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Germany puts army on standby after its generous approach to migrants backfires

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Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
Germany puts army on standby after its generous approach to migrants backfires
GERMANY has put 4,000 troops on standby as the country buckles under the pressure of the record-breaking number of migrants arriving in the country.


4,000 troops are on standby as Germany struggles to cope with the migrant influx
The German Defence Minister has admitted that the country verges on "an emergency" after cracks have begun to emerge in the 'German generosity'.

Germany has been viewed as a leader on Europe’s worst refugee crisis for 70 years, with Chancellor Angela Merkel's expectation that the country will take in 800,000 this year alone.

However, the move appears to have backfired as German towns struggle to process the unprecedented number of arrivals.

Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen said: "For this weekend alone we have put 4,000 soldiers on standby."

He added that the troops would be able "to pitch in in an emergency".

More migrants have arrived at Munich's train station since the start of September than in the whole of 2014.

About 120,000 refugees arrived in Munich in August and more than 25,000 came last weekend.


Some in Germany have questioned Merkel's 'generous' response
Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier added that about 40,000 migrants are expected this weekend alone.

However, some in Germany have questioned the impact of the country's response.

On Wednesday, the leading conservative newspaper Allgemeine Zeitung wondered if the “heterogenous crowds” could really be transformed into “constitutionally loyal” citizens and taxpayers.

Saudi Arabia have controversially offered to help Germany cope by building at least 200 mosques.

The rich Gulf state said it would build one mosque for every 100 Middle Eastern refugees who entered Germany.

The German army order follows a move by the Hungarian parliament to pass laws to allow its forces to use rubber bullets and tear gas on migrants.

More than 170,000 migrants have been recorded entering Hungary so far this year.

Janos Lazar, chief of the Hungarian cabinet, admitted that the possibility of terrorism is growing in Hungary following the refugee crisis.

The decision means that thousands of armed soldiers will be assembled across the Hungarian border with Serbia.

Prisoners have also been drafted in to build 10km of 13ft fencing every day.
I will give another decade at best before these pussy EU countries are run over by refugees... most of whom are fake and are going for economic reasons mostly from Syria/ Iraq/ Afghan/ Pakistan..... while the actual sufferers are stuck in their war torn countries.
Hahaha..... most wonderful reaction came from Saudi Govt.

Offering to build 200 mosques for these refugees. If EU still cant see the writing on the wall then nothing can.

None of Islamic countries offered asylum to these refugees but when it comes to building mosques for them, see how fast they have come to volunteer!

There will be significant demographic change due to rabbit style breeding among these refugees. They have only left their countries but their religion and their zealot attitude towards anything non-muslim will show its face soon. Be ready for Eurabia soon.
The other day I was having a discussion on another forum and some of my Muslim friends from "advanced nations" like UK/ Sweden were complaining that how will these refugees be taken care of and ensured that they get halal meat/ local Mosques and all...

I mean WTF...... Its like your own home is on fire and you almost died only to be given shelter by Mr. Kaffir few blocks away while your immediate neighbors Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Hussain are nowhere to be seen and you are annoyed that he is not giving you your favourite Tobasco sauce with your beef sandwich :o:o_O:what::hitwall:
Wrong move by Merkel. Germany in twenty years time will be unrecognizable and not in a good way. Droves of Arabs belong in Arabia, not in West.

This experiment will be interesting to watch.
Allgemeine Zeitung wondered if the “heterogenous crowds” could really be transformed into “constitutionally loyal” citizens and taxpayers.
Laughed my rear so hard at this. :omghaha:

Hahaha..... most wonderful reaction came from Saudi Govt.
Planting mosques is a priority. :coffee:

Germany is lost. The other countries should learn their lessons.
Germany security service says Islamic extremists are trying to recruit newly arrived Syrian refugees | National Post

Islamists in Germany trying to recruit young refugees - Yahoo News

It is time for Germany to taste the multicultural values now.
Germany was a fool to think that it would not happen.. its so obvious that influx of such massive scale Syrians will create chaos from all side.. UK is already taken over by muslim fanatics.. EU will be next if they dont do anything to stop it.
So you go to another country asking for help.. when they do you try to bite the same hand who offered you food and roof to stay..
Greece is in total chaos.. there is a video where syrians are rioting, throwing stones, destroying public and private property.. people were afraid to go out of their homes to schools and office.. this is what happens.. and german will be next..
I say let leo roll down few syrians.. use real bullets ... that will surely make them understand who's country they are in.. and they are nothing but guest..

And Saudi offering to build 200 mosque.. Can we see this as a plan all the time.. let syrian muslims take over EU and we make build Mosque to channel money and support to fanatics and in short time they will start demanding Sharia.. and BOOOM..!!! terrorist explodes..
Germany was a fool to think that it would not happen.. its so obvious that influx of such massive Syrians will obviously create chaos from all side.. UK is already taken over by muslim fanatics.. EU will be next if they dont do anything to stop it.
So you go to another country asking for help.. when they do you try to bite the same hand who offered you food and roof to stay..
Greece is in total chaos.. there is a video where syrians are rioting, throwing stones, destroying public and private property.. people were afraid to go out of their homes to schools and office.. this is what happens.. and german will be next..
I say let leo roll down few syrians.. use real bullets ... that will surely make them understand who's country they are in.. and they are nothing but guest..

And Saudi offering to build 200 mosque.. Can we see this as a plan all the time.. let syrian muslims take over EU and we make 200 Mosque to channel money and support to fanatics and in short time they will start demanding Sharia.. and BOOOM..!!! terrorist explodes..

And Saudi offering to make 200 mosque.. Can we see this as a plan all the time.. let syrian muslims take over EU and we make 200 Mosque to channel money and support to fanatics and in short time they will start demanding Sharia.. and BOOOM..!!! terrorist explodes..

Are they refugees or on invasion ? But these morons will have no problem as they belive Hanging a terrorist is so against Human rights
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