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Muslim Indians Should Demand A Seperate Nation:--

All the separatist movements in India are ignored by the world, as India does not serve the purpose to worlds interests.
Hmm....Did not specify, shias, Ahamddiyas or Sunnis. Will be better to specify, instead of going the PAkistan way..like so:
Pakistan was not merely created only for muslims but exclusively for the ancient people of IVC.

Sorry,the indian muslims are your brethen and if they want,they should create a seperate country for them..

For we Pakistanis,a Pakistani hindu value more and is more closer to heart than a indian muslim

I think Ahmadis should demand a separate nation in Pakistan. They were considered as Muslims during partition and subsequently declared non Muslims by Pakistan officially. It is a kind of treachery that does not have many parallels in the history. Since Pakistanis believe in the two nation theory, it is only logical for them to ask for a separate country. I expect Pakistanis, who are not hypocrites by nature, to support such a movement.
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Gentlemen and ladies,

It gives me great pride to start this thread----. A lot of changes have occurred in the indian sub-continent in the last year or two.

The relationship of the hindus towards other minorities has taken a dive for the worst. The persecution of the Christians, Sikhs and muslims is reaching new heights.

The ban on eating cow meat and the execution of those who do---is going to setup a new trend in the hate relation between the different ethnic groups of Hindustan.

With the police and state agencies supporting the hindu extremists and participating in the killing of the minorities----gentlemen---and ladies----I give the muslims of India a new slogan----


that constitute almost 1/3rd the population of india---so they should ask for 1/3rd the land to create their own state.

It is about time---that the indian muslims come out of the subjugation and the rule of tyranny and ask for their rightful position in the society and a country of their own.

I would recommend the Pakistani readers on ths thread---those who have feelings and have writing skills and better knowledge about this issue----to propagate this idea in all the web pages and threads that they can come up----write up in the news papers and if they knw any TV hosts----let us start a movement----.

Let payback those who wanted our separation and breakage----. This is the time---this is the place---let us start a movement---let us forget our differences for a while----gentlemen and ladies---let us do this for Pakistan.

@Indus Falcon @PWFI @WebMaster @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Shamain @Akheilos @fakhre mirpur @Raja.Pakistani @Color_Less_Sky @Think Tank consultants @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Humble Analyst

My apologies to other Pakistanis---if you read this thread spread it like a wild fire---and if you know anyone in the Pakistani media---ask them to talk about it---.

Let this be my salvation for the sins that I have committed in my life---make me proud----light the fire---start the fire---let it burn---let it rip---. Pakistan zindabad----Pakistan zindabad---Pakistan zindabad.

They have seen the result of separate Muslim nation and that is why they are unable to dare that. Before any of such movement starts, Baluchistan and sindh shall be a reality. Separate Sindh, baluchistan seems much more feasible before any of such movement starts.
Yawn, nothing of substance in your post.
Just the usual circlejerk over being a mighty shupa pawa.
How do resources come into this?
Resources aren't coming into play here, kiddo.
In a country where during election times, parties will sponsor the murder of innocents just for votes, I think this resource advantage don't matter at all. Just hand some nutters some guns, watch as party goondas and fundies machine gun eachother up, let the kulcha warriors and sickular liberal fascists engage in their verbal wars on the TV and internet and watch India implode.

Use you brain before commenting...I know Pakistanis are not know for that, but try. Understand your country's position, image and resources and its capabilities before proposing such nonsense ideas. Do you think India will keep quite if you interfere in India's internal affairs. You do one thing in India and India will do 10 things in Pakistan. In the end you will loose and loose badly.
@Joe Shearer , @SarthakGanguly , @vsdoc :lol: :enjoy:

U guys don't understand what u're supporting here its genocide of millions . U think Muslims will raise their voice and Pakistan would raise their cause and tadda a new country . Sorry but things will be a lot different , u won't see any civil war u will see riots of different scale spreading in different parts of the country . Here Muslim community is strong in places dominated by them like Old Delhi here. Its same story for rest of the cities and then there are Muslim villages in rural parts. When such a uprising will happen (if it ever happens) u will see security agencies fortifying such places to prevent uprising from spreading , leaving millions of Muslims in other parts alone and at the mercy of our Police which never reaches at time.

Not to mention most of hindus don't care about this religious halla gulla but when we'll see this separation drama things will change . And lol at fools who think dalits wants a different country u guys know nothing about us.

But good luck with the party. :partay:

P.s I don't support killings they're also my brothers just like Hindus.:angel:
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You can clearly see the guy was delusional when he included the entire North-Eastern region into East Pakistan and you are too, if you actually think it was possible. lol Trust me I'm from there and we rather be in the union of India. Though the beef ban was an *** move by the government.

I don't frankly flying shillings about your land. Rehmat was only interested in the five provinces in north west, Punjab, NWFP, Balochistan, Sindh and Kashmir which would make Pakistan as you can see if you read his "Now or Never" pamphlet published in 1933 which reflected what Allama had declared in his speach in 1930. Rest was just a sop for other regions.

I was just supporting this as a pressure tactic like you guys support BLA in Balochistan. Rest not bothered. That north west is sacred to me because ..... well I come from there.

The best of the best. Land of history. Cradle of civilization. Land proud people. :-)
Do you think India will keep quite if you interfere in India's internal affairs. .

Haha, we've allegedly been funding and training militants for the last...20 years? It seems every day another illiterate Punjabi madrassa students wanders past your highly-equipped borders and fills up a couple of your security forces with lead and then waltzes back. It's true Indians won't keep quiet. We hear your moaning regularly. On Facebook, on Twitter, on this site, in the Youtube comment section...pretty much everywhere. Apart from the usual randi rona we hear from Indians, what possibly could they do if they've only farted after numerous cross border attacks?
Understand your country's position, image and resources and its capabilities before proposing such nonsense ideas

Yawn....waiting for the shupa pawa diatribe, references to inventing 0, Chanakya's ancient magic inside you lot....
Dude, we all know you guys invented space ships 3000 years ago. Mighty stronk India isn't immune from anything. Kashmiri militants regularly tear you cucks a new a**hole every few months despite you being a shupa pawa and all that. When your big stronk Modi is going easy on Hindu terrorists and his party is making statements which suggest they support the current lynchings, India is pretty much vulnerable to a Hindu fundie movement.
That's quite a lot of enclaves, would certainly be a nightmare for geography students. Though I appreciate the extra land for us, the name needs a change.
You could give moral support but I think it will do more harm than benefit Pakistan.

As I said in my previous post, 1947 has come and gone. There are very few chances for new Pakistans. The solution for Hindus and Muslims in India is not division, but unison. India has always been proud of its unity in diversity, the need of the hour is strengthen and cement it.


Indeed 1947 has come and gone---and there s a new bloody dawn on the horizon---and that is the split up of india into further smaller pieces---.

1947 did not see the enough sub-division of india.

And you Indians are lucky that I don't have money too start up a movement----otherwise---!!!!
Haha, we've allegedly been funding and training militants for the last...20 years? It seems every day another illiterate Punjabi madrassa students wanders past your highly-equipped borders and fills up a couple of your security forces with lead and then waltzes back. It's true Indians won't keep quiet. We hear your moaning regularly. On Facebook, on Twitter, on this site, in the Youtube comment section...pretty much everywhere. Apart from the usual randi rona we hear from Indians, what possibly could they do if they've only farted after numerous cross border attacks?

Yawn....waiting for the shupa pawa diatribe, references to inventing 0, Chanakya's ancient magic inside you lot....
Dude, we all know you guys invented space ships 3000 years ago. Mighty stronk India isn't immune from anything. Kashmiri militants regularly tear you cucks a new a**hole every few months despite you being a shupa pawa and all that. When your big stronk Modi is going easy on Hindu terrorists and his party is making statements which suggest they support the current lynchings, India is pretty much vulnerable to a Hindu fundie movement.

I wonder if this post should be preserved for posterity, for sheer vulgarity.

Indeed 1947 has come and gone---and there s a new bloody dawn on the horizon---and that is the split up of india into further smaller pieces---.

1947 did not see the enough sub-division of india.

And you Indians are lucky that I don't have money too start up a movement----otherwise---!!!!

Oh but your ISI do and they have been trying for a very long time. In the mean time we have increased out landmass significantly since independence and ISI could not protect its own backside and got booted out of East Pakistan. If India did not disintegrate when we were much weaker in the first 50 years after independence there is no way we are splitting up now. But hey, we can all dream, can't we?
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