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Are Pakistanis Extremist?

islam IS the reason why pakistan is here. it's not just the religion, it's their basis of existence. Naturally, the people of pakistan are expected to be more "islam" oriented. but natural...

The more 21st century invades pakistan, more of these doubts will arise with the solution for the uber religious being more religous than ever before.

cycle. vicious or not, it is such.

little man Pakistan will do what is required now and in future,need of the hour dictate everything dont lose your sleep on all this.
pakistani member asking why world calls or treats them as so called "extremist" well cause most pakistanies are confused about whats there identity and what actualli they want from the world

in a age of socio economik libration at one account they want to still leagalise "feudalism" and on the other hand want "equal treatment" when there own "hazrat umar bin khattab voiced and acted all his life against feudalism"

at one end they want to preserve there punjabi , (or some indian caste identity like rajputs, bhattas, maliks, chowdharies"which they name as clans") and on the other hand gloat that in islam every one is just muslim but we all know how they love to redicule others as they beleve they are purest of the pure and decendents of a martial race and are a "Zinda quam" but very convientlli ignore there origanl identity and love to call themselfs as "al bakistani" to please there saudi masters

lolzz hight is they changed , khuda hafiz to alah hafiz , ramzaan to ramadan , sehri to sahoor

lolss punjabies use to wear kurta and pajama or tehmad/lungi/dhoti and women woresarees but in deu course changed it to a turkish dress "salwar kameez& burqua "

and feel pride in dressing up like arabs and feel pride to talk in a phsedo arabian acsent

now pakistanies abuse the privilages given to them in western world and want westerners to change there life style as per pakistani whims and fancies but want the western justice system and perks but gloat about "sharia & pakistani way of life or culture"

pakistanies love to talk and take thekedari of ummah (specialli arabs) when arabs dont even bother about them rather iltreat them "even give indians better respect & facilities" and most arbas call pakistanies as "taal rafiques & hazza miskins"

now when we look at pakistan they are never satisfied with what they have and keep creating trouble to gwet more "like they were not satisfied with what they got in 1947 and kept creating trouble in kasmir and lost east pakistan/ bangladesh deu to that attitude "

pakistanies wanted to teach india a lesson from day one and to get that they needed money so there "feudal,politikal & millitarry ashrafia" took US side and for that made there realtions worse with every naighbour and if that was not enof they totalli destroyed there age old sufi islamik culture and force fed there genrations with ultra rigit & cruel to every non wahabbi / sunni culture just look what they did to shias , ahmadies and chritians and hindus/ sikhs in name of "real islam " and imported narco-klashnikov cuture just to please US and if that wasent enof they then sided with USA in WOT again and for that traded there soveranity "whetever was left of it till then" for free wepons and war remmittence and try to play a double game which soon was exposed and USA started treating them as acolonny and killing pakistanies thru drone strikes and its paid mercennaries like blackwater and what not

and after all they play the victim card and ask questions like "pakistan ka matlab kya & are pakistanies extremists"

well if you never think and act logikalli and always want to think and work in extreames then what do one calls this beaviour
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Pakistan will become a secular country with liberal society, Pakistan region(Indus) has been hub of civilization for eons and this will be achieved again one day, provided overpopulation doesnt destroy the resources-pop balance permanently :P
little man Pakistan will do what is required now and in future,need of the hour dictate everything dont lose your sleep on all this.

he he he...i'm not. a pakistani is...btw, nobody gives a flying eff on two nation theory.

i see pakistanis still pouring over it case people like you, big man...know that pakistan shouldn't have existed...he he he

to prove the point, i spoke about tnt.

now go...defend pakistan, be more religious.
But they claim they are of Arab ancestry! So they have to heed the advice of the Arab mullahs.

Wheter or not we have arab ancestry is of least importance for us, but we definitely have no genetic connection with dravidians of india. most of our genetic heritage originates from the same territory of pakistan which we currently inhabit.
Pakistanis are not lunatics, some of our clergy are. The main problem with common people is their insistence to make their religious views public and that causes a whole lot of crap we all shouldn't have to deal with. The moment Pakistanis start to keep their religion private and not wear it like a neon sign, we'll see some real change at a societal level.
The often repeated fact is that only two countries have been created for a purpose, Israel for Jews and Pakistan for Muslims. Pakistani in general are nowhere near extremists, it's all due to the failures of successive governments that a vacuum created has been filled in by vested interests, religious education has always been part of the syllabus, but if it was affordable for a parent to put his child in a decent school or college, i doubt they will resort to having their childrens languishing in some Madrassah, however i must add, after a decade, visiting Pakistan last year, i saw a notable improvement in peoples attitudes.
Pakistanis are not lunatics, some of our clergy are. The main problem with common people is their insistence to make their religious views public and that causes a whole lot of crap we all shouldn't have to deal with. The moment Pakistanis start to keep their religion private and not wear it like a neon sign, we'll see some real change at a societal level.

I am amazed religion matter much, much more in Pak.
Wheter or not we have arab ancestry is of least importance for us, but we definitely have no genetic connection with dravidians of india. most of our genetic heritage originates from the same territory of pakistan which we currently inhabit.
My friend, please don't be so sure about the purity of your genetic pool because pure genetic pool does not exist anywhere in the world except in the case of few indigenous tribes living in isolation for thousands of years. Great molecular biologist (and Nobel prize winner) Dr. James Watson once made fun about Africans for their apparent lower intelligence, only to learn later that albeit of his apparent white skin, he had considerable (up to 16%) genetic footprint of African ancestry (Revealed: scientist who sparked racism row has black genes - Science - News - The Independent
Pakistanis are not lunatics, some of our clergy are. The main problem with common people is their insistence to make their religious views public and that causes a whole lot of crap we all shouldn't have to deal with. The moment Pakistanis start to keep their religion private and not wear it like a neon sign, we'll see some real change at a societal level.
u a old guy,,,,?
how much zia rule contribute or is he just a scapegoat?
sir,ur views
islam IS the reason why pakistan is here. it's not just the religion, it's their basis of existence. Naturally, the people of pakistan are expected to be more "islam" oriented. but natural...
The more 21st century invades pakistan, more of these doubts will arise with the solution for the uber religious being more religous than ever before.
cycle. vicious or not, it is such.
Capitalistic Monster engulfing Muslim country each year, how we can remain untouched out of that situation, Moreover we've something to offer to international muslim community, that makes me Proud of my Country
We Busted Russians in our next Border, we resist back every calamity, last 70 years our biggest concern was Security, Now 40+ NATO are busy in Afghanistan, let us Kicked them out of my country then we resist back again....:hitwall:

Check out the hundreds of posts out here on PDF and you'll see how many Pakistanis claim Arab ancestry.Why, there are some who even claim they are of Caucasian decent!! Here...Read this..Arab origins – The Express Tribune
You shared very Good link...i will read it later....in free time
One thing i heed about you, you have some special love with Pakistan ;)....it seemz ur little bit Muslim from Inside (whether u like it or not)
u a old guy,,,,?
how much zia rule contribute or is he just a scapegoat?

Old? Not quite, not yet.

Zia contributed more than his fair share, but the process started a bit before Zia, but he did do his damaging, his rule seemed good to the common man, it was prosperous, but liberalism was completely killed off, it was outlawed and the long term damage it caused it far, far outweighed the cosmetic short term gain during his rule.

I am amazed religion matter much, much more in Pak.

It does, strange thing is, it matters more to some men when they leave their house than when they're in their own private home.
pakistani member asking why world calls or treats them as so called "extremist" well cause most pakistanies are confused about whats there identity and what actualli they want from the world

in a age of socio economik libration at one account they want to still leagalise "feudalism" and on the other hand want "equal treatment" when there own "hazrat umar bin khattab voiced and acted all his life against feudalism"

at one end they want to preserve there punjabi , (or some indian caste identity like rajputs, bhattas, maliks, chowdharies"which they name as clans") and on the other hand gloat that in islam every one is just muslim but we all know how they love to redicule others as they beleve they are purest of the pure and decendents of a martial race and are a "Zinda quam" but very convientlli ignore there origanl identity and love to call themselfs as "al bakistani" to please there saudi masters

lolzz hight is they changed , khuda hafiz to alah hafiz , ramzaan to ramadan , sehri to sahoor

lolss punjabies use to wear kurta and pajama or tehmad/lungi/dhoti and women woresarees but in deu course changed it to a turkish dress "salwar kameez& burqua "

and feel pride in dressing up like arabs and feel pride to talk in a phsedo arabian acsent

now pakistanies abuse the privilages given to them in western world and want westerners to change there life style as per pakistani whims and fancies but want the western justice system and perks but gloat about "sharia & pakistani way of life or culture"

pakistanies love to talk and take thekedari of ummah (specialli arabs) when arabs dont even bother about them rather iltreat them "even give indians better respect & facilities" and most arbas call pakistanies as "taal rafiques & hazza miskins"

now when we look at pakistan they are never satisfied with what they have and keep creating trouble to gwet more "like they were not satisfied with what they got in 1947 and kept creating trouble in kasmir and lost east pakistan/ bangladesh deu to that attitude "

pakistanies wanted to teach india a lesson from day one and to get that they needed money so there "feudal,politikal & millitarry ashrafia" took US side and for that made there realtions worse with every naighbour and if that was not enof they totalli destroyed there age old sufi islamik culture and force fed there genrations with ultra rigit & cruel to every non wahabbi / sunni culture just look what they did to shias , ahmadies and chritians and hindus/ sikhs in name of "real islam " and imported narco-klashnikov cuture just to please US and if that wasent enof they then sided with USA in WOT again and for that traded there soveranity "whetever was left of it till then" for free wepons and war remmittence and try to play a double game which soon was exposed and USA started treating them as acolonny and killing pakistanies thru drone strikes and its paid mercennaries like blackwater and what not

and after all they play the victim card and ask questions like "pakistan ka matlab kya & are pakistanies extremists"

well if you never think and act logikalli and always want to think and work in extreames then what do one calls this beaviour

That's your opinion, and i know plenty names they call Indians. Worse than us. Bengalis are the worst off though. Relax it is a turbulent time for us, we were at peace when your minorities were gettin it up the ***. Plenty Indians on the handout and misuse of welfare, south Asians are alike, religion has no play in a backwards mentality.

Everything passes, so will this.

Rest assured we are hypocrites, and take pride in it. Your rant has nothing to do with the thread title btw. It's as if all the pent up anger got an outlet. Though i havent read it all.
u a old guy,,,,?
how much zia rule contribute or is he just a scapegoat?
A lot really, but the non-sense had already started in the time of ZA Bhutto when he tried to come up with an Islamic constitution for Pakistan. Zia literally built on the foundation Bhutto left for him.
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