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US Politics

I can't wait for all of Killarys douche bag friends move to Canada. I once saw a Jay Z concert. It was unwatchable /listenable. Sure, it's just fine for a leftocrat to get all ghettoed up but conservative.... ? They slap you with some kind of "ist" or "phobe". Racist, sexist....... I just got home from work and the wife and I are hoisting Crown Royals and Heinekens to that filthy pig Killarys @ss-kicking. CHEERS !! :cheers:
You will not defile our Heineken, thank you

I hate the MB, In fact i'm pretty sure @mike2000 is back can vouch for me on this.

Oh, okay. I assumed you were judging from some of your previous posts. My apologies. I've come across plenty of MB supporters here in the states and many of them preach one thing and do another. A self contradicting bunch I must say. I'm not sure if they're like that in Egypt.
Yes, halfbrain I can and I will.

NOTE: The basic ideas for your system come from Western Europe.
PERHAPS YOU SHOULD NOTE: I didn't comment on your system, I commented on your VOTERS.


Someone seems pretty hurt. Your knowledge about our system is much less than half-brain you claim to have. Our system was developed on European principles?? Really? This is the level of your knowledge!!

Our system was developed opposing the European and British systems. There is a reason why the British and the European back then had the Kings and Queens (some still do), and we went towards a Presidential system with an Electorate College made up of State's share represented by people. We adapted Fahrenheit and the Brits / Europeans used Celsius. They used 220 volts standard electricity, we decided we'd have 110. They drink Tea, we had a Tea party to show our revolt against them and we said Coffee is our drink. They turn off the switch and in the US, it would actually turn on the light. They had the "kingship", we had and have "The People"!!

So our forefathers, out of hate for their system and to get independence, did everything opposite from them. I don't understand why some people have to stick their nose up others near, just to smell sh-it. If you don't know anything, don't act like a smart Alec. You first tried to insult me, you still had no idea what you were talking about, this is the continuation of the same behavior!!
Someone seems pretty hurt.
Right :crazy:

Your knowledge about our system is much less than half-brain you claim to have. Our system was developed on European principles?? Really? This is the level of your knowledge!!
Enlightment, French revolotion? IDEAS travel, as do founding fathers, notably to Europe (e.g. John Adams, US embassador to Holland, the first state to recognize the US and sign trade agreements with it, thank you)

Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Montesquieu? Adam Smith, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon? Natural rights? Social contract? Ring a bell? Several Americans, especially Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, played a major role in bringing Enlightenment ideas to the New World. The Americans closely followed English and Scottish political ideas, as well as some French thinkers. Ideas of Montesqieu informed early American ideas of government and was a major influences on the Constitution.

Our system was developed opposing the European and British systems. There is a reason why the British and the European back then had the Kings and Queens (some still do), and we went towards a Presidential system with an Electorate College made up of State's share represented by people. We adapted Fahrenheit and the Brits / Europeans used Celsius. They used 220 volts standard electricity, we decided we'd have 110. They drink Tea, we had a Tea party to show our revolt against them and we said Coffee is our drink. They turn off the switch and in the US, it would actually turn on the light. They had the "kingship", we had and have "The People"!!
And you can say this by lumping together Britisch and 'European' political thought? How little your knowledge of thought in European countries, other than Britain.

The Enlightenment is all over the US constitution. Jefferson himself made references to the beliefs of the Enlightenment philosopher John Locke in the Declaration of Independence.

And then there is the 'American enlightenment'

So our forefathers, out of hate for their system and to get independence, did everything opposite from them. I don't understand why some people have to stick their nose up others near, just to smell sh-it. If you don't know anything, don't act like a smart Alec. You first tried to insult me, you still had no idea what you were talking about, this is the continuation of the same behavior!!

Tsk tsk. US PhD Public Administration. Over a decade residence in WashDC. Lots of US relatives. Don't cry.
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Tsk tsk. US PhD Public Administration. Over a decade residence in WashDC. Lots of US relatives. Don't cry.

Obviously your background in Public Administration is far, far away from Political Science and American History, let alone Europeans and Brits. So what happened? No one gave you a work Visa after residency? I thought they were giving it way to everyone with a PhD? May be your PhD wasn't worth anything in terms of career growth? Sorry, sh-it happens. Now I know why you are burnt.
Obviously your background in Public Administration is far, far away from Political Science and American History, let alone Europeans and Brits. So what happened? No one gave you a work Visa after residency? I thought they were giving it way to everyone with a PhD? May be your PhD wasn't worth anything in terms of career growth? Sorry, sh-it happens. Now I know why you are burnt.
Lame response. Because essentially I do know the country, its people and political history (repeat: PhD from a US R1 research university in the DC area: lots of federalism, political culture and -history taught. That is, in addition to my Dutch university degree). I left the US after I met my wife there, who wasn't from the US. So, to sum up, you know nothing. You are the one and only sore looser here.
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Although not precisely American, but since America was founded by Anglo-Saxons and is a majority English speaking nation I think this poem applies, especially now in the current wake of events with the awakening of the White working class and rise of White identitarian movement:

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
@Desert Fox @T-72

A great summation of all those involved that deserve thanks and why there can be no auto-"healing" for those that engaged in filthy despicable unethical behaviour:

"If you cant learn from ethics, you will be made to learn from consequences."

Great quote!
Says the faggot who immigrated to America :lol:

Butt hurt much?
You keep talking about butt hurt and I'm the fag? lol

I wasn't kidding about exploring yourself, dude. They've identified gay rages in homosexual men as the first steps in coming out. So, it fine if you're homo. you can come to terms with it.
Donald trump victory shows most American especially the white are racist.

@gambit and @C130 Both of you better watch out while living in US. Life will never be the same again. I can forsee a lot of backlash for non white americans. :enjoy:
Buddy, for all my yrs, I have experienced more racism outside the US than inside. In England, in continental Europe, in the ME, and in YOUR CHINA.
Apparently having an independent opinion makes me a "White wannabe", and the irony of it all is that the person lobbing this accusation himself left his home country to reside in America, a country founded by White men who owned slaves :lol: Hypocrisy much?
Buddy, for all my yrs, I have experienced more racism outside the US than inside. In England, in continental Europe, in the ME, and in YOUR CHINA.
Now it will be worst. Vietnamese , black or whatever will be treated like dirt. :enjoy:

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