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India not opposed to Pakistan's membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group: Swaraj

Very simple mathemtics... Yea India dont oppose NSG/Pak reason is very simple... India seriously not care whether Pakistan become a member or not... actually India looking for UNSC permanent seat which is not going to happen until India become part of all other related groups like IAEA, NSG, MCTR etc etc etc... so US and India is one on this page.. India want to become a Permanent member of UN and US fully support India... there is a new tactics... keep and cpam plau the game thats what Americans told Indians.. play the game smartly.. don't overjoy on everything.. keep less noise on everything we will make u to the permanent seat now India start passing such statements.. the biggest hurdle in all this for india is China...

Chinese are more opportunity mindset than any one else except may be US.When China keep on objecting every thing against india, it is more going to loose than achievement since chinese will be out in many major indian business opportunities.This is one way good for india since we can become more closer to west and get more sensitive technology, business relationship with them and does not think much about cheaper,cheapest etc on bids since we are not need to consider chinese companies bid etc.Even though chinese can grab some projects from india, but the basic rivalry will utimately benefit india and indian companies.

Yet another clownish one liner from a particular admin. The inferiority complex is real.:woot:

It was a safe bet. Pakistan is not exactly the most popular country when it comes to all things nuclear and your politicians who FYI suck at their jobs are not doing you any favours when they confuse an arty shell for a nuke.

What Pakistan can do , though unlikely, is make China stick to its guns and that is pretty much it. Getting the consensus of 40+ nations is beyond the scope of Pakistan's FO.

Pakistan already know that they are not on the way on NSG neither keeping a slight hope for that.The only chest thumping is to scuttle an indian nsg admission like doing a spoil game,nothing else.The chinese also want to do the same.
Yea,as they were not opposing 8 F-16s...Liar Aunty.
Yes we do believe that .India ever since Pakistan came into existence has tried to nail down Pakistan in every way possible ,bunch of lies as India did in 1948 for Kashmir coming back from Kashmir was a big mistake by Pak planners .Pak should never trust India in any way possible .

Well we didnt force you to believe this .You knows ,we knows and entire world knows this is just a diplomatic game.
Why not agree on both joining together(at the same time),problem solved?

India can only negotiate and promise things that are under its control like not objecting to Pakistan's application in NSG or China's application in MTCR. It cannot promise things that are out of its control like having US support Pakistan's NSG application.

So your grievances need to be taken to where the problem lies.
As far as I know, this move is for China as we have had an unofficial sort of agreement that China won't block India's bid if India endorse Pak's bid for NSG. Now next hurdle is Turkey. Hopefully we'll find a way there too.

What foolishness? How can India endorse Pakistan's bid when India is not even a member of NSG? The ignorance displayed here is astonishing. Do you think China would fall for that, i can only lol at the delusions here. Mark my words there will be no NSG for neither India or Pakistan in this moment and if by chance one gets it i am assuming India than Pakistan too be will granted the same. There is only a 0.01% chance that India now gets it and Pakistan does not.
What foolishness? How can India endorse Pakistan's bid when India is not even a member of NSG? The ignorance displayed here is astonishing. Do you think China would fall for that, i can only lol at the delusions here. Mark my words there will be no NSG for neither India or Pakistan in this moment and if by chance one gets it i am assuming India than Pakistan too be will granted the same. There is only a 0.01% chance that India now gets it and Pakistan does not.


First of all cut the caps. It is considered as shouting. As for the diplomacy this is more of a desperation move by India since she thought she had it figured all out and just because it has the backing of the US, she can have her way. Well guess what India thought wrong. And so your minister coming out and saying India does not oppose to Pakistans bid only showed India's desperation and quite frankly made a fool out of her. Because India's endorsement does not mean jack shit in this case.
First of all cut the caps. It is considered as shouting. As for the diplomacy this is more of a desperation move by India since she thought she had it figured all out and just because it has the backing of the US, she can have her way. Well guess what India thought wrong. And so your minister coming out and saying India does not oppose to Pakistans bid only showed India's desperation and quite frankly made a fool out of her. Because India's endorsement does not mean jack shit in this case.
It seems West desperation to push India to stand tall against China. Because , Chinese progress in all field leave India miles behind. After NSG, next push will be UN seat to counter China in SC.
It seems West desperation to push India to stand tall against China. Because , Chinese progress in all field leave India miles behind. After NSG, next push will be UN seat to counter China in SC.

Not west but US alone. Infact West is pretty happy dealing with Chinese and do not want to be part of another Coldwar. US on the other hand is looking for a pawn and they have found one in India. Modi's recent attitude does not suggest otherwise as he is heavily tilting towards the US. Do remember how John Mccain said few days back that it is up to India to show how much it is willing to showcase her support. US isnt just going to continue supporting India without getting anything back. If India resists it can expect a cold shoulder if not than it is lurking in dangerous waters. China's recent scuttling of India's bid is a showcase of just that. Permanent seat at the UNSC is a far fetched dream.
Well its big question, last year Indian worker from US sent $10,844 mn recorded foreign remittances .
Looks like the Chinese squeeze is working.
I will read the full game, I am assuming this is done by India in discussion with other friends. India will not object but someone else will object to Pakistan. As I see either India will go to NSG or not but Pakistan will surely not go.
There is a pond in which 48 blue fish are swimming and only blue fish are allowed in the pond as an established principle.
Now two yellow fish are outside the pond and want to join in.
The yellow fish A says that it has no problem if the yellow fish B also comes in.
It doesn't even matter if the fish A has a problem with fish B or not.
The pond's rule says that only blue fish ( NPT signatory ) fish are allowed in.
Many fish inside the pond agree that the yellow fish A can join but the pond's rules say NO.

Well its big question, last year Indian worker from US sent $10,844 mn recorded foreign remittances .
only that ? India is the second biggest importer for US arms and $10 billion is only 4% of India's $360 billion reserves.

Well I bet Trump is your favorite for US presidency.
only that ? India is the second biggest importer for US arms and $10 billion is only 4% of India's $360 billion reserves.

Well I bet Trump is your favorite for US presidency.
lolzz... reserve is something else. Well, 6.5 billion ow to Iran is just peanuts , but still issue is not resolved. I am undecided about US next Pres
On merit. That was indeed a master stroke.
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