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Turkey To Israel: Cross Our Airspace To Bomb Iran & We Will Respond Like An Earthquak

Thomas, i'm only guessing that if this is the first time you have heard the scenario you were either not born during that time or just supporting Israel as a patriotic American. convenient eh ?

lol, yes at 47 I have been around. I also love military history and have read up on the incident quite a few times. Please provide a link if you will your source that it was an attempt to frame the Egyptians.
Well Turkey whether does something or not in response, atleast the Turkish PM had the balls to issue such a harsh and strong worded statement which is commendable. Showed guts when he walked off that stage at World Forum debate, i hope such courage is shown by other Muslims leaders instead of selling their balls to US and Jewish masters.

Didnt Israel just attack sites in Syria through Turkey and I dont remember hearing any thing from Turkey about it... and they were through Turkeys and Syrias air defenses with out even being noticed...
lol, yes at 47 I have been around. I also love military history and have read up on the incident quite a few times. Please provide a link if you will your source that it was an attempt to frame the Egyptians.

Read Gary Allen's book "None dare call it conspiracy"
I'm not talking about the rulers or govts of the Muslim countries I'm talking about the masses. They might have their differences with Iran with their hatred towards Israel is far greater then their love for Iran

Best I can tell right now the Iranians Goverments main enemy is the Iranian People...
Shahab carry a 2000 lb war head,, how much damage does a 2000 lb war head do,,,for example how many would it take to take out acre of land.

if a shahab-3 made it through Israels anti-missile defenses and hit a 2000lb warhead will do quite a bit of damage. But even if all 600 hit (which is an impossibility) it would not do the fatal damage that Black Blood claimed. Unless of course they used Bio or Chem warheads. Which would spell the end for Iran since Israel would retaliate with it's nukes.
Best I can tell right now the Iranians Goverments main enemy is the Iranian People...


I might be the biggest critic of my govt but that doesn't mean I will support an attack on Pakistan. Please talk sense
Sheer numbers of Shahab III , Iran has claimed to attack israel with 600+ shahabs with in hours of the start of the conflict.

Iran has S-300 already , they have SU-30's too but are kept secret we have Intel about it!;)

Iran and syria has an agreement in order to fight jews together if attacked.

Iranians have years of experience fighting wars , they have oil to support a long term conflict .
If israel attacked iran russia will intervene .....

i think Iran has every right to produce nuclear energy and if israel attacks than it will give them right to produce a Nuke too ( tough we believe that they have few dirty bombs imported from N.korea)


How well did the last 3 or 4 wars with Israel work out?
Which would spell the end for Iran since Israel would retaliate with it's nukes.

Considering the area Israel occupies I think even if the Iranians load their Missiles with piss that would be enough to flood Israel.

Read Gary Allen's book "None dare call it conspiracy"

in the era of signal intelligence Israel would know you couldn't fake something like that. I think your author is just trying to sell books. Not to mention the visual identification of the sailors
if a shahab-3 made it through Israels anti-missile defenses and hit a 2000lb warhead will do quite a bit of damage. But even if all 600 hit (which is an impossibility) it would not do the fatal damage that Black Blood claimed. Unless of course they used Bio or Chem warheads. Which would spell the end for Iran since Israel would retaliate with it's nukes.

There are precise ways to measure bomb damage,,,I am not sure 600 2000 lb bombs even on target woudl do that much damage, sounds like a lot but in reality I am not sure it is,, during world war II we dropped many time that amount of bombs on just one city in one night.
The best you can do is to protect your Nation from Zionists , Believe me bro we have 1500 years of experience living and dealing with them.

When you hug a jew expect a knife in your back .....


There is a difference between a Zionist and a Jew.
There is a difference between a TTP member and a Muslim.
Let us not generalize, please.

Muslims have had excellent relations with Jews throughout our histories.
Be it Jerusalem and the holy land, be it in Spain and even in the Ottoman reign. Whereever Muslims ruled, the Jews were treated very well.
Jews were appointed in many capacities in the administration as well.

Right uptil the creation of Israel things were ok.
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in the era of signal intelligence Israel would know you couldn't fake something like that. I think your author is just trying to sell books.

He would have been selling facts only if the book would have safe guarded the Zionist interests.
And would have done great business in U.S, considering the amount of support.
I dont think the US Goverment is as concerned about what happens to Israel as it is about what Israel might do if they are threaten or attacked...

The Samson Option is a term used to describe Israel’s alleged deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a “last resort” against nations whose military attacks threaten its existence, and possibly against other targets as well.[1] Israel refuses to admit it has nuclear weapons or to describe how it would use them, an official policy of nuclear ambiguity, also known as "nuclear opacity." This has made it difficult for anyone outside the Israeli government to definitively describe its true nuclear policy, while still allowing Israel to influence the perceptions, strategies and actions of other governments.[2]

As early as 1976, the CIA believed that Israel possessed 10 to 20 nuclear weapons.[3] By 2002 it was estimated that the number had increased to between 75 and 200 thermonuclear weapons, each in the multiple-megaton range.[4] Kenneth S. Brower has estimated as many as 400 nuclear weapons.[5] These can be launched from land, sea and air.[6] This gives Israel a second strike option even if much of the country is destroyed.[
Samson Option - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of those bombs are likely to be very big,, some very dirty and some large nutron bombs and I dont have any doubt if Israel is ever on the point of being destroyed they will use them...I cant see any reason they wouldnot...
That will not sway Israel. they believe that Iran only wants a nuke so that they can use it against them. They see it as national survival to not let Iran have nukes.

Unless Israel attacks Iran, i do not see Iranians using Nukes.
Even if they were pushed in a situation to Nuke Israel, the presence of Palestinians will still be a major factor checking such a decision and complicating the matter for Iran.

Iran's nukes will serve as a deterrant but they will not be trigger happy, they have a lot to lose in case of a Nuclear war.
Unless Israel attacks Iran, i do not see Iranians using Nukes.
Even if they were pushed in a situation to Nuke Israel, the presence of Palestinians will still be a major factor checking such a decision and complicating the matter for Iran.

Iran's nukes will serve as a deterrant but they will not be trigger happy, they have a lot to lose in case of a Nuclear war.

The sad part is that the Americans and Israelis are aggressors and follow the doctrine of "Preemptive strikes" unlike anyone else in the world, yet they have all the rights of possessing nuclear weapons.
The whole world knew Israel wasn't baking cakes in dimona yet uncle sam conveniently looked the other way.
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