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Pakistan should Give Palestine and KSA Its Nuclear umbrella

@MastanKhan Would like to hear what you have to say.


Thank you for the invite---. It again falls back to the opportunities missed---. Pakistan would have done a lot for itself and its public by joining the Yemen issue. That would have built up its military strength---.

That would have been the foundation stone for projecting its presence in the region---.

An alliance with Iran is a death trap---whomsoever has Iran alliance with---has seen death and destruction.

The Palestinians signed their own death warrants when they joined with Saddam Hussein twice---first in the 1st GW---and second in the 2nd GW---.

I have great sympathy for the palestinians---but would like to stay away from them.
Ghud ko bachaate bachaate haalat gharaab ho gayi hai and now Palestine and KSA!

I don't think Pakistan can risk the diplomatic backlash from rest of the world.
We are still recovering/dealing with previous embargoes, cant develop our Nuclear power plants bcz of this. You want more embargoes ??

And with hom you will deal in Palestine ?? The president who is in his 11/12 year of 4 year term or tge organization that is classified as terrorist ??

The Saudis would help us in our Future Nuclear ambitions and that could cover a range of developments

What further nuclear ambitions ?? and how exactly KSA can help in it ??
Madness???? Yaar as much as we're existential threat to India.
Germans and french were sworn enemies as well,Given the treatment Dutchland got in the hands of French after WW1.
Need to move on and make the move when it matters as I said in my previous post which you quoted ,The ultimate win should've been to stop Iran allowing India a foothole in Chabahar Port where we failed didn't we?.
India does that to Pakistan all the time using diplomacy to stop selling us arms.

@Sarge You raise good concerns and Rightly so.

Coming to Militarily,well it was a Super military strategy to let Our borders free for the Taliban after 9/11 Wasn't it?,No matter what If you moved army to the Afghan border meant there was never going to be any type of terrorism in Pakistan wasn't it so?
Secondly I know what the war really was about,for Nearly a decade we let those Madmen massacre people around,If it wasn't for Allah call us lucky we would still be getting killed like sheep.
It ultimately took a hundred kids to launch Zarb-e-azb call it your salvation if you will,As much as I hate saying this but I lived through the times when terrorism was at its Highest ,I still remember the day when the Marriott bombing happened.
To make it short had it not been for General raheel ,We would still have Marriott bombings on daily basis.
Who was responsible for the delayed action?
So my dear friend ,I think we both know that some factions like haqqanis we don't target and why should we.
We use people like Hafiz saeed and etc to make Indians cry about it.
Militarily we both know terrorism is going to stay and we ain't going to target some groups,Now I ain't got a problem with that but it Immediately makes any claim of Pakistan and its sacrifices obscure on the International stage.You can counter that by moving your strategic Interests like Nukes to middle east.
So far as deployments are concerned,What deployment is it going to take for those nukes?I'm sure it's going to take less < that of western and eastern operations.
For the geo-strategic alignment you talking about Russia cannot be our friend given what it had done in the past and given what it does with Assad regime in syria,Let's not fool our selves we know how deep they're with the Indians.
Ruskies even dance to Indian media tunes ,Everytime they give the call.
As far as KSA is concerned I don't care about the whole idea of Ummah ,I see it we're all one,That includes Jews and Christians which themselves are divided into Zionism and Judaism just like Muslims.

KSA doesn't have a enemy except Iran,The whole point of moving nukes is that you're already assured that you'll protect the holy sites if they're at risk so Just move the nukes make it official.
The official document should adhere fully that Pakistan would only retaliate in Nukes if its holy sites are at risk.
Second stage of deployment you can do that in Either Jordan or Iran ,Best would be to choose Iran.
The whole thing is based open the fragmented national interests of other countries how you can bring them all together and extract you're national interests,bring them to your Interests and use it to your Advantage on the International stage.
You can do that either by holding back-channel negotiations with Israel assure them that the Nukes are just a political move and won't ever be used because you have Palestinans ss well ,Nt that we hate them.

Or you can do it by threatening Israel with Nuclear retaliation if something frantic happens,Ultimately you can demand that we will only remove the nukes from Middle east If the whole world is focused on Kashmir.

We're best giving away these hafiz saeed's and other Freaks that are no use to Pakistan and their brand of Fake Jihad which we're holding like a Dynamite.
Move Close to India,That's all I can say.
That is the best we can do for our country.
We want Kashmir ,Well you can't get it with direct confrontation.

The greatness and unmatched potential of CPEC make Chabahar and any indian involvement null and void.
The greatness and unmatched potential of CPEC make Chabahar and any indian involvement null and void.

Dude, try and understand both CPEC/Gawadar and Chabahar have different significance. Gawadar is a trading port and lifeline for Pakistan. Chabahar on the other had is almost exclusively for use by India. The Iranians has much bigger and much more developed port at "Bandar Abbas" and a smaller port "Bandar Jask" not too far from Chabahar. Therefore nothing is null and void as long as Chabahar serves India's strategic purpose. :-)
Only Pakistan has nukes and only Pakistan can nuke other nations.
Just to remind you, Israel had nukes 30 years before Pakistan, the defense industry and Hi Tech industry of Israel are far superior to Pakistan, and it's collaborate with western powers and U.S on top of them.
Any sane man will see this is a lunatic idea.
Pakistan has no means to fight Israel, mainly because of it's alliance with western powers, and the pressure it would put Pakistan under for something that just isn't worth it and will gain Pakistan nothing.
So stop including Israel in every thread u're making
Pakistani self identity is linked to nuclear weapons. You have to understand it from their perspective. Their country has achieved literally nothing except for making nuclear weapons in its entire existence.

So what other countries like UK, US, Israel, France, Italy, Germany, Japan....even India, find normal and focus on other more fruitful achievements, Pakistani's don't have that option. So they keep frying the same fish again and again.
This is stupid question. Pakistan is by default protector of KSA. It's because of holy places. Many Pakistani army cheifs and PM's have publicly stated that they will defend KSA at any cost.

It's because of holy places. Many Pakistani army cheifs and PM's have publicly stated that they will defend KSA at any cost.

But against whom? Who will dare cast their evil eye on the Holy Places.

What Weed u r using ... it looks very Good Sh*t ... Please STOP !

Think of it like this,Saudi Arabia is already under Pakistani nuclear umbrella,You would just make it official.

Kashmir is off topic.

So you are saying we have a Burning Border in the East & west .... and yet we get involved in another war with Israel and gove KSA a nuclear cover which will instigate Iran our another neighbor in South ....

Ek TRUMP tha ... EK DrumpF aagaya :hitwall:
I am not sure if the term is correctly used here. Nuclear umbrella should mean protection against nuclear threats. To this day Pakistan itself lacks the said capability. Though I wish every country has this capability to avert the trash that the nuclear weapons are

However, if the OP means providing facility of nuclear weapon use to the said countries, then this might be done by allies in case the whole world goes to war. But before that, I do not see it a wise option at all. Needless escalation.
Pakistani self identity is linked to nuclear weapons. You have to understand it from their perspective. Their country has achieved literally nothing except for making nuclear weapons in its entire existence.

So what other countries like UK, US, Israel, France, Italy, Germany, Japan....even India, find normal and focus on other more fruitful achievements, Pakistani's don't have that option. So they keep frying the same fish again and again.

yeah Pakistan have not achived anything, you are right there so does gangaland. but still we spend 65 out of 70 years with more per capita then roadshitter shupa powa like bharat despite heavy defence spending and conflict ridden history :lol:

Anyway do we need certificate from snake charmers? I think No.. Their butthurt against Pakistan is quit understandable.

On topic, Pakistan have to take some radical steps to make itself relevent in Middle east, taking neutral side is not benefiting us at all especially when conferences for chahbahar are being used for bharti propaganda..
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@MadDog lol what a bunch of interstate relations and diplomacy Winner,Crying about Kashmir in the UN since 1948 Can't do anything about it except crying.
ISIS is taking noble folks and selling em off to Markets for prostitution,All hail the Pakistani diplomacy Because its such a Win that It can't do Shit about ISIS.
At least I'm brave enough to suggest some-sort of Foreign policy for middle-east
At-least I'm brave enough to open a post and suggest a Alternate approach.

@Sinnerman108 Try to make sense ,What the Fu** you saying?

We have nothing to do with wars of Syria and Iraq, being a developing country with a burgeoning population surrounded by unstable Afghanistan and a belligerent India , we have too many issues to fix in our region. Pursuing supreme national interests rationally is basics of interstate relations, opinions/suggestions based on irrational scenarios isnt bravery , its a waste of time
Pakistan should finally move beyond its problems ,Doesn't meant it shouldn't act or forget.
We know that problems like poverty aren't going anywhere when our leaders take around Gigantic Mercedes and protocol,Its time we should make laws to Improve this system.
A poor nation led by one of its wealthiest?
On a larger scale we know that Pakistan doesn't anywhere near holds the International importance and recognition as it used to,During the cold war and Iron curtain Pakistan was the only state that took hold of communist foray by aligning itself with the Western superpowers along with that the fall of East Pakistan also happened due to the very reasons
Yes our Government made their own mistakes which contributed to the fall of East Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to make itself heard on the World stage and stop pretending like Nothing,We've the backing of Iran(future superpower and Important regional player)Turkey and China.
Most Secular Pakistanis hold KSA to a Disregard and blame them for Wahaabi Mullana's,Whatever that is should be forgotten as NAP is working on this.
KSA holds outstanding significance to all muslim's around the world,It is a country with own self importance,Given the fact we already would act if its threatened with aggression,Why shouldn't we take the Saudis under our Nuclear umbrella?
The Saudis would help us in our Future Nuclear ambitions and that could cover a range of developments.

We Already know the problems with Palestine,Moving our nukes into Jordan to provide Palestine a umbrella would be a win/win situation for everybody.
First step should be to hold talks with the Israelite,Convince them that we're here to solve this problem,Just get them in the game,Tell them we don't want to talk about how you made Palestine your home with all the Askenzai and Oranzai whatever jews,We just want peace for Palestinian people,Tell them that a huge chunk of radicalized terrorist groups exist because of this country where you live peacefully that contributed to a sense of betrayal for the rest of the world.
Second step would be to convince Anti-Zionist groups like hamas to lay down arms. Once they do you can create a Palestinian defense force (PDF) and let em protect their borders.

What's in it for Pakistan?
Besides peace for the region,We would create strategic depth for our country and our nuclear arsenal. If Palestine issue comes to a stop,One part of Middle east is automatically going to be repaired,We can demand favors like Military bases in Jordan and Saudi-arabia.
Pakistan can ultimately get its much needed Geo-political significance on the world stage,As currently we're busy cleaning up the mess in our own country but it should be noted that since 1948 we've been fighting war's so our Country is used to it.

seems like a bad idea since Israel has nukes and Iran was close to making their own.

the chances of any country using nukes against Palenstine and KSA are nil, and don't need a nuclear umbrella.
Good list although mine would be shorter.

1. All Indian labour/workers replaced with Pak labour/workers
2. Respect equal to and no more than given to Europeans be established.

I would get KSA to leverage GCC to adopt these two as policy decisions.
Its a competitive market - the gulf.

Why doesn't Pakistan train Pakistanis and skill them so as to increase demand for such workers. Today, India has a fraction more people in Arabian gulf than the Pakistanis but their income/remittances are multiple times more. Answer is simple, Indians earn more. That is because they are more skilled.

I don't understand your entitlement complex. You want to be gifted jobs instead of making your workers compete in an open market?
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