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Germany puts army on standby after its generous approach to migrants backfires

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Problem it causing more heartburn to you than them.. NO?

Dude I'm just discussing whats the issue here? u are also defending Syrians I'm not complaining .

You guys are so touchy about Islam even thought we're not attacking your religion.
Why not? Any adverse situation in Europe will have serious economic, political and military repercussions around the world.

India is so invisible in the radar that everything will just go pass it...
good luck EU now you got a big problem dont blame the refugee what they do or how they live
because you saw it coming
but was in denial

yup one day you will ISIS flag flying high and proud in Europe
We aren't talking about your little country here.

BTW I guess they are already demanding ' halal ' food.

Wts wrong with halal food?

I knew you would be glad if they demanded weed or daru.. :azn:
75% of them are young males fit enough to make the journey, most of them sunni I'm guessing, meaning some might well harbour strong feelings of support for the many al qaeda like 'brigades' fighting a violent jihad in Syria for their sectarian cause, there might be some ex fighters in there too.. and given how the FSA etc are ideologically only a degree or 2 removed from the likes of ISIS, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram... how can anyone not see the risks involved here ? :cuckoo:

however, women and children, and their corresponding legit spouses and fathers aka full family units should be fast tracked on a rehabilitation pathway, the others should ideally be put up in a secured refugee camp and only allowed in 1 at a time after proper psychological screening.
Halal food should be least of the concerns for a bunch of distressed refugees, when it is not, it can be a sign of very conservative religious views that might lead to radicalism. And from where they are coming doesn't boost the confidence either.

All food are made halal including human flesh if it comes to the level of saving life. Islam has every answer not a clever you.
I will give another decade at best before these pussy EU countries are run over by refugees... most of whom are fake and are going for economic reasons mostly from Syria/ Iraq/ Afghan/ Pakistan..... while the actual sufferers are stuck in their war torn countries.
You forgot the absolute king , no points for guessing the everlasting beggar thats right , INDIA
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