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Sikhs are not Hindus - White House petition calls Obama to seek explanation from Modi.

Yes, that is a characteristic observation.

Even today, 14 families from Peshawar crossed over to India seeking refugee status, having nothing other than their clothes and their bare sorry lives. Perhaps their identity was far too different to live from where they came from. The rest you already know that the clubbing of Sikhs with Hindus is only for Personal Law and no other. Even in the Armed Forces to the lowliest Police constable special provisions are provided to practising Sikhs that allows them to keep beards (for example). But then, as I said, you knew this very well.

Secondly the partition happened not because of Jinnah's skills in Law but his inhumane call for Direct Action to either 'get Pakistan or break India'. The riots that saw millions dead, while a more peaceful alternative ...nay, almost any other alternative could have been better. That was the lofty pedestal on which Pakistan was born, on the cries of hundreds of thousand of orphans, limbless men, lifeless sadhus and pirs, bloodied and violated women. Pakistan was born on the clarion call of Naara e Pakistan, a Do or Die with an Islamic Twist, the fight for the Two Nation Theory, on the most hideos display of bloodletting this unfortunate sub continent had ever seen. Pakistan was not created after masterful legal lobbying of Jinnah. :disagree:

That is Pakistan's legacy, its past, its present and most likely its future.
@DRAY @levina @Sidak @he-man @Prometheus

That is a far more respectable website now. The way almost any troll can become (using a free email id) a member here is a major reason why this has become a troll magnet.

Yup,,now even admins are starting these cock fights with 0 material and 100% rumour and propaganda.
Yup,,now even admins are starting these cock fights with 0 material and 100% rumour and propaganda.
Tussi great ho. :omghaha:

Btw how do you folks keep voting the dynasty in your state for so many years? :hitwall:

This is not surprising...a particular date is approaching, about a week left...I expect threads like these to pop up. This is an annual ritual, unfortunately.
Yes, that is a characteristic observation.

Even today, 14 families from Peshawar crossed over to India seeking refugee status, having nothing other than their clothes and their bare sorry lives. Perhaps their identity was far too different to live from where they came from. The rest you already know that the clubbing of Sikhs with Hindus is only for Personal Law and no other. Even in the Armed Forces to the lowliest Police constable special provisions are provided to practising Sikhs that allows them to keep beards (for example). But then, as I said, you knew this very well.

Secondly the partition happened not because of Jinnah's skills in Law but his inhumane call for Direct Action to either 'get Pakistan or break India'. The riots that saw millions dead, while a more peaceful alternative ...nay, almost any other alternative could have been better. That was the lofty pedestal on which Pakistan was born, on the cries of hundreds of thousand of orphans, limbless men, lifeless sadhus and pirs, bloodied and violated women. Pakistan was born on the clarion call of Naara e Pakistan, a Do or Die with an Islamic Twist, the fight for the Two Nation Theory, on the most hideos display of bloodletting this unfortunate sub continent had ever seen. Pakistan was not created after masterful legal lobbying of Jinnah. :disagree:

That is Pakistan's legacy, its past, its present and most likely its future.
@DRAY @levina @Sidak @he-man @Prometheus

That is a far more respectable website now. The way almost any troll can become (using a free email id) a member here is a major reason why this has become a troll magnet.
Sarthak few days back @utraash said that partition was a boon in disguise for India as all the religious zealots left the country.
It got me thinking and to an extent I think he's right.
Indian constitution's clause 25-B recognises Sikhs as Hindus therefore successfully subverting their right to a distinct religious identity in order to prevent a sikh version of the two nation theory from ever gaining legal status. This essentially means that unless the constitution is changed the Sikhs can't legally claim their right to self determination and the constitution can NEVER be changed because the Hindus dominate the parliament and electoral vote bank.

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Question Modi "WHY Indian constitution labels "Sikhs" as Hindus?" while attending Constitution Day events on January 26. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
What's wrong with you these days??
Should be the jet lag...isn't it?? :P

On topic:
afaik Sikhs voluntarily gave up their minority status. And hats off to 'em for that.India is a behemoth and has many religions and so clubbing religions like Sikhism, Jainism with Hinduism was only the most adroit decision at that point of time. We Hindus 're not as bad as you imagine us to be. :disagree:
So what you had to say in your OP is a misinterpretation.

Op is behaving like a teenager nowadays for some reason.


U better stop this before .pk becomes another bharat rakshak.com with opposite effects.
Were you kicked out of BR also? :lol:
As I said only your country feel normal when some head of state or government accuse you for terrorism. Well you can not understand the pain people of your country living abroad, what they feel. Tourism of your country got affected. No one want to visit Pakistan just because of your state policies which you mention in your post.

Bharati rants. As I said. These statements are useless and serve no purpose other than Bharatis masturbating and drooling over them. Yeah you did mention one purpose but sorry kid. That purpose was way too bogus for us to care about. :)

USA is behind people like Osama who got shelter in Pakistan. Their drones killing terrorist to whom you dnt want to kill. I found this hilarious that some other country killing your people (terrorist/Innocent) and you have no problem with that.
Either you are incapable of do that or you want to kill them.

Oho.... Using Indian intellect. And that too to write so many paragraphs. Indian intellect and IQ is good enough for just one or two words. Not so many phrases. You only write BS when you use Indian intellect. Anyways. So USA killed Hakim ullah, Bait ullah, Wali ur Rehman, Qari Hussain, Qari Zafar, Ilyas Kashmiri etc etc by it self and not because Pakistan wanted them dead. Pakistanis didn't want Hakim Ullah dead despite him being the biggest enemy of Pakistan so USA killed him. Pakistan wanted their number 1 enemy to be alive and USA killed him. Great logic you cooked up in your f*cked up mind son. Who are you fooling son? :lol:

Now Pakistani start to defend drone attack :lol:

Love this phrase. Clearly shows you don't understand the policy of Pakistanis towards drones and just ranting because I hit a nerve or something.

Pakistani talking about intelligence :o: o_O. As I said your wish really doesn't count at all. India was their and will be. :shout:
Yeah was always there. Mughal India, British India etc etc. :D

Anyways Indian ocean is still far far better than the shitty neighbor we have. :)
Sarthak few days back @utraash said that partition was a boon in disguise for India as all the religious zealots left the country.
It got me thinking and to an extent I think he's right.

What's wrong with you these days??
Should be the jet lag...isn't it?? :P

On topic:
afaik Sikhs voluntarily gave up their minority status. And hats off to 'em for that.India is a behemoth and has many religions and so clubbing religions like Sikhism, Jainism with Hinduism was only the most adroit decision at that point of time. We Hindus 're not as bad as you imagine us to be. :disagree:
So what you had to say in your OP is a misinterpretation.

Were you kicked out of BR also? :lol:
All did not leave. Many stayed back because the elites had the property. But still the Partition did help.
It did not help JnK though. Our family faced no issue during the Partition, except the carpet business store was gutted in Sialkot.
But we were to lose it anyway, so did not affect us much. Kashmir was truly much better then. Hindus Muslims etc.

Some from our families even were members of the Communist/Socialist movements that existed in those days. My great grandfather was arrested for agitations against the despot Maharajah and was supported by everyone. Then came the Lashkars. What followed was continuous indoctrination and the dreams of an Islami Sultanat. The results are here for us to see.
The clause mentioned only deals with what personal laws would apply to the religions. It does not mean Hindus and Sikhs are the same, but the same laws would apply to them. Muslims, Christians have separate laws. The census treats them differently.
View attachment 161332

PS: Anyone with wet dreams of dividing India on any basis will be dealt with militarily, regardless of constitutional technicalities.

It is really amazing that even dividing our Dharmic country on the basis of a remote, foreign ideology has not been enough to satisfy these people. They think everyone else has to be a traitor as well!

It just didn't make them confused about their identity and history, it went much beyond that.

Even now they have to obsess with our country and dream of seeing it break. Millions have gone to their graves with this unfulfilled dream.

That is the extent of hate and self loathing, even though it has divided their own country once and made it top the failed state charts.

In addition, the extremism and fanaticism is mostly destroying their own society, they still can't let go of the self defeating hate.

That is where one needs to go to the roots of the issue and that is where people like Ali Sina come in to explain this weird phenomenon.
Actually ideally you should be deep inside the Arabian desert. Far to the West of the Hindukush. ;)

But we are living and will live in the land of river indus. And not to forget the 35% of your atoot ang. :lol:

This post again shows your obsession with my religion. But then you don't give a damn. Or do you? ;)
This perhaps will remain a mystery for me always,

Sikh by default are pakistanis,how the hell they accept being called indians
How did you get to that conclusion??
do all devotees of a religion belong to the country where it originated???
By that theory @Chinese-Dragon is a Buddhist and a Hindu.(I'm sorry that's what Farhan says and I'm giving him an example to make him understand that it's not cogent at all)
And also it would mean that all Muslims belong to KSA and all Christians 're frm Jerusalem. :)
What were you thinking when you made that post??
But we are living and will live in the land of river indus. And not to forget the 35% of your atoot ang. :lol:

This post again shows your obsession with my religion. But then you don't give a damn. Or do you? ;)

You seem to be obsessed about my supposed obsession. ;)

I just think your religion belongs in the Arabian desert.
Bharati rants. As I said. These statements are useless and serve no purpose other than Bharatis masturbating and drooling over them. Yeah you did mention one purpose but sorry kid. That purpose was way too bogus for us to care about. :)

:lol: Really only thick skin can say same thing like this. Entire world here and there accusing you. USA drones killing thousands of terrorist inside your country. And these statement not serve any purpose :o:

Oho.... Using Indian intellect. And that too to write so many paragraphs. Indian intellect and IQ is good enough for just one or two words. Not so many phrases.
You should visit arab countries they really take care for high IQ of yours. As I said Pakistani talking about intelligence... weird. Because your impression in world is not for intelligence at all.

You only write BS when you use Indian intellect. Anyways. So USA killed Hakim ullah, Bait ullah, Wali ur Rehman, Qari Hussain, Qari Zafar, Ilyas Kashmiri etc etc by it self and not because Pakistan wanted them dead. Pakistanis didn't want Hakim Ullah dead despite him being the biggest enemy of Pakistan so USA killed him. Pakistan wanted their number 1 enemy to be alive and USA killed him. Great logic you cooked up in your f*cked up mind son. Who are you fooling son? :lol:

Love this phrase. Clearly shows you don't understand the policy of Pakistanis towards drones and just ranting because I hit a nerve or something.

That is why US raid your military compound near your capital? Or your army is incapable to kill those terrorist. You need a foreigner country to kill them? Even after they killed thousands of innocent people in your country.... I really cant understand how can any one allow others to kill thousands of its own citizen?

Yeah was always there. Mughal India, British India etc etc. :D

Anyways Indian ocean is still far far better than the shitty neighbor we have. :)
All your neighbor already awarded you with this title, ohh sorry these statement not affect you at all :lol:
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@SarthakGanguly In this very thread, I've mentioned that in India all the Religion's are allowed to Practice there respective Religion, so are Sikhs. Article 25 says that Sikhsim is a distinct Religion. However, it's clause Contradicts it.The Article 25B doesn't have any bearing in day to day life. India being a Secular Country should have same set of laws for everyone. No separate set of rules for the Particular Community. I'm only against Pesudo Secularism. Hence, I criticise this law.

I personally don't even have issue, if someone calls me Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Sikh. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, before becoming a Hindu, a Muslim or a Sikh, become a Good Human Being. This is what matters to me, not what Constitution of India says.

There are many Sikhs who are against it and feel the clause is Discriminatory. Their voice should be heard. The current good for nothing Punjab Sarkar also feels so. That is why matter is in Supreme Court and Bill was tabled in Parliament. Sooner or later the Article 25 B is going to perish & process has already started. Though, it's going to take time.

Further, I always say: India is Khalistan - Sikhs Land of Pure (said earlier in this very thread). These days I often says that Sikh's been Discriminated. We've not been Discrimated by Hindus, Muslim, Christians or other, but by CONGRESS party.

The Discrimination by CONGRESS right after Independence, sowed the seed's of Demand for Khalistan. Further, it was Nourished by Indira Gandhi for Political Benifits which spolied the entire generation of Punjab. Hence, Punjab was engulfed in Terrorism and Genocide happened in 84. I have beef against Congress Party. It's only because of Congress Party Sikhs Brethren outside India has anger against India.The dirty Secularism which along with other parties are playing would again lead to something like 84 in near future. Hence, I often these days criticise Indian Secularism.

Our Guru's sacrificed their Life for our Motherland India. Indian Sikh's have followed our Guru's Path and would keep on following it. Their is no point in separation from India. India was, India is and India will remain our Motherland. Though, their are political difference, I'm sure that soon they are going to get solved.
@SarthakGanguly In this very thread, I've mentioned that in India all the Religion's are allowed to Practice there respective Religion, so are Sikhs. Article 25 says that Sikhsim is a distinct Religion. However, it's clause Contradicts it.The Article 25B doesn't have any bearing in day to day life. India being a Secular Country should have same set of laws for everyone. No separate set of rules for the Particular Community. I'm only against Pesudo Secularism. Hence, I criticise this law.

I personally don't even have issue, if someone calls me Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Sikh. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, before becoming a Hindu, a Muslim or a Sikh, become a Good Human Being. This is what matters to me, not what Constitution of India says.

There are many Sikhs who are against it and feel the clause is Discriminatory. Their voice should be heard. The current good for nothing Punjab Sarkar also feels so. That is why matter is in Supreme Court and Bill was tabled in Parliament. Sooner or later the Article 25 B is going to perish & process has already started. Though, it's going to take time.

Further, I always say: India is Khalistan - Sikhs Land of Pure (said earlier in this very thread). These days I often says that Sikh's been Discriminated. We've not been Discrimated by Hindus, Muslim, Christians or other, but by CONGRESS party.

The Discrimination by CONGRESS right after Independence, sowed the seed's of Demand for Khalistan. Further, it was Nourished by Indira Gandhi for Political Benifits which spolied the entire generation of Punjab. Hence, Punjab was engulfed in Terrorism and Genocide happened in 84. I have beef against Congress Party. It's only because of Congress Party Sikhs Brethren outside India has angry against India.The dirty Secularism which along with other parties are playing would again lead to something like 84 in near future. Hence, I often these days criticise Indian Secularism.

Our Guru's sacrificed their Life for our Motherland India. Indian Sikh's have followed our Guru's Path and would keep on following it. Their is no point in separation from India. India was, India is and India will remain our Motherland. Though, their are political difference, I'm sure that soon they are going to get solved.
I support you. In fact any Kashmiri(Hindus) in India will do the same. I don't know about legalities. Happy to know the process has started. Hope the contradiction is resolved. :)

And please vote this Badal out next time, I hate dynasties. :P
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