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3 more OHP class Frigates to be delivered to Pakistan between 2014-2016.

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Meri jaan If we have a $1 trillion GDP then our defence budget would at least $25 billion.

It would be a huge disappointment if PN doesn't go for a CVBG even then.

I am sending you to reko dekh. :woot:
Yes I have figured it out that you are an Indian deeply ashamed of your Nationality.

I am a citizen of two countries and I proudly wave the Flag of both those countries.

Obviously, someone has decided to make assign you a Think Tank Analyst status which in my opinion you do not deserve.

Avoid making caustic remarks about " Pakistani Pipedreams " and try to read post carefully before responding.

And when you respond keep your Indian Trolling to minimum and maintain objectivity.

He is a dutch.
3 More OHP , would be fine , when is the arrival date

Just in time to greet Modi's arrival 16 gun salute
Strings attached

(1) cooperating with the United States in counterterrorism and nonproliferation efforts, (YES)
(2) not supporting terrorist activities against the United States in Afghanistan or elsewhere (No Proof)
(3) taking steps towards releasing Dr. Shakil Afridi, (hahahaha)
(4) taking steps to dismantle improvised explosive device (IED) networks, (not our job to clean up afganistan_
(5) providing humanitarian groups with access to detainees and other Pakistani civilians (very politcal ....)
(6) ensuring that Pakistan's military and intelligence agencies are not intervening into Pakistan's political and judicial processes.(hahahahaha)


With China its so simple , expected day of arrival , we wait date comes we get F22P frigate done
Yes I have figured it out that you are an Indian deeply ashamed of your Nationality.

I am a citizen of two countries and I proudly wave the Flag of both those countries.

Obviously, someone has decided to make assign you a Think Tank Analyst status which in my opinion you do not deserve.

Avoid making caustic remarks about " Pakistani Pipedreams " and try to read post carefully before responding.

And when you respond keep your Indian Trolling to minimum and maintain objectivity.

Well, if the accuracy of the above is any indication, your analysis skills aren't all that. And I will very much post what I please, within the boundaries set by forum rules and following the lead of moderators.

3 More OHP , would be fine , when is the arrival date

Just in time to greet Modi's arrival 16 gun salute
Reports: Increase in Pakistan Defense and Nuclear Budgets Likely
May. 19, 2014 - 05:22PM | By USMAN ANSARI |

Media reports indicate a budget increase is coming for the Pakistani military. (Aamir Qureshi / AFP)

ISLAMABAD — Media reports here have outlined that Pakistan is set to increase funding for the armed forces and the national nuclear body, the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), under the forthcoming 2014-FY2015 budget.

The budget would be just over US $81 million for the PAEC, up from nearly $63 million the previous year (which was later increased to $66 million).

Mansoor Ahmed, from Quaid-e-Azam University’s Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, who specializes in Pakistan’s national deterrent and delivery programs, said although the figures earmarked for the national nuclear body are mainly for a civilian power generation project, there are national security implications.
“This sum is primarily geared toward the construction of the two 1,000-megawatt generation-III safeguarded Chinese nuclear power reactors to be established at Karachi, K-1 and K-2, that were recently initiated by the prime minister,” he said.

However, he added, “Additional financial allocations are most likely earmarked for the unsafeguarded Khushab Nuclear Complex where the fourth plutonium production heavy water reactor is reportedly nearing completion.”

Ahmed said the Khushab Nuclear Complex has been vital in allowing Pakistan to modernize its national deterrent due to its central role in the production of plutonium.

“These and other classified projects are presumably aimed at the development of a new variety of lightweight, compact and more powerful and efficient weapon designs, suitable for a variety of ballistic and cruise missiles, that require additional fissile material [plutonium] production, and fuel fabrication in addition to maintaining and improving existing infrastructure.

“All this has been possible due to the steady enhancement of indigenous manufacturing capabilities developed by the PAEC during the past 35 years,” he added.

The budget increase for the armed forces is also significant.
The new defense budget proper is said to be just over $7.6 billion. This is an increase from the nearly $6.4 billion the previous year, (revised later to $6.6 billion).

The budget is broken down to nearly $3.8 billion for the Army, about $1.6 billion for the Air Force and slightly more than $760 million for the Navy.

This puts the “operational” aspect of the budget at some $6.1 billion for the services and the remaining $1.5 billion earmarked for various defense and defense production bodies.

Former Australian defense attache to Islamabad, Brian Cloughley, says while the sources for the figures reported in the media “seem to be pretty good,” he cautions, “it’s still conjecture rather than hard fact.”

The possible increases “may well be because the Army and Air Force have asked for more in order to pay for the Waziristan operation” to root out the Pakistani Taliban, “which has got to take place, irrespective of what [Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif] thinks or says,” he said.

But this will not necessarily translate into acquisition of new equipment, he said.
“I think they’ll maintain the balance between operating costs and capital equipment acquisitions,” he said.
The Navy in particular could use a capital upgrade, he said.

“I don’t think it’s looking too good for the Navy” Cloughley said. Adding, “Pakistan has simply got to get some more submarines.”

The Navy operates two aging Agosta-70 submarines acquired in the 1970s and three more modern Agosta-90Bs equipped with air independent propulsion (AIP) under a deal signed in the 1990s, and which entered service in the last decade.

However, a deal for three German HDW Type-214 submarines fell through in 2008 due to a lack of finances, and negotiations have been underway for some time with China for six AIP-equipped diesel electric boats.
Analysts said these are likely the S-20 development of the Chinese Type-041 Yuan class, with government officials expecting a deal to be signed by the end of the year.

Analyst Usman Shabbir of the Pakistan Military Consortium think tank said too much cannot be read into the small size of the Navy’s budget, as it has generally been small compared with the other services.

“Large buys are not part of specific force budgets, so Navy’s budget will not tell you if [it] has money for subs or not”, he said.

There is more optimism among analysts over the possible acquisition of Chinese submarines than obtaining further Perry-class frigates from the US. These are desperately required to replace the aging ex-British Type-21 frigates.

One of the six Type-21s, Badr (ex-Alacrity), has already been decommissioned and the remainder will pay off by the end of the decade. Officials had hoped to acquire up to six Perrys to replace these, but to date only one, Alamgir (ex-McInerney) has been acquired. Recent proposals for three more are effectively being blocked by the US Congress.

Though US Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert was in Pakistan last week, it is not known if transfer of equipment was discussed in addition to the reported talks about regional security. ■
Email: uansari@gannettgov.com.
One of the six Type-21s, Badr (ex-Alacrity),

True and all other Type-21s are now just air defense ships, all surface missiles have been removed, also current PN F-22Ps air defense capability can be improved without structrual modifications if China develop Mk-29 class launcher for HHQ-16s, allowing 8 HHQ-16 missiles in place of HHQ-7s.
True and all other Type-21s are now just air defense ships, all surface missiles have been removed, also current PN F-22Ps air defense capability can be improved without structrual modifications if China develop Mk-29 class launcher for HHQ-16s, allowing 8 HHQ-16 missiles in place of HHQ-7s.
that also but the article says 3 OHP are blocked
The issue is that Pakistani government is filled with politicians that do not understand that one can say... No OHP means no secure naval routes... Within short time you have free OHP. Trust me. Western societies are used to handle on emergencies if they hit their economy.. Otherwise they are sucking you empty and hit you if you resist... Hence the bombing back to stone age of Bush and the F16's to counter Russian invasion form Reagan... Zia knew how to play the game. These idiots these days only know how to fill Swiss bank accounts and lend some billions more..
^^ Can a moderator please put an end to this?? @Aeronaut

Nishan, this is like your 5th username, take a hint please! Atleast stop pointless, wishlisting posts..

The issue is that Pakistani government is filled with politicians that do not understand that one can say... No OHP means no secure naval routes... Within short time you have free OHP. Trust me. Western societies are used to handle on emergencies if they hit their economy.. Otherwise they are sucking you empty and hit you if you resist... Hence the bombing back to stone age of Bush and the F16's to counter Russian invasion form Reagan... Zia knew how to play the game. These idiots these days only know how to fill Swiss bank accounts and lend some billions more..

On a side note, this is a great post. The problem starts from the top of our structure... if we can stress the importance of these frigates in the right manner, I'm sure at the very least, the US and congress will have to look over their initial verdicts.
Yes I have figured it out that you are an Indian deeply ashamed of your Nationality.

I am a citizen of two countries and I proudly wave the Flag of both those countries.

Obviously, someone has decided to make assign you a Think Tank Analyst status which in my opinion you do not deserve.

Avoid making caustic remarks about " Pakistani Pipedreams " and try to read post carefully before responding.

And when you respond keep your Indian Trolling to minimum and maintain objectivity.
he is not Indian, he is Dutch ,plus he is one of the most knowledgeable & respected members of this forum , his knowledge on naval warfare is appreciated throughout the forum
he is not Indian, he is Dutch ,plus he is one of the most knowledgeable & respected members of this forum , his knowledge on naval warfare is appreciated throughout the forum

Thank you for your Vote of Confidence Mr. Buttinsky.

Did you read his comments about Pakistani Pipedreams.

Does not sound to knowledgeable to me.

Sounds like a DAMN TROLLER.
Thank you for your Vote of Confidence Mr. Buttinsky.

Did you read his comments about Pakistani Pipedreams.

Does not sound to knowledgeable to me.

Sounds like a DAMN TROLLER.

Sir he is indeed very knowledgeable, specially in matters related to navy. Sometimes harsh in analysis though and often takes over enthusiastic Indians to task too:)
Thank you for your Vote of Confidence Mr. Buttinsky.

Did you read his comments about Pakistani Pipedreams.

Does not sound to knowledgeable to me.

Sounds like a DAMN TROLLER.
hey mate don't call me names, I debate with civility, & I respect other members irrespective of their cast, creed or nationalities, because it is my fundamental belief, that everybody deserves to be treated with respect, & I don't attack anyone personally , I am a Canadian & thus i have to maintain certain decorum & standards. I like Americans , so as an American & as a fellow north American, I expected better from you, rather then name calling , as for his opinion, then this is an international forum & one can comment about any projects, pipedreams, programs etc's , be it from the perspectives of its pros or cons for that matter
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