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Delhi’s Aurangzeb Road Renamed After Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

I always thought it was a great idea naming nuclear missiles which are supposed to destroy india and hindus in massive numbers after conquerors who destroyed india and hindus in massive numbers

I mean are we supposed to name the missiles hanuman or something, will that make you feel better that your going to be destroyed by a missile called hanuman

You do know that those conquerors destroyed most places of today's Pakistan too, right? Or do you think they flew over Pakistan in C-17s and launched airborne invasions into India's gangetic plains?

It is pathetic that you name your missiles after people who raped, pillaged and massacred your own ancestors. In fact 100% of today's Pakistanis had ancestors who were killed or raped by those central asian armies. Today's Indians do not have that many ancestors who were affected.

Lahore, Peshawar etc were destroyed by those "conquerors", Bombay and Chennai were not. It is your great-great...grandparents who bore the brunt of their barbarisms. The Ghaznis and Ghauris after whom you name your missiles, probably raped your female ancestors and murdered your male ancestors. It is ludicrous to name your missiles after the ones who destroyed your ancestors, but hey - that's your privilege.

They destroyed, slaughtered, butchered like every conqueror did

The romans even burnt down Judaisms most holy temple

Correct. But you don't see Israelis naming their missiles after Ceasar or Augustus. But Pakistanis name their hardware after the people who raped and pillaged and tortured and murdered their ancestors. How pathetic should one be, to worship the very people who did all that to you?

Your religious places were worthless and full of pagan idols

What was there to preserve or protect

That shows your ignorance, and that's coming from a non-hindu. You think "idols" were all that temples held? You have no clue about the majestic architecture and the finery? You are unaware of all the rich wealth these temples held? Ah, what the heck - I'm trying to explain things to somebody who's education consisted of the one lesson, "we so great, pagans bad."
@doublemaster @jamahir milllions homeles,jobless,clothless,foodles yet sanghis busy renaming roads

if the sanghis wanted to rename badly, they wouldn't have had the wisdom to rename it after farmer gajendra singh, who symbolizes all that went wrong with the nda government.

no problem, aap and others should demand renaming the ( Sri Aurobindo Marg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) to "shaheed gajendra singh marg"... this would honor a man who took leadership for desperate farmers and demonstrated the problems that india has.
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Why would a hindus opinion of a muslim emperor matter

He was a important part of muslim history in india
We have only one history..which is Indian history....And Indian owns their history..You can have your own Muslim history..but you do not have any choice to divide Indian history to Hindu or Muslim history...
Who named this Aurangzeb road in the first place? Was it the British? Anyone?
Who named this Aurangzeb road in the first place? Was it the British? Anyone?

Probably British named roads after the major Mughal Emperors during Raj long before RSS/VHP/BJP/SS/JS started their venom filled propaganda.
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Who built this road? When they are going to change the Aurangabad city named after Aurangzeb ?

Is there any babu bajarngi or adavani road for their services ? Taj Mahal ka naam rakh do modi mahal :D Aurangzeb is good or bad is part of your history. You cannot wipe history like that
Who built this road? When they are going to change the Aurangabad city named after Aurangzeb ?

Is there any babu bajarngi or adavani road for their services ? Taj Mahal ka naam rakh do modi mahal :D Aurangzeb is good or bad is part of your history. You cannot wipe history like that
,we just changed name of a road,,,,,n I like the new name a lot more thn the old one.

You do know that those conquerors destroyed most places of today's Pakistan too, right? Or do you think they flew over Pakistan in C-17s and launched airborne invasions into India's gangetic plains?

It is pathetic that you name your missiles after people who raped, pillaged and massacred your own ancestors. In fact 100% of today's Pakistanis had ancestors who were killed or raped by those central asian armies. Today's Indians do not have that many ancestors who were affected.

Lahore, Peshawar etc were destroyed by those "conquerors", Bombay and Chennai were not. It is your great-great...grandparents who bore the brunt of their barbarisms. The Ghaznis and Ghauris after whom you name your missiles, probably raped your female ancestors and murdered your male ancestors. It is ludicrous to name your missiles after the ones who destroyed your ancestors, but hey - that's your privilege.

Correct. But you don't see Israelis naming their missiles after Ceasar or Augustus. But Pakistanis name their hardware after the people who raped and pillaged and tortured and murdered their ancestors. How pathetic should one be, to worship the very people who did all that to you?

That shows your ignorance, and that's coming from a non-hindu. You think "idols" were all that temples held? You have no clue about the majestic architecture and the finery? You are unaware of all the rich wealth these temples held? Ah, what the heck - I'm trying to explain things to somebody who's education consisted of the one lesson, "we so great, pagans bad."
what the hell r u talking about,,,,most probably his ancestors were mughals,so its natural for him to take pride in there conquests.
no one can wipe out history,,,,we just changed name of a road,,,,,btw I like the new name a lot more thn the old one.
what they are going to get by renaming the old names of road? Would it bring any improvement to road or it will become more holly now? Will it remove the past traces of Aurangzeb from India? Again who built this road?
Probably British named roads after the major Mughal Emperors during Raj long before RSS/VHP/BJP/SS/JS started their venom filled propaganda.

Mughal emperors were notorious for their hate filled agendas.So its better to rename it after patriotic Indian muslims,Like Dr Kalam

Time to fire hatf with a new name as Aurangzeb again to show our power.

Ever heard of Kalam series ( K series ) missiles ?

I always thought it was a great idea naming nuclear missiles which are supposed to destroy india and hindus in massive numbers after conquerors who destroyed india and hindus in massive numbers

Your religious places were worthless and full of pagan idols

What was there to preserve or protect

There is no difference between you and those ISIS jehadis.I sympathize those minority communities in Pakistan

Who built this road?

British did - We maintain it,resurface it almost every year - So we will decide what to call it..
what they are going to get by renaming the old names of road? Would it bring any improvement to road or it will become more holly now? Will it remove the past traces of Aurangzeb from India? Again who built this road?

It's not about removing traces of Aurangzeb, it's merely about the name of a road. This particular emperor brings with him an unpleasant connotation. While I'm personally not a big fan of renaming anything, I can appreciate why people want this name change.
what they are going to get by renaming the old names of road? Would it bring any improvement to road or it will become more holly now? Will it remove the past traces of Aurangzeb from India? Again who built this road?
'they' r going to get political mileage,,,it wont change anythng ,,just removing a tyrants name n replacing it with a real local hero.
I think its reasonable:)
if the sanghis wanted to rename badly, they wouldn't have had the wisdom to rename it after farmer gajendra singh, who symbolizes all that went wrong with the nda government.

no problem, aap and others should demand renaming the ( Sri Aurobindo Marg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) to "shaheed gajendra singh marg"... this would honor a man who took leadership for desperate farmers and demonstrated the problems that india has.

This is India. Ruled by Sanghis for atleast next 9 years... inhabited by majority Hindus and Secular Muslims. Will name roads to whatever names we like. Its not against the law.

Learn to live with it. Or else, take your much awaited trip to tripoli.
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