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Having No Religion but Still Believing in God

Not following any religion but still believing in god-correct or not?

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Feb 17, 2011
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Whats you opinion about not following any religion? I mean, believe in god, just don't follow any particular religion.

Religions are often seen as pathways for reaching god, to lead a good life. How about believing in god without following a particular path. I mean, do not follow the customs given by any religion, just lead a good life doing good to you fellow beings, believe that if you do harm to others, harm will come to you. If you do good to others, good will come to you. No going to mosque, no going to temples, no going to guru mandirs, no going to churches not being an atheist either.

Believe that god is universal and there is no need to follow the customs of any particular religion to reach him.Just do good to you fellow beings, thats all.

Kindly cast your votes!

@levina, @SpArK ,@nair @kurup @Skull and Bones @sancho @Ravi Nair @Icewolf @gslv mk3 @DESERT FIGHTER @sreekumar @seiko @SOHEIL
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I don't know if God exists or not but I would respect someone who believes in God yet have the courage and conviction to forgo man made religions.
How do you determine what is right and wrong

Humans are illogical creatures prone to emotional outbursts of violence and unfounded hatred

Most issues across the world do not occur because of religion or ideology but because of humans being humans

Humans will always find a reason to commit horrific atrocities whether religion ir ideology is present or not

As muslims we follow God and abide by his will, his will is dictated to us in the Quran and through the actions and words of his prophet

If we do not follow this then how can we claim to follow god and how can we state we are not acting against his will

Saying just be good isnt enough, what guide do you use to determine what is good and what is bad , what is right and what is wrong

Like i said humans are illogical what I find right you may find intolerable

The whole point of islam is that it is supposed to be a constant through society, so regardless of the state of society we all know what is right and wrong

So whether we live in a modern society or in caves the same things are right and wrong and these things are determined by Gods will not fallible humans

Its easy to live in a modern society and declares we live in a nation of law and order but that might not always be the case societies collapse and turn to dust and what you find intolerable today (rape, incest, etc) may be tolerable in the future because a person, persons, king, strong man or dictatorships deem it so

We may find things like cannibalism abhorrent but it has been done in the past and may again occur in the future their is no guarantee whst wars, nuclear Holocaust, over population etc msy occur

The whole point of islam is to act as a constant to guide humanity regardless of the state of society so we follow Gods will and know right from wrong whether we live in Sky scrapers or jungles
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I believe in all Gods because I think we Muslims are not the only one OBVIOUSLY TRUE for our belief...on the other hand, I respect atheist opinion but I myself don't follow religion specifically... I just follow some norms like Eid being a Pakistani...
religion is jst a path not necessity...
liberation is the ultimate goal..
so, dont get confused in your means and end.. though means may be important, but end surely is..
moreover god itself is a matter of critical analysis... and one can't be certain about it.. it's only faith and belief that make God, what God is... for a non believer , god is nothing..
Whats you opinion about not following any religion? I mean, believe in god, just don't follow any particular religion.

Religions are often seen as pathways for reaching god, to lead a good life. How about believing in god without following a particular path. I mean, do not follow the customs given by any religion, just lead a good life doing good to you fellow beings, believe that if you do harm to others, harm will come to you. If you do good to others, good will come to you. No going to mosque, no going to temples, no going to guru mandirs, no going to churches not being an atheist either.

Believe that god is universal and there is no need to follow the customs of any particular religion to reach him.Just do good to you fellow beings, thats all.

Kindly cast your votes!

I think what you're getting at is Agnosticism.

Here's a good book by Geisler and Turek, give it a whirl.

I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist Audiobook | Norman Geisler | Audible.com

Pray tell me whats here to moderate:big_boss:? The forum allows threads in which hindus and muslims can fight each other, but cannot tolerate my deistic views:triniti:?

@acetophenol same as you.

Bravo zulu mate!

I hear they were Freemasons as well; I dunno how much of that is just conspiratorial and how of that is true.

he he he, have you read C. Clayton Thompson's work " Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730-1840" ? Really great read.
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