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Pakistan should Give Palestine and KSA Its Nuclear umbrella

don't take any offence
Non taken.

but what is your beef with Indian workers?
Honestly non. I don't care if they are Muslim. I don't have anything against them. All I want is the poor in Pakistan to get a chance to get uplift and at the same time lift Pakistan. It is simple self interest.

India earned $72 billion dollars from GCC the largest single income head from remittances. This could easily all have gone to Pakistan. If I was PM of Pakistan I would place getting preferance to Pak labout by KSA/GCC at top of my list. In fact I would define my leadership on getting just this single policy accepted by KSA/GCC. Earlier I said I would insist also that KSA gives Paks equal treatment as Europeans. Actually I would drop that. Instead just go for one policy.

1. KSA/GCC give preferance to Pakistan workers/labour over all others with immediate effect.

The goal would be replace all Indian labour with Pak labour over 5 years. This would lead to extra $72 billion entering the Pakistan economy - a fugure that would turbo boost it to altogether another level. It would cause a boom and almost wipe out poverty. Government finances would improve drastically and increased taxation revenue would offer the prospect of doubling defence budget and tripling development expenditure. All this would be work extended nuclear umbrella to KSA.
No, not easy.

Good list although mine would be shorter.

1. All Indian labour/workers replaced with Pak labour/workers
2. Respect equal to and no more than given to Europeans be established.

I would get KSA to leverage GCC to adopt these two as policy decisions.

Your wishlist may get fulfilled pretty soon :).
A couple huge companies even denied promotions to Pakistani guys in early 2000s but then hired lots of Indians in late 2000s on managerial posts without having proper knowledge. Result: most of them are now shutting down.
Not joining Yemen conflict gave them the shock they needed :)
Hope that soon we will see their brains working properly.
Non taken.

Honestly non. I don't care if they are Muslim. I don't have anything against them. All I want is the poor in Pakistan to get a chance to get uplift and at the same time lift Pakistan. It is simple self interest.

India earned $72 billion dollars from GCC the largest single income head from remittances. This could easily all have gone to Pakistan. If I was PM of Pakistan I would place getting preferance to Pak labout by KSA/GCC at top of my list. In fact I would define my leadership on getting just this single policy accepted by KSA/GCC. Earlier I said I would insist also that KSA gives Paks equal treatment as Europeans. Actually I would drop that. Instead just go for one policy.

1. KSA/GCC give preferance to Pakistan workers/labour over all others with immediate effect.

The goal would be replace all Indian labour with Pak labour over 5 years. This would lead to extra $72 billion entering the Pakistan economy - a fugure that would turbo boost it to altogether another level. It would cause a boom and almost wipe out poverty. Government finances would improve drastically and increased taxation revenue would offer the prospect of doubling defence budget and tripling development expenditure. All this would be work extended nuclear umbrella to KSA.
Sir, don't you think its kind of blackmailing? How are you so sure that the GCC will succumbed to the pressure? Are they that desperate yet? Considering Israel has shifted their focus to Iran, they don't really face any existential threat to beg Pakistan for nuclear umbrella, nor do they wish to nuke yamen.

If KSA is ever attacked Pakistan will be the first country to come to their defense, Sir, they have the biggest leverage over you, way bigger than nuke, that is Mecca and Madina, Why do they need any official nuclear agreement when we all know Pakistanis will defend the holy sites at all cost? Pakistani nuke umbrella has already been extended to KSA by default, they don't need any official declaration for that

Your wishlist may get fulfilled pretty soon :).
A couple huge companies even denied promotions to Pakistani guys in early 2000s but then hired lots of Indians in late 2000s on managerial posts without having proper knowledge. Result: most of them are now shutting down.
Not joining Yemen conflict gave them the shock they needed :)
Hope that soon we will see their brains working properly.

Can you please provide a source for this bit? I'd really appreciate that.

Considering, Indians are managing and running several Fortune 500 and thousands of other large and small business of diverse sectors and wide array of industries, I find that statement incorrect.
Let's invite KSA for a joint OP in Kashmir first and see their reaction to it ? I mean if KSA is willing to fight a war for us, only then should we be willing to fight their wars. Fair?

Man..you are bursting the bubble of the thread posters...
Sir, don't you think its kind of blackmailing? How are you so sure that the GCC will succumbed to the pressure? Are they that desperate yet? Considering Israel has shifted their focus to Iran, they don't really face any existential threat to beg Pakistan for nuclear umbrella, nor do they wish to nuke yamen.

If KSA is ever attacked Pakistan will be the first country to come to their defense, Sir, they have the biggest leverage over you, way bigger than nuke, that is Mecca and Madina, Why do they need any official nuclear agreement when we all know Pakistanis will defend the holy sites at all cost? Pakistani nuke umbrella has already been extended to KSA by default, they don't need any official declaration for that

Can you please provide a source for this bit? I'd really appreciate that.

Considering, Indians are managing and running several Fortune 500 and thousands of other large and small business of diverse sectors and wide array of industries, I find that statement incorrect.

I can give you a company name where you can go verify this personally, but my source is not published media.

I didn't mean to say that all Indians are so dumb that they just ruin businesses and know nothing else. There are indeed really powerful companies run by Indians.

Just so you know due to my job I am in contact with businesses world over, and I can give you countless examples of Indians' failed attempts of starting up businesses, but that's not the point. The point here is that Indians when hired, will use their power to hire more Indians regardless if the new guys have skills are not, which is what happened to those companies in KSA.
But the million dollar question is why the heck even Arabs need Pakistan umbrella when the US is there to protect them...I think most of us forgetting the fact that US and the West will first come to protect Arabs if anything happens to any of the GCC nations. It is not becasue US is in love with GCC rather there is a huge trade investement relation between GCC and US than US will not have any choice rather than to protect them.
Only Pakistan has nukes and only Pakistan can nuke other nations.
Just to remind you, Israel had nukes 30 years before Pakistan, the defense industry and Hi Tech industry of Israel are far superior to Pakistan, and it's collaborate with western powers and U.S on top of them.
Any sane man will see this is a lunatic idea.
Pakistan has no means to fight Israel, mainly because of it's alliance with western powers, and the pressure it would put Pakistan under for something that just isn't worth it and will gain Pakistan nothing.
So stop including Israel in every thread u're making
Madness????????......indians are an existential threat to Pakistan. Thinking otherwise is in fact Madness. The strength of China and significance of CPEC make other nations participation fairly redundant and meaningless.
Madness???? Yaar as much as we're existential threat to India.
Germans and french were sworn enemies as well,Given the treatment Dutchland got in the hands of French after WW1.
Need to move on and make the move when it matters as I said in my previous post which you quoted ,The ultimate win should've been to stop Iran allowing India a foothole in Chabahar Port where we failed didn't we?.
India does that to Pakistan all the time using diplomacy to stop selling us arms.

@Sarge You raise good concerns and Rightly so.

Coming to Militarily,well it was a Super military strategy to let Our borders free for the Taliban after 9/11 Wasn't it?,No matter what If you moved army to the Afghan border meant there was never going to be any type of terrorism in Pakistan wasn't it so?
Secondly I know what the war really was about,for Nearly a decade we let those Madmen massacre people around,If it wasn't for Allah call us lucky we would still be getting killed like sheep.
It ultimately took a hundred kids to launch Zarb-e-azb call it your salvation if you will,As much as I hate saying this but I lived through the times when terrorism was at its Highest ,I still remember the day when the Marriott bombing happened.
To make it short had it not been for General raheel ,We would still have Marriott bombings on daily basis.
Who was responsible for the delayed action?
So my dear friend ,I think we both know that some factions like haqqanis we don't target and why should we.
We use people like Hafiz saeed and etc to make Indians cry about it.
Militarily we both know terrorism is going to stay and we ain't going to target some groups,Now I ain't got a problem with that but it Immediately makes any claim of Pakistan and its sacrifices obscure on the International stage.You can counter that by moving your strategic Interests like Nukes to middle east.
So far as deployments are concerned,What deployment is it going to take for those nukes?I'm sure it's going to take less < that of western and eastern operations.
For the geo-strategic alignment you talking about Russia cannot be our friend given what it had done in the past and given what it does with Assad regime in syria,Let's not fool our selves we know how deep they're with the Indians.
Ruskies even dance to Indian media tunes ,Everytime they give the call.
As far as KSA is concerned I don't care about the whole idea of Ummah ,I see it we're all one,That includes Jews and Christians which themselves are divided into Zionism and Judaism just like Muslims.
Question here is, what are the chances of a nuclear strike on KSA and by whom? Israel?
I think KSA fears and loathes Iran more than Israel.
So should Pakistan provide a nuclear umbrella to KSA against Iran?
Israel has not listened to any country regarding this aspect. What if Israel asks Pakistan to instead start creating a refugee camp in Jordan as it will soon act to evict every Palestinian from the zone. That will give permanent peace to Palestinians.

KSA doesn't have a enemy except Iran,The whole point of moving nukes is that you're already assured that you'll protect the holy sites if they're at risk so Just move the nukes make it official.
The official document should adhere fully that Pakistan would only retaliate in Nukes if its holy sites are at risk.
Second stage of deployment you can do that in Either Jordan or Iran ,Best would be to choose Iran.
The whole thing is based open the fragmented national interests of other countries how you can bring them all together and extract you're national interests,bring them to your Interests and use it to your Advantage on the International stage.
You can do that either by holding back-channel negotiations with Israel assure them that the Nukes are just a political move and won't ever be used because you have Palestinans ss well ,Nt that we hate them.

Or you can do it by threatening Israel with Nuclear retaliation if something frantic happens,Ultimately you can demand that we will only remove the nukes from Middle east If the whole world is focused on Kashmir.
Putting a nuclear Umbrella in Jordan OR creating, arming and training Palestinian Defence force will put Pakistan directly against Israel, as if India and Afghanistan aren't enough already?
We're best giving away these hafiz saeed's and other Freaks that are no use to Pakistan and their brand of Fake Jihad which we're holding like a Dynamite.
Move Close to India,That's all I can say.
That is the best we can do for our country.
We want Kashmir ,Well you can't get it with direct confrontation.
@Indus Falcon .....Asalam Alikum, sir...Good morning !

Whats your views regarding OP/topic?

I say...make strategic deals with GCC so that we can hold ME with full grip, deals which can be useful in case of war with India rather than towing to Iranian fan boys line and shoo away our close friends in Middle East...

Iranians live alone and also want Pakistanis to get isolated just like them...
@Indus Falcon .....Asalam Alikum, sir...Good morning !

Whats your views regarding OP/topic?

I say...make strategic deals with GCC so that we can hold ME with full grip, deals which can be useful in case of war with India rather than towing to Iranian fan boys line and shoo away our close friends in Middle East...

Iranians live alone and also want Pakistanis to get isolated just like them...
Walikum As Salam, Good morning to you too.

Well my opinion is that we should not jump on the nuclear umbrella. This is not the 60's or 70's we could get into serious trouble. Nonethelss we should definitely improve our relationship with GCC, and use conventional defence as leverage to improve our economy.

You have to keep in mind, the only ones interested in GCC with anything Pakistan has to offer is KSA & UAE. If we can provide proper training and strategy for them, on our terms, then we can further that relationship to improve our economy as well.

The problem arises when our political leadership fails to look beyond the nihari and payee, and work for the betterment of the common man. PA can't do all of this independently. It needs strong political lobbying and support, which is unfortunately non-existent.

Best Regards

So,Pakistan has no more problems left,everything is fine and is reaching out to its ''Ummah'' brothers?
We just hit bloody Utopia.
Threads of these kinds are one of the major reasons of my existence on PDF :D .

Internet kya lagwa liya ghar me kuch bhi threads banaoge :D .
Walikum As Salam, Good morning to you too.

Well my opinion is that we should not jump on the nuclear umbrella. This is not the 60's or 70's we could get into serious trouble. Nonethelss we should definitely improve our relationship with GCC, and use conventional defence as leverage to improve our economy.

You have to keep in mind, the only ones interested in GCC with anything Pakistan has to offer is KSA & UAE. If we can provide proper training and strategy for them, on our terms, then we can further that relationship to improve our economy as well.

The problem arises when our political leadership fails to look beyond the nihari and payee, and work for the betterment of the common man. PA can't do all of this independently. It needs strong political lobbying and support, which is unfortunately non-existent.

Best Regards

Thanks for your comment....:tup:
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