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Turkey To Israel: Cross Our Airspace To Bomb Iran & We Will Respond Like An Earthquak

To be honest, Egypt - Saudi Arabia - and all the other Arab conspirators by Israels side need a good hiding.
certainly he is the man

i wish we have such rulers too. we can take a stand with iran during tough times
Well Turkey whether does something or not in response, atleast the Turkish PM had the balls to issue such a harsh and strong worded statement which is commendable. Showed guts when he walked off that stage at World Forum debate, i hope such courage is shown by other Muslims leaders instead of selling their balls to US and Jewish masters.
This is why we need to give education and democracy a chance and develop our nation. The Turkish government as an elected representative of the Turkish people is voicing its opinions from a position of strength - a strong economy, industry and military.

A country does not have to be a theocracy to take moral and ethical positions. Pakistan does not need Shariah to rise, it needs leadership that focuses on development and education, the rest will follow.
truly said . i have seen that video its on youtube love turks ... and its good to seee them in the lead.
To be honest, Egypt - Saudi Arabia - and all the other Arab conspirators by Israels side need a good hiding.

Maybe if you asked a Saudi or an Egyptian, they'll say the same about us.

My father told me about his Jordanian friend who loved Pakistan. He said that the revival of the Islamic world will come from Pakistan, and he looked to Pakistan as Islam's balancing power against the West. When we tested the atomic bomb n 1998, he actually greeted my dad with a hug. However, my dad met him in UAE in 2003, and his opinion had changed. He now saw Pakistan as an Islamic country that supports the West. He asked my dad why a nuclear power like Pakistan can't end the disproportionate violations in Palestine.

Now, I don't support his ideas for one second. Pakistan has to first look to its own problems before it can go out and challenge the West on behalf of the Islamic World. Look at Turkey, they did the same. They built a strong democracy in their country, and a strong industrial and military base, despite being left out of the European Union. Now, when they speak, the world listens, and when they condemn Israeli actions, even the American and European leadership can not come back at them with similar accusations.

My point being, before we point our fingers at Egypt, Saudi Arabia etc., we should look at ourselves. Why doesn't Pakistani leadership have the courage to say these things in international media? Why is the Pakistani leadership so incompetent when it comes to speaking even about the Kashmir issue? Whose fault is it that these people came to power?
This shows why they have ruled such a great empire in the past and this shows what they carry in their genome, the greatness of ottoman empire of the past.

This guy has the balls of a true leader, however, it worries me about his safety coz zionists would never allow a person in the muslim world with such self esteem and nationalism to survive for a long time.

May ALLAH(S.W.T) protect him and turkey from Zionist and crusader's conspiracies and harm.
He's the MAN ..

& We have Criminal Bastard Chor President ..
certainly he is the man

i wish we have such rulers too. we can take a stand with iran during tough times
he is courageous.

but anyway even if i like some of his speech, i know as Iranian mostly why he said this: Turkey makes lot of business with Iran and especially 18 billion dollars were stolen by Turkey a few months ago.

a good thing about Turkey when i go there they have respect with us shias. like we in Iran should respect the other muslims . Ahmadinejad for exemple s aid about arab Iranians that sunnis are inferior to shias. very funny hamas and other killers respect so much this bastard.
The Ottoman empire is back, let see when would they send the new Lawrence of Arabia to save the Saudi *****.

Last time he was in Pakistan he did look disapionted. Maybe he was accepting some thing else than zardi and co.
The US has realy pissed itself . In pursuit of the eastern asian resources they have made israel more vounreble ...
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