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Believer of God,but does not follow any religion.

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Friends ,romans, countrymen,lend me your years,

I was born as a muslim. When i grew up, began to form my on views and thoughts,like all of you.

I am here to share such a thought with you and ask your valuable opinions in understanding whether i am right or wrong.

I believe in god,i.e, i believe that there is creator who created everything and he is watching us all. But i don't follow any religion i.e even after being born a muslim i don't do namaz or go to mosque(which i used to do),neither do i go to temple nor church.
I do read holy books.
I believe that the real prayer to god should be the way in which we live ,i.e satisfy your duties to your family,society and fellow beings.
I can't agree with people who go to mosque or temple and are ready to fight for religion but doesn't care about one's own duties[they simply won't switch off a fan or tube light when not in use,will destroy public property,tease girls/others etc]

Whats your opinion on my views?

Dude...I truly respect your opinion and your feelings....But i have a feeling that ultimately there is one all mighty who has different versions....for me it is my God...and for others it may be Jesus, Allah and so many.....It is just like different version catered to different audiences by Allmighty....We are only fools to think that God is different...
For me it is like believe in God, but don't forget to lock your car 😃
So spirtisual not relgious-this is common for many, especially in the West.
Agnostic = Believe in God, nut no specific religion

Don't think you are true there. Agnosticism is skepticism. You are uncertain whether God exists or not. I fall into that category. I feel I am not knowledgeable enough to deny the existence of God but at the same time personally I don't believe in God.
yup acetaphenol we are both same. Infact most people in India are like us who believe but don't waste time in religion. I am a born jatt sikh. I do pray to god when I feel like like during exams ;). But I don't relate myself to a specific religion. I am fine with any God who is ready to help whether he is Allah, Wahegure or shiva. Don't care :lol:. I never studied SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB. I just never found religion interesting.
Nothing wrong with it. Religion is just an ideology so nothing wrong with not subscribing to it.

Regarding God, well I am an Atheist. I dont believe in God's existence but its quite common to believe in God and not in any religion. Deist would be the word, yes.
@ karan ^

are you teen ager.. when i was in my teens i use to think like that. but later in life things happened and i do believe in god. i m not too much religious but i try not to do things that may anger god. who know what you will b like in later years.
@ karan ^

are you teen ager.. when i was in my teens i use to think like that. but later in life things happened and i do believe in god. i m not too much religious but i try not to do things that may anger god. who know what you will b like in later years.

Well I am 19. Will be turning 20 soon. Lets see what happens. I have no problem in believing in God. Just don't like the segregation that comes with religion. I am muslim you are a sikh and you a hindu. This annoys me the most.

Good to watch even though I do not share his view on everything he says.
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May Allah Almighty guide you brother.

Common problem with a lot of muslim kids these days..
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