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Prince Turki Faisal Slams Pakistan For Staying Neutral


Mar 13, 2009
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Prince Turki Faisal Slams Pakistan For Staying Neutral
Morgan Winsor


Prince Turki Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief, warned against Iran's encroachment on Arab and Muslim nations in the region this week as Iranian-backed rebels continue to fight the Saudi-backed government in Yemen. Faisal also urged Saudi Arabia's allies to curb Iranian influence.

The ongoing conflict in Yemen has pitted rivals Saudi Arabia against Iran in a battle for Middle East supremacy. “As we are dealing with Yemen, Iran’s imperial ambitions will be checked in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq,” Faisal said in a statement Monday, according to Arab News in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. “Our nations and peoples are experiencing a period of chaotic and harmful interventions and changes.”

Faisal, the former Saudi ambassador to the United States and United Kingdom, also called Pakistan’s decision to stay neutral in the ongoing Yemen war “disappointing.” A Saudi-led coalition has launched airstrikes against the Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen since late March. Iran’s Shiite government has supplied the Houthis with arms, money and training. The militia ousted Yemen’s Sunni government and seized the capital Sanaa in September.

“Some mealy mouthed politicians have forgotten what the Kingdom has done for Pakistan since its birth,” the Saudi prince said in the statement Monday.

Faisal also asked U.S. President Barack Obama to “find the way to make our area free of weapons of mass destruction,” as Washington seeks to sign an agreement with Tehran that would curb Iran’s nuclear capabilities, Arab News said. Tentative framework for a nuclear deal between six world powers and Tehran was drafted last month, in which Iran agreed to limit its nuclear activity in return for lifted sanctions. A final agreement could be reached by the end of June.

“The devil is in the details, which we will await,” said Faisal, founder of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh.

Saudi Prince Warns Against Iran's Growing Influence On Arab, Muslim Nations, Slams Pakistan For Staying Neutral
Prince Turki Faisal Slams Pakistan For Staying Neutral
Morgan Winsor

Prince Turki Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief, warned against Iran's encroachment on Arab and Muslim nations in the region this week as Iranian-backed rebels continue to fight the Saudi-backed government in Yemen. Faisal also urged Saudi Arabia's allies to curb Iranian influence.

The ongoing conflict in Yemen has pitted rivals Saudi Arabia against Iran in a battle for Middle East supremacy. “As we are dealing with Yemen, Iran’s imperial ambitions will be checked in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq,” Faisal said in a statement Monday, according to Arab News in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. “Our nations and peoples are experiencing a period of chaotic and harmful interventions and changes.”

Faisal, the former Saudi ambassador to the United States and United Kingdom, also called Pakistan’s decision to stay neutral in the ongoing Yemen war “disappointing.” A Saudi-led coalition has launched airstrikes against the Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen since late March. Iran’s Shiite government has supplied the Houthis with arms, money and training. The militia ousted Yemen’s Sunni government and seized the capital Sanaa in September.

“Some mealy mouthed politicians have forgotten what the Kingdom has done for Pakistan since its birth,” the Saudi prince said in the statement Monday.

Faisal also asked U.S. President Barack Obama to “find the way to make our area free of weapons of mass destruction,” as Washington seeks to sign an agreement with Tehran that would curb Iran’s nuclear capabilities, Arab News said. Tentative framework for a nuclear deal between six world powers and Tehran was drafted last month, in which Iran agreed to limit its nuclear activity in return for lifted sanctions. A final agreement could be reached by the end of June.

“The devil is in the details, which we will await,” said Faisal, founder of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh.

Saudi Prince Warns Against Iran's Growing Influence On Arab, Muslim Nations, Slams Pakistan For Staying Neutral


“Some mealy mouthed monarchs have forgotten how Pakistan has saved their a$$es and protected them against being overthrown by internal rivals for decades” forgot the Saudi prince to mention in his statement on Monday.

Fight your own wars you mad mullahs (both Saudis + Iranis) . Leave other Muslim countries alone.
Did he say "since birth of Pakistan?". An old once told me that in 1950s and 1960s when Karachi was an example of progress to entire world, Saudi and Emiratis poor use to come here to find work. Saudi influence in Pakistan started in 70s with Bhutto's dream of pan-Islamic block. We were far ahead than any middle eastern nation before that.

Personally, I have no problem with helping an ally in his time of need but when you ask for help, you ask nicely. If you threaten a country of 200 million hard working people, you are just asking to be embarrassed.
Who cares what he thinks, he looks evil! Never trust the House of Al-Saud. No Arab will EVER respect us as equals. To them, it is expected, like a slave - master relationship!

Our Army brothers are NOT cannon fodder for them!
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Fukk you prince turki, with a name turki are you even Arab?.

Burn you bastards, we will see your downfall with a smile.

Pakistan Zindabad.
I feel like slapping his face so hard that his neck disjoin from his body.It is good these clowns are exposing themselves.Pakistan has already shown these clown middle finger go fight your middle east war yourself.
I think it's high-time that these desert dwellers are shown their place in the world. Time to sign a nuclear umbrella agreement with Iran (mutual defense treaty), that will surely rattle their little kingdoms.

Poor little Princess Turki will shit in her diapers!
Like we didnt helped them they couldn't solve their internal rift. Please spare us in being offensive.

We said we will protect you from oppression, don't make us to go other way. If that happen. Israel and Iran will eat up whole middle east.

I think it's high-time that these desert dwellers are shown their place in the world. Time to sign a nuclear umbrella agreement with Iran (mutual defense treaty), that will surely rattle their little kingdoms.

Poor little Princess Turki will shit in her diapers!
Neutrality doesn't mean to go other way. Signing up n-deal with Iran will make things worse in Pakistan..
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