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Iran's help to Iraq in its fight against Daesh terrorists

So in your opinion, both the picture and video were made up?

Maybe they hate Arabs to death and look down on them but this is irrelevant, this is about defeating IS and the help received The entire ME is 1 big shithole when it comes to it's social fabric. Many Arabs think they're superior to other people as well and call women from other states for prostitutes viewing women as objects. Why do you think so many Asian workers are being abused in the Gulf and anywhere else they will work in the Arab world, people feel better abusing them.

Don't you think the regional terrorism is more important than the Persian superiority complex of some ?
"Al ahwaz" :lol:

The vast majority of people in Khuzestan and Ahwaz are Lurs and bakhtiaris. These subhuman camel worshippers from sandistan are trying to talk about Iranian demography. These Photoshoped pictures were pictures posted many times before by other sandistanis.
If you want to know how people really think in Ahvaz (my birth city) then go there and see whether they will show respect to someone from sandistan.

Here is another Ahvazi, who as the chairman of Iran's powerful National Security Council is the architect of Iran's strategy in Middle East and the World. Rear Admiral Shamkhani (the brain who is checkmating Saudis left and right):

Maybe they hate Arabs to death and look down on them but this is irrelevant, this is about defeating IS and the help received The entire ME is 1 big shithole when it comes to it's social fabric. Many Arabs think they're superior to other people as well and call women from other states for prostitutes viewing women as objects. Why do you think so many Asian workers are being abused in the Gulf and anywhere else they will work in the Arab world, people feel better abusing them.

Don't you think the regional terrorism is more important than the Persian superiority complex of some ?

DO you really think Iranian hate Arabs?
@Full Moon

I'll be the first to admit that there's racism in Iran. But as other members mentioned, the whole social fabric of the Middle East is from the dark ages. What relevance does your pictures have anything to do with your discussion with Iraqi members and Iran's role in Iraq? Nothing.

Every single country in the region is a shit hole, Iran and Saudi included. It's comical for any of us to try and show which country is doing what. We all know how disgusting our societies are. Iraq is a mess, Lebanon is cesspool of racism and sectarianism and so is Pakistan, Afghanistan is a shit hole of biblical proportions (yesterday a mob attacked an old women and beat her, then set her on fire and then threw her in the local river for insulting the Koran. The video is now online), Yemen is not much different than AFG, Iran and Saudi are theocratic religious dictatorships that literally arrest and execute people for advertising religions other than the ones accepted by the central authorities etc... The whole region is one giant disgusting cesspool.

Now wtf is your solution for Iraq? Why are you bitching and moaning?
DO you really think Iranian hate Arabs?

Too much propaganda has been made against Iran. Consider these facts:

When Ataturk threw out the Arabic scripture out of Turkey and changed the alphabets of Turkish language to Latin, he repeatedly told Reza Shah to do the same. Reza Shah refused, telling Ataturk that this Arabic alphabet has now become part of Iran. Ataturk thought otherwise.

Arabic is taught to all school children in Iran. The only non-Arab country whose children have to study Arabic as a compulsory subject.

It was an Iranian who invented the grammar of Arabic language.

It is Iran today that is helping Arabs in trouble, whether in Iraq or in Syria or in Yemen or other places. Other Arabs have become puppets of big powers acting on their strategy.

Etc etc.

So much so for this so called hate.
DO you really think Iranian hate Arabs?
It's not about hate in the absolute sense. It's thousands of years of mistrust, bad blood, conflicts and racist attitudes. You can't just brush it all under the rug with a few symbolic words. It's smarter to accept the history and try to move past it instead of trying to deny there's hate and racism on both sides. Nothing ever gets accomplished by denial.
Too much propaganda has been made against Iran. Consider these facts:

When Ataturk threw out the Arabic scripture out of Turkey and changed the alphabets of Turkish language to Latin, he repeatedly told Reza Shah to do the same. Reza Shah refused, telling Ataturk that this Arabic alphabet has now become part of Iran. Ataturk thought otherwise.

Arabic is taught to all school children in Iran. The only non-Arab country whose children have to study Arabic as a compulsory subject.

It was an Iranian who invented the grammar of Arabic language.

It is Iran today that is helping Arabs in trouble, whether in Iraq or in Syria or in Yemen or other places. Other Arabs have become puppets of big powers acting on their strategy.

Etc etc.

So much so for this so called hate.
Its more like the opposite, many muslim countries tried to enforce similar reforms as Atatürk did in Turkey such as Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia etc. etc. i dont think he asked anyone to do the same as him.
DO you really think Iranian hate Arabs?
Bro every nation has some racist people Iran is not excluded this is a human nature.

See as long as you're different then you're to me alien not worth to even commuincate with you that's unfotunatly how some people think especially these Arab in the gulf since they are generally so ignorant and still under the influence of the nomadic culture, but also not all of them this way fortunately.
Its more like the opposite, many muslim countries tried to enforce similar reforms as Atatürk did in Turkey such as Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia etc. etc. i dont think he asked anyone to do the same as him.

You don't know the history. Ataturk was building a new country, a nation for Turks out of the ashes of Ottoman empire. He wanted Turks to become Europeans. For that he had to sever Arabic heritage out of Turks lives.

Reza Shah was not building an Iran. Since Iran already existed. He just wanted to modernize Iran. He was good friends with Ataturk though. But for you to imply that he was following Ataturk, is rather laughable.

And no one tried to enforce anything from Ataturk's ideas. Pakistan did not exist back then. And when it was created, it already had a British educated ruling class. They did not need Ataturk then. Though today they need one, because Ziaulhaq screwed them (but they wont get one).

Egypt was basically a colony and a battlefield during World War. When they got their indepedence, they were more inclined towards nationalist socialism and communist block than towards Ataturk.

Syria was in a similar boat as Egypt.

At any rate, reforms of Ataturk that you are talking about, are being rolled back in Turkey as we speak. Erdogan has come to become an anti-Ataturk. Mark my words. He is your Ziaulhaq. He will take you where you have not seen even in your wildest dreams. Turkey's case is a testimony that no Islamic country not even at the point of Ataturk gun and ideology and not even after a century of secularism is safe from reverting back to where it was.

Turkey's secularism is breathing on borrowed time.
Its more like the opposite, many muslim countries tried to enforce similar reforms as Atatürk did in Turkey such as Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia etc. etc. i dont think he asked anyone to do the same as him.
You meamn Iraqis tried to replace the Arabic simples with latin one!!! who is the ugly motherfouker who told you that or try it.

Mate Iraq is the home of these simples and Iraq is the home of the improvements of the Arabic language so basicaly Iraq is nothing but the mother and head of the Arab we are the last one who would think replacing the Arabic simples and that may happen after the judgement day if it even happen.
You don't know the history. Ataturk was building a new country, a nation for Turks out of the ashes of Ottoman empire. He wanted Turks to become Europeans. For that he had to sever Arabic heritage out of Turks lives.

Reza Shah was not building an Iran. Since Iran already existed. He just wanted to modernize Iran. He was good friends with Ataturk though. But for you to imply that he was following Ataturk, is rather laughable.

And no one tried to enforce anything from Ataturk's ideas. Pakistan did not exist back then. And when it was created, it already had a British educated ruling class. They did not need Ataturk then. Though today they need one, because Ziaulhaq screwed them (but they wont get one).

Egypt was basically a colony and a battlefield during World War. When they got their indepedence, they were more inclined towards nationalist socialism and communist block than towards Ataturk.

Syria was in a similar boat as Egypt.

At any rate, reforms of Ataturk that you are talking about, are being rolled back in Turkey as we speak. Erdogan has come to become an anti-Ataturk. Mark my words. He is your Ziaulhaq. He will take you where you have not seen even in your wildest dreams. Turkey's case is a testimony that no Islamic country not even at the point of Ataturk gun and ideology and not even after a century of secularism is safe from reverting back to where it was.

Turkey's secularism is breathing on borrowed time.
I cant give a long reply since im on mobile but the idea of secularisation and modernisation in Islamic world came
with young Turks, Jinnah and Reza were admirer of Atatürk and adopted a lot reform that he did first in Turkey.

You meamn Iraqis tried to replace the Arabic simples with latin one!!! who is the ugly motherfouker who told you that or try it.

Mate Iraq is the home of these simples and Iraq is the home of the improvements of the Arabic language so basicaly Iraq is nothing but the mother and head of the Arab we are the last one who would think replacing the Arabic simples and that may happen after the judgement day if it even happen.
First of all stay civil.

Secondly i was talking abour reforms, changin the alphabet isnt the only reform he did.
I cant give a long reply since im on mobile but the idea of secularisation and modernisation in Islamic world came
with young Turks, Jinnah and Reza were admirer of Atatürk and adopted a lot reform that he did first in Turkey.

Admirer? :lol: Dude, you do not know the history. Maybe in Turkey they teach you these kind of propaganda in school but no, Ataturk was not a prophet to be admired. Jinnah actually was the antithesis of Ataturk. He created a nation for Islam and Muslims. He rejected the commonality of language, race and culture with Indians. He also implemented Urdu with Arabic alphabets. He did nothing to make Pakistan a secular state, since his idea was for Pakistan to be Muslim first. Nowadays with all religious bigotry going on there, some want to revisit what he meant, but alas history has already been written. Go read some books and then comment on these issues.

At any rate, the way Iran found was not neither secularism or religious bigotry. But a new ideology based on Shia Islam. And it is working.

PS. We are way offtopic. And with you guys quickly turning to trolls, so this is it. No more.
Admirer? :lol: Dude, you do not know the history. Maybe in Turkey they teach you these kind of propaganda in school but no, Ataturk was not a prophet to be admired. Jinnah actually was the antithesis of Ataturk. He created a nation for Islam and Muslims. He rejected the commonality of language, race and culture with Indians. He also implemented Urdu with Arabic alphabets. He did nothing to make Pakistan a secular state, since his idea was for Pakistan to be Muslim first. Nowadays with all religious bigotry going on there, some want to revisit what he meant, but alas history has already been written. Go read some books and then comment on these issues.

At any rate, the way Iran found was not neither secularism or religious bigotry. But a new ideology based on Shia Islam. And it is working.

PS. We are way offtopic. And with you guys quickly turning to trolls, so this is it. No more.
So im gonna stop if you say im trolling, get personal and apply a childish attitude, but let me tell you this, a lot Pakistanis told this here, didnt even knew about it before i joined PDF, it doesnt make sense to drag it further with this hostile attitude, im on mobile anyway.
It's not about hate in the absolute sense. It's thousands of years of mistrust, bad blood, conflicts and racist attitudes. You can't just brush it all under the rug with a few symbolic words. It's smarter to accept the history and try to move past it instead of trying to deny there's hate and racism on both sides. Nothing ever gets accomplished by denial.

I asked in general, as I live in Iran and talk face to face with Iranian people everyday and I have not seen such a hatred described by @f1000n so far ... me myself have no negative feelings towards them. maybe a few people.

Maybe they hate Arabs to death and look down on them but this is irrelevant,

Too much propaganda has been made against Iran. Consider these facts:

When Ataturk threw out the Arabic scripture out of Turkey and changed the alphabets of Turkish language to Latin, he repeatedly told Reza Shah to do the same. Reza Shah refused, telling Ataturk that this Arabic alphabet has now become part of Iran. Ataturk thought otherwise.

Arabic is taught to all school children in Iran. The only non-Arab country whose children have to study Arabic as a compulsory subject.

It was an Iranian who invented the grammar of Arabic language.

It is Iran today that is helping Arabs in trouble, whether in Iraq or in Syria or in Yemen or other places. Other Arabs have become puppets of big powers acting on their strategy.

Etc etc.

So much so for this so called hate.

That's why I'm wondering.
@Malik Alashter

The story goes beyond ISIS, far beyond. How many different Shia militia groups were created by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard since 2003? Al Mahdi Army, Hezbollah Iraq, Badr Organization, Asa'ib Ahl Al Haq....etc. Every leader of these militias was handed over enough cash, weapons, and a turban. Names like Hady Al Amiri, Ammar Al Hakeem, Muqtada Al Sadir, Wathiq Al Battat...are/were all recognized militia leaders (war lords) who have thousands of supporters to feed and throw cash on. They would do interviews, press releases, and have well-equipped offices. This all besides a government that is supposed to have armed forces, and security forces. A magical force (we are supposed to believe) created them, and surprisingly didn't let any one of them prevails over the other.

More surprisingly, a "sovereign" government had willingly accepted to live besides these militias. What is the source of all the funding and political support? One answer: the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its master mind Qassem Sulimani. Why the generosity all the sudden? Why don't Persians go and spend 1/10th of that on Iranian Balcuhistan, the provinces of Hormizgan, Khuzistan, or build the slums of the Persian town of Bam after it had that devastating earthquake?

It is so obvious that they want Iraq to consist of scattered points of powers that can never make a one unified, powerful central government.
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