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US Politics


Trump is the true avatar 'of "KALIKI'. Indian-American :[Hindus] believe in the mighty power of Kalki, the Trump who alone could destroy the growing presence of the evil. Based of Vedic astrology, the moon will be in Dhanishtha nakshatra,---a very intelligent and powerful young man. will arrive at the end of Kaliyug, the age of anger/kalli, and will mark the advent of the Satya Yuga. Trump's coming at a time when darkness (evil) is the order of the day. symbolizes the Kalki Avatar

This was slap on Obama's face and Hillary's. For doing what they did to Pakistan back in 2011 and all those Drone strikes. How do you like them apples now?
This was like a revolution, a real movement of the people, the only time it looked like it might face an ideologically rooted strong populist opponent was when comrade Sanders was whipping people into a frenzy on the left, people were very passionate about him, shame he sold out like he did.
Shame indeed. Only Bernie had a real chance of beating Trump, but he backed out under pressure even though he knew he was cheated by the DNC. The GOP tried to cheat Trump as well but Trump fought back rather than back down. I guess Bernie just got tired due to his old age and wanted to get it over with lol.

Finally, Hillary's final rallies with sleazy pop filth like Beyonce, Lady gaga and Miley Cyrus :bad: because nobody would show up to her events was just :sick: I don't know how she got Springsteen but his working class fans went to Trump :police:
Not to mention Madona offered to give free blowjobs to convince voters to vote for Hillary.

Madonna Offers "Free Blowjobs" In Exchange For Votes For Hillary

And yet they say Trump sets a bad example. Whatever Trump said, at least it was in a private conversation (which was publicized against his permission, and most American men do talk like that privately among each other).

crooked h's concession speech and an Obama address coming up. :pop:
Are they really????????

The Turkish government has congratulated Donald Trump for his presidential victory on Nov. 9, while repeating its call for the extradition of U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen, accused of orchestrating the failed coup attempt of July 15.

“We congratulate Mr. Trump,” Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım said. “I am openly calling on the new president from here about the urgent extradition of Fethullah Gülen, the mastermind, executor and perpetrator of the heinous July 15 coup attempt, who lives on U.S. soil.”

Yıldırım added that Gülen’s extradition could mark a “new beginning” in Turkey-U.S. relations.

“I am sure that the strategic partnership of Turkey and the U.S., which is based on a long history, has created an opportunity for the new president, paying attention to Turkey’s sensitivity in the fight against terrorism, carrying forward traditional friendly relations prioritizing peace and security in the region,” he said.

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu also congratulated Trump, vowing to strengthen strategic cooperation with Washington.

“We congratulate @realDonaldTrump, President-elect of the USA. We desire to reinforce with the USA our strategic cooperation based on trust,” Çavuşoğlu tweeted.

Later in the day, Çavuşoğlu said Turkey had always valued its relationship with the U.S.

“We believe that our relations that lie in trust will be further developed with Trump,” he said, adding that he believed relations between the two countries would grow stronger.

Commenting on Gülen, Çavuşoğlu said Turkey was clear in demanding the extradition of the Islamic preacher and that the U.S. should not delay the issue.

Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ, meanwhile, said the U.S. voters had “refused to have their national will dictated,”echoing a theme that the government frequently uses in Turkey.

“Eventually, it is the public who votes. What I see is that as an election strategy, the American public said ‘no’ to having their will be directed,” he said.

Before Trump’s victory became certain, Bozdağ said Turkey would continue to work with whoever wins the presidency.

Bozdağ underlined the importance of public support, arguing that the Hillary Clinton campaign had been supported by the elite segments of society.

“As I looked at the campaigns, I thought Clinton’s stance must be weak to necessitate a campaign from pollsters, television stations, newspapers, sportspeople and artists. I know the elections in Turkey and in other countries and it’s very important to reach the public. If the public supports you, you win. Nobody wins with newspaper headlines, polls and television stations,” he said.

Turkey-US relations to be developed in new term

The minister said Turkey would continue to work with the new president.

“We have joint interests, strategic partnerships, [and] there are many agreements between us. The change of presidents will not bring a radical revision of these relations,” Bozdag said.

We hope US-Turkey relations will be better in this new term of the new president. We anticipate bringing our relationships further than today. We will see what will happen when the new president starts his duty,” he said.

I want to congratulate Donald Trump on his victory. I wish him the best over the next four years.
Shame indeed. Only Bernie had a real chance of beating Trump, but he backed out under pressure even though he knew he was cheated by the DNC. The GOP tried to cheat Trump as well but Trump fought back rather than back down. I guess Bernie just got tired due to his old age and wanted to get it over with lol.
or, they had some dirt on him and the Clinton crime syndicate shook him down.

how retarded of the democrats, though, guy was pulling them in by their thousands and had a bit of a revolution of his own going on the left but no, manipulate the media and take the most evil woman on earth and force her dying *** on the throne, but the 'murricans rejected her crooked ***, big league ! :partay::usflag:

Madona offered to give free blowjobs
the sleaze and filth just never stopped flowing from the spirit cookers' evil vile campaign, you're right about the locker room bit too, men talk about pussy all the time (like some smell like fish and others smell like cheese) it's true :lol: :enjoy:

Are they really????????
yep, watch a CNN stream or something, Hillary will speak soon followed by Obama addressing the nation.

remember this ? :partay:


Sir, every time you run a campaign based on Nationalistic views, "to change the system", and have a couple of groups of people or parties to blame all the mess on, your chances of winning are like 95%. It is hard to beat that type of a campaign as it is working on majority's fears and hitting people's views on how they really feel. The history is filled with these examples like France, India, Brexit in the modern history. You have Mr. Khan who is trying to run very similar campaign. The only difference is, there is no major race in Pakistan (like Whites still make up over 50% of the US). So he hasn't won. But you can see the intensity and anger just like you saw in Trump supporters.

Now let's see if he can really "change" anything. That's very doubtful. But hey, he is our President now and we will give him the respect he deserves (unlike opening up our dirty laundry on this forum the way people do it on here on Pakistan's elected officials).
Since anybody with half a brain should be able to understand that anyone that seeks to get elected for office IN the system, in order to change the system, is likely a fraud, I'm not at all happy with what that says about the US electorate. Anti-government sentiment is so ingrained in that political culture, that no matter how many times a supposed outsider is elected in to change the system and inevitably fails to do so, they keep falling for that line.

On reflection I was loose with my choice of words, but he was meant to get his butt kicked. All the talk 2 hours into the results was...how ugly is this going to get. He's overturned that and instead won comfortably.

Yes, he didn't get 300 electoral votes, but look around - no one is saying Trump just got over the line. The narrative is of a dominant victory.
The electorate did, not Trump. It is a very marginal victory from a close finish. Not an overwhelming victory. But, granted, a victory nevertheless.
I think Trump's policy on Syria, if he really follows through with his words, will be a major departure from the Clinton/Obama (and the Republican policy) of past several years.
But, yes, on China, the game will continue.

The Middle East pivot was made to ensure the petro-dollar hegemony, it has nothing to do with the party or President.

All GOP establishment now supporting Trump has no different view when it comes to the Middle East pivot.

Obama also made a promise of the nuclear free world, but a promise is still a promise, it wouldn't automatically turn into the reality.
Since anybody with half a brain should be able to understand that anyone that seeks to get elected for office IN the system, in order to change the system, is likely a fraud, I'm not at all happy with what that says about the US electorate. Anti-government sentiment is so ingrained in that political culture, that no matter how many times a supposed outsider is elected in to change the system and inevitably fails to do so, they keep falling for that line..

Really? You are going to tell us, the Americans on our political and democratic system? What's the alternatives? Become like China and have no internet or have the local government decide if I should drink Starbucks or just water today? Or my tv should be censored? Or become like the ME, where either dictators rule and people are miserable, or dictators leave and people are still miserable? Or become like Pakistan where a system is never allowed to complete its terms under the failed "slogans" of "the other side is corrupt" and sit-ins and political violence is so ingrained that you wonder what century you live in?

And now the last question, out of which of the examples above, has a system worked to grow to be the biggest over centuries and has created a top line nation, economy and associations to the world? You are right, it is the American system!! If I, today, am authorized to find people for a US visa, citizens from any of the countries I mentioned above, would love to take that visa to the US. Now you'll tell me that our system doesn't work :lol:.

When you use comments like "half a brain", you may want to add yourself to that list also. Thanks
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@Providence What drink have you guy's been drinking in US? A country of 300 million could not find anything better than this loudmouth?

Not that I expect the loudmouth with his fake flashy gnashers to do anything extreme when he assumes office.

I was involved a bit in the Hillary campaign but believe me, we are pretty astonished with the swing state results !

Pennsylvania and Florida in particular have been pretty disappointing. I am a firm believer in democracy though. The system would set thing in right direction when the dust settles every time !

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