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India not opposed to Pakistan's membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group: Swaraj

Looking the past history of Indian intervention in Pakistani affairs and occupations . Indian Merit is strange word. Indian Merit means, anything goes against Pakistan matches the Indian Merit.
Its more easier for pakistan to convince nsg members for membership except pakistan lack of ambitions than india to convince nsg members so all in all a just diplomatic statement to lure pakistan. Go hell india we will oppose your membership whatever you do in favor or against our membership.
How was the situation any different before this statement?

India not supported pakistan before, we have done.Now chinese and pakistan stand vs india become difficult. If you again object india's membership means you will both loose credibility and ethics on NSG in front of other members.Pakistan will not loose because they will never get NSG and never expect, since it will opposed by west tooth and nail and not india.India's objective will be done by west.

Its more easier for pakistan to convince nsg members for membership except pakistan lack of ambitions than india to convince nsg members so all in all a just diplomatic statement to lure pakistan. Go hell india we will oppose your membership whatever you do in favor or against our membership.

India actually do not need to oppose your bid, since that job will be done by west.

You own former prime minister told that pakistan nuclear proliferation responsible not only lyes or limited to AQ Khan but also many of your own institutions/peoples.So how can west support pakistan for membership and you can't blame west for that...There is no escape..
India not supported pakistan before, we have done.Now chinese and pakistan stand vs india become difficult. If you again object india's membership means you will both loose credibility and ethics on NSG in front of other members.Pakistan will not loose because they will never get NSG and never expect, since it will opposed by west tooth and nail and not india.India's objective will be done by west.

India actually do not need to oppose your bid, since that job will be done by west.

You own former prime minister told that pakistan nuclear proliferation responsible not only lyes or limited to AQ Khan but also many of your own institutions/peoples.So how can west support pakistan for membership and you can't blame west for that...There is no escape..
Credibility issues are nothing but a cheap diplomacy. India in the past done proliferation. Canada did the same and so many western countries. You are not living in a perfect world where ethics counts. We also dont need your vote in favor of us so thank you but no thank you.
We will opose you and continue to do so and our allies will do same irrespective of what you sell in the west so keep continue your hardwork for getting nsg and we will do the same.
Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj while addressing a press conference on Sunday said India will not protest Pakistan's entry to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

"We are not opposed to any country’s entrance into NSG based on merit, including Pakistan," Swaraj said, according to Indian media.

Swaraj also clarified that China is not opposed to India's membership of the NSG, amid reports of Indian Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar's 'unannounced' visit to China last week to woo Beijing's support for entry to the NSG.

According to The Hindustan Times, Swaraj said China is only discussing the criteria procedure.

"I am hopeful we will be able to convince China as well [over India’s NSG membership bid], I am in contact with 23 nations; one or two raised concern but I think there is consensus," Swaraj said. "We are trying to ensure that India becomes a member of NSG by the end of this year."

India has decided, with the help of state governments and cabinet ministers, to reach out to almost all countries in the world by the end of 2016, Swaraj said.

"... we got the waiver in 2008 and before that the criteria and the process were decided, based on which we got the waiver. I think instead of talking about criteria with respect to our bid, our track record should be discussed,..."
The waiver was a wrong step aimed at justifying exceptions and discrimination. It negated a criteria based approach. International matters, especially the ones raleted to nuclear technology and nuclear weapons, cannot and must not be handled on ad-hoc basis. A well thought out policy must be formulated that treats all members of international community uniformly without any discrimination. BTW, while talking about the track record, Indians have the dubious distinction of introducing nuclear weapons in the subcontinent by detonating a nuclear device in1974. More disgracefully, that device was made of the fissile material stolen from nuclear reactors given to Indians under 'atom for peace' agreements. Indians, having consistently acted rogue in nuclear and missile technologies, deserve more of being penalized and punished rather than getting rewarded with NSG membership.
India not supported pakistan before, we have done.Now chinese and pakistan stand vs india become difficult. If you again object india's membership means you will both loose credibility and ethics on NSG in front of other members.Pakistan will not loose because they will never get NSG and never expect, since it will opposed by west tooth and nail and not india.India's objective will be done by west.
First go read the case opposition is perusing against India's 'solo' entry to NSG then come back and give us integrity lectures.
Both sides are thinking its their diplomatic victory whereas in essence it is NOTHING more than just a repitition of what the Chinese wanted and the US compromised to make happen; Pakistan wants in the NSG, the US wants it in on merit and knows it will be difficult due to the AQ khan episode and let India know that is the case.

Hence now, it is upto Pakistan to now convince the NSG that it has the merit to be part of it.. and if it goes through.. both India and Pakistan get what they want.

What happens in the back channels is everyone's guess but regarding this whole saga, following is the news which was reported.

1. China bases it's vote on account of Pakistan also getting admission to NSG, implicitly saying both have merit for China.
2. China wants India to endorse Pakistan for NSG.
3. India denies any opposition to Pakistan, says let NSG decide on merit.
What happens in the back channels is everyone's guess but regarding this whole saga, following is the news which was reported.

1. China bases it's vote on account of Pakistan also getting admission to NSG, implicitly saying both have merit for China.
2. China wants India to endorse Pakistan for NSG.
3. India denies any opposition to Pakistan, says let NSG decide on merit.
I doubt 3 happened that easily , but I think China sticking its ground against the US eventually had India also keeping quiet.
As such the NSG is a prestige group better suited for those seeking uranium for energy production and otherwise.
Credibility issues are nothing but a cheap diplomacy. India in the past done proliferation. Canada did the same and so many western countries. You are not living in a perfect world where ethics counts. We also dont need your vote in favor of us so thank you but no thank you.
We will opose you and continue to do so and our allies will do same irrespective of what you sell in the west so keep continue your hardwork for getting nsg and we will do the same.

It is up to you to define as per wish and fanstasy, your country has been caught red handed like what happened to Osama.By the way what are you allies other than China or to some extend Turkey, even though turkey did not make opposition just few days back entry of MTCR for India.China is just using you to counter India and not because of any love affair with your country.In this world there is no friendship only self interest.They are just supporting you just like how they support North korea and their behaviour is nothing new and that's why west never consider china as a responsible nation, even though they do large trade.Once chinese feels that keeping and supporting pakistan become liability they will trash like how US doing now.You country do not have economical,moral,political or military muscle to counter india and that's why west keep on supporting india no matter how good your relation with china.
I doubt 3 happened that easily , but I think China sticking its ground against the US eventually had India also keeping quiet.
As such the NSG is a prestige group better suited for those seeking uranium for energy production and otherwise.
Sometime fail to understand, is there any advantage of being member of NSG. Pakistan already doing , what it suppose to do. One aspect for sure, the day Indian get NSG membership, they put all there sanction to oppose Pakistani membership. Pakistan or China can not trust India at all. Even it say , they will help to get membership.
Its just like they blackmail Benazir Bhutto on Siachin issue.
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I doubt 3 happened that easily , but I think China sticking its ground against the US eventually had India also keeping quiet.
As such the NSG is a prestige group better suited for those seeking uranium for energy production and otherwise.
Possible, but if the reporting is accurate it does seems that China's has delinked India and Pakistan for NSG. Before it looked like China would not give any leeway to India.
And when it is said to them that don't create disturbance(fitna), they say (that) we are but reformers...
we are not dumb to understand this

India will always oppose Pakistani entry into the club once they are part of the club
Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj while addressing a press conference on Sunday said India will not protest Pakistan's entry to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

"We are not opposed to any country’s entrance into NSG based on merit, including Pakistan," Swaraj said, according to Indian media.

Swaraj also clarified that China is not opposed to India's membership of the NSG, amid reports of Indian Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar's 'unannounced' visit to China last week to woo Beijing's support for entry to the NSG.

According to The Hindustan Times, Swaraj said China is only discussing the criteria procedure.

"I am hopeful we will be able to convince China as well [over India’s NSG membership bid], I am in contact with 23 nations; one or two raised concern but I think there is consensus," Swaraj said. "We are trying to ensure that India becomes a member of NSG by the end of this year."

India has decided, with the help of state governments and cabinet ministers, to reach out to almost all countries in the world by the end of 2016, Swaraj said.

& India knows there'll be lot many others to do that job. Since consensus is the name of the game in NSG..India can afford to choose any side as per convenience. At the moment it's the Chinese nod that counts.. If this statement helps in that effect..so be it!
we are not dumb to understand this

India will always oppose Pakistani entry into the club once they are part of the club

India will support any country based on MERIT.

Pakistan's entry will be opposed by the west even it is supported by india.So you have to convince west and not india
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