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China's what-if Stealth Bomber projects H-8/-9/-10

As ABM technology gets more sophisticated long range stealth bomber delivered nuclear weapon may gain increasing importance
As ABM technology gets more sophisticated long range stealth bomber delivered nuclear weapon may gain increasing importance

Next generation of bombers might be hypersonic scramjet delivery system. Traditional or stealth bombers will be easy targets for SAMs.
Dear Trex,

Why should West be arrogant about something they are light years ahead off ?

Have you ever heard of an European being caught in China trying to steal their technology ? Compare that to the number of Chinese origin people caught worldwide trying to steal US and EU tech.

If China is so good in high tech manufacture why was the Maglev train imported from Germany ?

Why are the J10 Engines being imported from Russia ? It should be easy for the Chinese to make their own aero engines if they are so developed ?

Why do they want EU to lift the arms embargo on them if they so good in military technology ?

Don't let you hatred for EU cloud your judgement.


In reality, my dear British friend...

1) Over 40% of core American military aviation developers are of Chinese origin and 90% not of American heritage. The US and its allies are using the Chinese to maintain the superiority they stole from the Germans 65 years ago. What position are we in to talk?

2) 1 year after the successful operation of the single Germany-imported maglev train, the Chinese have started testing their own maglevs with greater speed, capacity, and travel distance which research work began 2 decades ago. The Shanghai municipal government has planned to move on with its delayed high-speed railway extension project and is deciding on which railway company to purchase the indigenous maglevs from (apparently the competition is fierce, like it was in Japan).

3) Actually, the J-10s were refitted with indigenous engines back in 2007, and recently the more advanced J-11B have been fitted with the upgraded version of WS-10A. It seems you do not want to find out how the communist dictatorship is growing? Believe me, neither do I...

4) You realize that there isn't much of anything the EU can export to the people's republic other than cheap eurofighter and rafale era engines? Neither the United Kingdom, France nor Germany is developing indigenous stealth aircrafts. I believe the UK A-bombs and ICBMs were and are US copies? Wait, I think you guys have stopped that now and started simply importing them from the States... You guys do it legally, the Chinese does it without permission. They are both copying. The Chinese government simply wants the embargo called off to save face... "If everyone else has the right to buy, why don't we?" And so on...

5) The UK has been an US puppet for nearly a century. The Americans aren't even backing you up against Argentina on Falkland like they did 3 decades ago. Wake up. You aren't who you were a century ago.
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And BTW answer this one......where did PAK get its Nuclear program? Was it from the Dutch program?

Undoubtedly, Pakistan received its nuclear blueprints from the People's Republic of China. It is understandable as the J-10 could not have been so successful without the expertise of Pakistani engineers on western designs.

Now the real question is where Iran got its blueprints. Most believe the plans were offered to both Iraq and Iran by Pakistan smugglers. However, Iraq thought it was a "test of loyalty" set by the Americans so they didn't buy it. The Iranians bought the blueprints from Pakistan with China's acquiesce.
Possible flight pics (they're all over Chinese internet)





The J-xx/j-14 prototype is suspected to have flown last month. or so my source in china tells me.
Developing a stealth bombers is not child's play, it simply cannot be made in 2 to 3 years

J-14 prototype maiden flight last month? Any proof? Links? Because that might just be a little far-fetched.

H-8 prototype supposedly made its maiden flight in 2007, but it has experienced problems over the years, and it seems that 2010 might be its final unveiling date.
<J-14 prototype maiden flight last month? Any proof? Links?>
C'mon dude what kind of questions are these? We're talking about rumors.

But read the following rumors:
China's H-8 stealth bomber may be more advanced than the American B-2A and capable of delivering a 350-kiloton nuclear warhead to the continental United States, or it could be a mock-up of the A-12 "Flying Dorito."

Those are just two of the rumors accompanying a video trumpeting some recent triumphs of Chinese aviation.

Although it's "top secret," Chinese quasi-official Web sites brag that the Xian H-8 is a stealth carbon fiber, "special nanotechnology"-coated strategic heavy bomber.

What we know for sure is that it has a range of 11,000 kilometers, without refueling, but it could refuel if it wanted to--possibly. In any case, it has extralarge fuel tanks. It has a crew of two and travels at Mach 1.2, or maybe 1.4. It carries an 18-ton bomb payload and/or 12 new stealth cruise missiles with a range of 3,000 kilometers. And three nuclear missiles, at least.

A prototype was successfully tested last year (witnessed by the deputy mayor of Xian) and will enter mass production and active service in the People's Liberation Army Air Force by 2010.

NOTE: Deputy mayor of Xian? Questionable on the witness.
Sure that isn't a B-2 ? In the first picture it really looks like a B-2
Please stop with the 'Chinese physics'. Not everyone is THAT gullible.
<Please stop with the 'Chinese physics'. Not everyone is THAT gullible.>
Please stop with the 'Vietnamese physics'. Not everyone is ..... GULLIBLE!!!!!
<Who is doing that?>
What? You're not proud of your Vietnamese heritage?

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