealth in Pakistan has grown 2.1% while it has declined 0.8% in India since the end of last year.

CS Wealth Report 2016 indicates that 50% of Pakistanis own more than $1,180 per adult which is 120% more than the $608 per adult owned by 50% of Indians.

The Credit-Suisse report says that the richest 1% of Indians own 58.4% of India's wealth, second only to Russia's at 74.5%. That makes India the 2nd biggest oligarchy in the world.

The CS wealth data, particularly the median wealth figures, clearly show that Pakistan has much lower levels of inequality than India.

Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI)'s MPI, multi-dimensional poverty index, brings together 10 indicators, with equal weighting for education, health and living standards. In South Asia region, Afghanistan has the highest level of destitution at 38%, according to OPHI's MPI index. This is followed by India at 28.5%. Bangladesh (17.2%) and Pakistan (20.7%) have much lower levels.

Rapid growth in India's defense expenditures conveys Prime Minister Modi's priorities. It seems that he believes the way for India to achieve great power status is through building a massive military regardless of the deep deprivations of the Indian people.

Mr. Modi's massive military buildup poses a serious threat to its neighbors, particularly Pakistan, a much smaller country which was invaded and split in two by the Indian military in 1971. The Indian invasion resulted in the creation of Bangladesh.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2016

India Massive Military Buildup

Modi's Israel Envy

India Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry & Illiterates

India Leads the World in Open Defecation

MPI Captures Depth of Deprivation in India

Its their money and they can use it as they want and where ever they want .. so why should we care ? let them handle their matters ..
statistics.. damned statistics.

Lets take the statement:
India, a country with 33% of the world's poor

which doesnt mean 33% of India is poor. because you are comparing the % of the Indian poor with the total poor of the world. A lot of skewing happens simply because of India's population size.

is that the right indicator to measure poverty vs defense spending?

the more apt indicator would be social spending per person vs military spending per person. do we have numbers for that? then we are talking!

Pakistan military spend per GDP spend is the highest in the world despite its bad poverty (Ignoring Africa)


Pakistan does not even make up to top 15 of that list.

because, @Valar Dohaeris, the list from OP compares absolute values (which dont mean much) while @Mo12 is stating relative values.
Lol. I don't know from whoes anal route do they get these figures.

The 2016-17 Defence budget of India only is 38 billion USD. Not 58 billion USD as the report says.

(Remove the stars with dots )

2.58Lakh Crore in INR corresponds to little over 38 Billion USD.
3% is a lie lol

He is talking about exterme poverty
which stands at earning 1.9$perday
compared to poverty

India has significantly higher extreme poverty. You can check for stats on world bank websites bcz i it might come as surprise but Humans do have a thing called brain which helps us research the truth.

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Though I'd agree that India's budget far lags behind what its military wants it to be; I am glad that the title is aptly named "war budget" because the facade of Defence of India has gone on too long. It is a war budget focused on planned aggression against its neighbours.

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