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Prince Turki Faisal Slams Pakistan For Staying Neutral

Well Britishers used to call us Emotional fools.

I do not agree with you...Rather i feel, in general, people of Pakistan are very good at their heart...And the reason of being so good at their at heary due to their acceptance of relceigion as the primary motivator in their life...So usually people of Pakistan thinks more by their heart than mind...(Just keep India out of the equation)...That is why, you see, many Pakistan people provide emotional response to all the threads than tactical descisons.

Coming to this topic, the expectation of SA is nothing unexpected...SA may not have sent forces to fight with Pak army when Pak is at war with India, but they have helped them in so many other countless ways, that Pakistan can not deny them...Sending some thousand soldier is not a big deal...Rather helping economically to Pakistan at the time of war is the critical thing which SA has done for Pakistan.....

The reality is that in the 21st century, Pakistan got another source of money than the gulf nations...which is China...So now the advantage is on Pakistan to milk both Arabs based on the interet of Pakistan rather than based on the interest of the Arab nations...Because of the cushion from China in economic fronth, Pakistan would able to say no to their closest friend like SA...Otherwise, they could have exactly done as required by SA if China is not backing SA in this descison.

With a couple million princes to chose from, why should anyone be surprised?
How come from one kind there are couple of million princes?
Agreed. AKP has fracked the whole country inside out!

who ever condemns the takfiri terrorism is a shia in his eyes. he even declared me a shia as well
what country Turkey is becoming now. Kamal must be turning in his grave. after what the Arabs did to Turkey .. these more Arabs than Arab Turks are not doing justice to their country
What needs to be asked from Prince Turki and other princesses is:

1). Rohyngia muslims were burnt alive.
2). Bosnian muslims were raped and killed in thousands.
3). Indian army was on the border of Pakistan for 12 months in 2001.
4). Muslims in Africa dying of hunger.
5). US flew sorties to attack Iraq from KSA (and Qatar).
6). An elected govt. of Mursi was thrown out in Egypt.

They (or any other Gulf countries) did not cry "our muslim brothers" on any of these occasions and never came forward to help ... or even diplomatic support.

These 15,000 princesses of KSA continued enjoying their life of luxury in Spain, Paris and London Edgware Road.

Does it not speak volumes that KSA, the biggest oil producing country in the world, has 40% population living below the line of poverty !!!!

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