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White Guy Tells How China Really is


He conveniently says nothing about restricted internet access/publications, infrastructure that can't support the population, and crippling pollution.

He conveniently says nothing about restricted internet access/publications, infrastructure that can't support the population, and crippling pollution.

If you really want to know your stupid question, just leave comment for him on the youtube, I think he would be glad to answer. He is never pro China, he just lives there, and show the true China. This is your sickness, you just can't accept the fact that China is improving.

China's netizen population hits 591 million|Society|chinadaily.com.cn
China has 618M Internet users, 80 percent on mobile | ZDNet
FINCHANNEL.com - Cost of High Speed Rail in China One Third Lower than in Other Countries

Do you have this fast infrastructure?

The FINANCIAL -- By the end of 2013, China had built a high speed rail network of over 10,000 route-km, far exceeding that in any other country and larger than the network in the entire European Union. It has been accomplished at a cost which is at most two-thirds of that in other countries. In 2013, more than 580 million person time ride the HSR.

Have you ever been to this second rank Chinese city, we get a lot more beautiful and great cities than you can ever imagine. Only some cities are polluted, many cities are still air clean, like this one.







He conveniently says nothing about restricted internet access/publications, infrastructure that can't support the population, and crippling pollution.

Well Gary Indian is kind of scarily unique in the U.S., lol, when I was driving to Chicago. You cannot judge a huge country based on one city. Plus, the media always highlights newsworthy pictures, events, etc. Of course I agree that some small poor towns in northern China that burn coal for heating in winter are definitely scary.

Anyway, back to the topic, I kind of agree that the Chinese populace, esp. the urban Chinese, worship the West too much. Well kind of understandable, since communism is from Europe and the whole historical narratives, theories, etc. were all based on European experience, which is inappropriate to interpret a unique civilization like China. But the communists embraced it. Now the citizens are just following.
Save it, my son, you are brainwashed, I feel sorry for your loss.
he's not brainwashed, I was arrested 8 times yesterday, but don't worry, I used to be arrested 12 times a day.


China has trees ? And benches ? NO WAY, MAN !!!! COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA FOR SURE !!!:rofl:

come on now, those are plastic trees, not to mention photoshop, you can clearly see the "trees" floating in the air, your lack of faith, disappoint me. Damn, my starwars references are getting weak since my High school days, dude, what's the line again?
Mainland China = Foreign Worshiper + Poor + Less Chinese
(Thanks to the stupid Communist and traitorous Christians)

Something that Whites people fail to see. But only fellow East Asians know it.

How did you come up with this conclusion? I'm sure not all mainland Zhongguorens are like that. Don't say that, my Taiwanese friend.
I honestly don't welcome foreigners living in my country. Visit is okay but not live there. However I enjoy living temporary in foreign land. LOL
I honestly don't welcome foreigners living in my country. Visit is okay but not live there. However I enjoy living temporary in foreign land. LOL

Isn't that double standard ? I for one am very grateful for the United Sates in the privilege of working and living here.

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