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Pakistan India Alliance ?

You know the soviets tried to start a war between us during their invasion of Afghanistan so it can increases there chances of success because the mujahideen will not be helped anymore.

I think US tried to to do the same.
All of the major weapons suppliers would try to keep the bone of contention between us for as long as they can.

They support terror that we feel insecure when we blame each other and then bang on -6 Billion dollar worth of MMRCA or F-16's on either side.
All of the major weapons suppliers would try to keep the bone of contention between us for as long as they can.

They support terror that we feel insecure when we blame each other and then bang on -6 Billion dollar worth of MMRCA or F-16's on either side.

Exactly, I say we go for Mig-35, Stick to the allies , Dont go away, This is one of a kind of Mis adventure....

And More over Why pay those who do not support us?
Sorry brother but this is the first time i have to disagree with you, call me short sighted or what ever.

Only thing Pak-india can agree on is that we live on same planet, that's it. :cheers:

Well we are trying to change that shouldn't we?

Brother we were "FED" this hatemongering by multiple injectors from within and internationally.

A sowrd of Nuclear warfare is hanging 24/7 upon the natives of both countries , dont you want to change this ?

Europeans fought like dogs in the middle ages and till the world wars but now they have figured out how to keep others fighting.

They dont wage wars among themselves anymore and we need to get that message and proceed towards the peace.

I hope you would agree with me now:pakistan:
Exactly, I say we go for Mig-35, Stick to the allies , Dont go away, This is one of a kind of Mis adventure....

And More over Why pay those who do not support us?

NONE of them would EVER do anything that can create peace between us .

They even make sh!t loads of money from our cricket matches as they describe it as a WAR just look at how they think that how stupid we are !

The only thing that is the biggest hurdle in this issue is our EGO and a false sense of Nationalism.

Peace is a blessing and its even bigger than the pride of Nationalism . I wish we make it happen for the greater good of our coming generations.

They might have realised our true potential and made plans that we engage in each other so that development stays arrested.

`sad to see that we are still fighting after independence over a lot of issues ,just the way they wanted us to be.

Benny some folks are critical of me because i stress too much on a third hand on this matter.

Look its easy to understand just pick up the history and see the sequence of the attacks and sour acts of terror and vandalism that happened.

In 2000 we were fighting like bulls , all of our forces were on the border , I still remember the scenes in Pakistan where PAF was on red alert and jets were flying all the time.

It sounds epic and romantic but its not as it looks . There are many players who dont want us to stay in peace in prosperity.

Then We finnally realized that peace is the way and forces were pulled out and those who were responsible for that escalation took the medal of honor of mediating this Issue isn't it pathetic ?

Its easy to find those players who do all this , just look for those who benefit from our wars:coffee:
Benny some folks are critical of me because i stress too much on a third hand on this matter.

Look its easy to understand just pick up the history and see the sequence of the attacks and sour acts of terror and vandalism that happened.

In 2000 we were fighting like bulls , all of our forces were on the border , I still remember the scenes in Pakistan where PAF was on red alert and jets were flying all the time.

It sounds epic and romantic but its not as it looks . There are many players who dont want us to stay in peace in prosperity.

Then We finnally realized that peace is the way and forces were pulled out and those who were responsible for that escalation took the medal of honor of mediating this Issue isn't it pathetic ?

Its easy to find those players who do all this , just look for those who benefit from our wars:coffee:

These comments sums up everything.

I agree with black blood in the above posts - we have to see and learn from the Europens here.they fought among themselves for so long,but when it came to development,they are just so-operative and they all developed together. Infact they are still earning money out of the war between india and pakistan...the more we fight, the more we lose and never develop.
These comments sums up everything.


Britts did what they wanted to do to us and still they are reaping the fruit of discort amongst us.

Benny its an everyday example isn't it ?

I suppose the problems between us is not those that cant be solved neither is an alliance unacchievable .

All we have to do is to be optimistic & have faith in ourselves , we dont need any mediators or Mutual friends to get us on the table.

Its us & our ego , the difference between yours and mine , us and them.

I have started this thread for this sole purpose that we can check the mental stance of our youth on both sides.

We dont have anymore time to waste as EU is progressing leaps and bounds and doing experiments on the creationg of the universe where we are licking rocks.
I agree with black blood in the above posts - we have to see and learn from the Europens here.they fought among themselves for so long,but when it came to development,they are just so-operative and they all developed together. Infact they are still earning money out of the war between india and pakistan...the more we fight, the more we lose and never develop.

We both are the biggest loosers in this game.
Blackblood, I must commend you on your attempts to go beyond the obvious hate and thinking on both sides. I don't normally agree with what you say (its true LOL), but 10 out of 10 for trying!
We often think problems like 'Kashmir dispute' , 'Indus water', 'Border dispute' are major hinderance for peace in sub-continent. Basically most of these problems have no logical solution as emotion and ego of population have been attached with them. It is not possible for leaders of any country-Pakistan or India to convince people of their countries if logical solution favours the other one. Now imagine a situation like EU- where people, capital, resources, investment can move freely within Pakistan-Afghanistan-India-Srilanka-Nepal-Bhutan-Bangladesh-Mayanmar..........these border disputes, Kasmir issue, water issue will be meaningless. Because anyone from this South Asian Bloc can move to Kashmir, natural resource like water will be shared most prudent way, and border will become a historical concept as it will no more restrict people.

Unfortunately , we are making the mistake of waiting to get these problems solved first. Egg first or Hen first - the historical problem.
Thank You black Blood, its time for my contribution to this thread...

India or Pakistan, we were separated to run the western markets , Agree with me or not, This is how its working.... They had a Long term Planning that they can make it out by depending on our expenditures. United India-Pakistan Is not of there Interest... Our partition was of strategical Importance to them than for any Interest in us..

26/11, Every one knows only what Happened after that, But does any one know what happened before that? India-Pakistan went on for a huge leap to step ahead in future as natural allies by beginning it with a Joint military exercise,But before it was even materialized, This thing happened.....

Dont You think there certainly is an External force Acting On us??

USA supplies weapons for Pakistan, It Offers better weapons to India, And They are against an Arms race and Imbalance according to them, How on earth could that happen??

If India-Pak Unite, it would be a hard Hit on the face Of West....

We both Share the Same Blood... According to the western studies, It says that Indo-pak conflict is bound to happen, How do they know?? The answer is they know and are sure of there strategies against us...

So People, Stop hating each other....

Would You for a day atleast stop replying to hate posts in the forum and Stop create a hat post on this forum, today for a change lets make merry, Love and friendship and keep this day as PDF friendship day... And see every day we will prosper

Coming from a Indian army major, I have no choice but to agree
Blackblood, I must commend you on your attempts to go beyond the obvious hate and thinking on both sides. I don't normally agree with what you say (its true LOL), but 10 out of 10 for trying!

Difference of opinion is the most beautiful thing ever , i love it:coffee:
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