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US Politics

It was hardly an ***-kicking. It was ridiculously close, and you shouldn't be boasting over a hard fought campaign. Show some respect.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

The MSM polls had her winning handily. But even with all her celebrity 'friends', the media in her pocket and her big, corrupt machine the skank couldn't pull it off. A million ball-bags on her chin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!
Sorry, Magical Donuts went with the Unicorn and Fairies into the Fictional Universe long long ago.
Hmm ok.

On topic, the first contact with Trumps side make hope for better relations with US, the talks about strenghtening ties and extraditing Gülen started already.
Hillary was saying she would arm YPG even more, i must say im not upset about the outcome of the election so far, lets see how its gonna develop.
Hmm ok.

On topic, the first contact with Trumps side make hope for better relations with US, the talks about strenghtening ties and extraditing Gülen started already.
Hillary was saying she would arm YPG even more, i must say im not upset about the outcome of the election so far, lets see how its gonna develop.
I'm not upset either, but I think Gary Johnson (3rd party) may have left with the Unicorns too. Only hope is next Presidential election. :cray:
Really? You are going to tell us, the Americans on our political and democratic system? What's the alternatives? Become like China and have no internet or have the local government decide if I should drink Starbucks or just water today? Or my tv should be censored? Or become like the ME, where either dictators rule and people are miserable, or dictators leave and people are still miserable? Or become like Pakistan where a system is never allowed to complete its terms under the failed "slogans" of "the other side is corrupt" and sit-ins and political violence is so ingrained that you wonder what century you live in?

And now the last question, out of which of the examples above, has a system worked to grow to be the biggest over centuries and has created a top line nation, economy and associations to the world? You are right, it is the American system!! If I, today, am authorized to find people for a US visa, citizens from any of the countries I mentioned above, would love to take that visa to the US. Now you'll tell me that our system doesn't work :lol:.

When you use comments like "half a brain", you may want to add yourself to that list also. Thanks
Yes, halfbrain I can and I will.

NOTE: The basic ideas for your system come from Western Europe.
PERHAPS YOU SHOULD NOTE: I didn't comment on your system, I commented on your VOTERS.





Best of luck with your fantasy masturbations.
He also claimed to pay the respect for Hillary, and still being old buddies after the election. Such thing "put her in jail" simply won't happen. This is the political compromisation between the elites.

- Hillary won't go to the jail and the Fed won't get audited.

- Trump will do everything to contain China just like Obama did before.

- Assad still needs to go and Ukraine has to join NATO.

Hillary just lost in the President interview, so he will do her jobs, and the jobs remain the same.

You summed about it up quite well.

Some of the people here who think that there's going to be some super dramatic multi world changes are in for some utter disappointment.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss"

Now with all that being said, I hope a president Trump can affect some change for good.
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It was hardly an ***-kicking. It was ridiculously close, and you shouldn't be boasting over a hard fought campaign. Show some respect.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Shillary got her butt kicked real good, and the moronic left got their rear handed to them.

It's really funny to see Muslim Brotherhood members within the leftist movement with all of those child molesting homos and tranny's. I wonder which version of Islam they are following :lol: .
The MSM polls had her winning handily. But even with all her celebrity 'friends', the media in her pocket and her big, corrupt machine the skank couldn't pull it off. A million ball-bags on her chin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!

Trump really grabbed her by the you know what real good.

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