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Erdogan terms Pakistan Turkey’s best friend

This kind of statement doesn't reflect well on Pakistan especially when Pakistan is trying to repair damaged relationship with Russia. With Turkey asking for trouble in recent event with Russia, best for Pakistan to maintain distance from Turkey as much as possible.

We will stand by turkey even against Russia

That will be stupid since Turkey is asking for trouble just by poking the bear. The recent action of Turkey suggests not only Turkey is stupid and arrogant but allegedly involvement with ISIS in term of oil trade by Russia indicates Pakistan should stay away from Turkey and any Arab nation that promotes terrorism on large scale.
But if you talk about Russia, then Pakistan needs to stay neutral. We can NOT afford to mess with Russia and Pakistan's relation with it. We need to check on our priorities. Pakistan should be top priority before anything else.

Even if Pakistan affords any further mess, it should stay out of any conflict.
There's no need to be over emotional and bring fights of others into your home.
"Turk President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey considers Pakistan its best friend and Turk government and the people wanted to see Pakistan progressing."

Compare to:

"Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, now describes Turkey as Syria's best friend, while Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's prime minister, publicly calls Syrians his brothers."

Turkey, Syria's new best friend, The Guardian, 10/1/2009

Moral: With "friends" like Erdogan, who needs enemies?
We want a solid message , not pleasantries. We as people of Pakistan want to see Military give a proper message to Turkey cooperation on "ALL fronts" to deal with any enemy of state

This is the time to show solidarity with Turkey !!

That Pakistan and Turkey are secular faces of Muslim world , with democratic governments , and the people of both country will stand by each other and face any Bear or Tiger or Crocodile

Respect territorial boundaries of Turkey and Pakistan
Turkey is a friend. Russia is all international politics. Russians don't love Pakistan, they just need Pakistan on their side because they are getting isolated in the world. When shit hits the fans, you will have people standing with you that cares about you genuinely. Turks and Pakistan share history, Religion, and many Pakistanis even their heritage, since Turko-mongol rulers of sub-continent Mughals and his father Timur was from same Central Asia where ottomans Turks originated from.

We just share religion. Nothing else! Our culture and traditions are different. Turks enslaved us for centuries. And if you talk about religion and make it the base to be "friends" with Turks. Then We need to understand that even Bangladesh got separated from us p even after sharing the faith. What about Iran and KSA? They share the religion too. And I'm sure you know, Mughals were Turks too. If you don't, need to do some researching on it. Want to keep this friendship, but we have to see our interests as well.
You Pakistanis are Turk not Pakistani. I am feeling sorry for nationalism of entire world after reading your comments here. I wish I hadn't read your comments.

Beloved Pakistan is not only best friend but also brother and so is our beloved syrian and all arab brothers and asian brothers and sisters

Why does our friendship disturb you?

Why cant Turks have friendship with india? You watch bollywood movies:) We like your sweets and kabab.

Turkey and India should be ally. Turks are very secular and modern. You all should have alliance with India
What we have always been told here in Turkey by media and officials is that Pakistan is/was one of our best friends in the world. So, we think/believe it is. And a friend must always back his friend not only when things go smooth but also when got in trouble. This is what our culture say us.

Russia violated our airspace more than once , and got punished for. This simple.

Rusia may have more military gears than us. But they dont have the brave hearth which Turkish soldiers have. This comes from not a young keyboard warrior but from some one who spent long time in Turkish Army. I dont think the world witnessed such a great brave soldiers ever. I dont think there is a soldier on earth other than Turkish who goes to war like going to a wedding. I saw it by my own eyes, i am the witness.

So do we value this friendship. But keep this in mind, it is not the best 'friendship' we have in our lives. Yes we should even die and give our back to our best buddies in the time of need. But we have to see our interests as well. Because it's national or international based friendship. Pakistan is already facing so much. Fighting with terrorism, corrupt government, poor establishments, poverty, and so much more. We should be there for Turkey, but with drawing some limits. No one actually gives priority to any other state over its own country. And that totally makes sense. :)
I must add one thing, it's not the matter where we need to think emotionally. We need to see the ground realities. :)
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