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Bomb hits Pakistan's spy agency in northwest

Even if that happens, probably nobody will be 'wiped out' as the set you have chosen is a zero/null set. There are no non-Muslims behind this attack & there is no 'RAWliban' as well. Nobody from outside is looking to dismantle you except in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You come across as a war monger who only wishes a clash of civilizations without understanding the need to introspect. If you represent Pakistani majority, and I really hope you do not, it is no wonder why Pakistan is reduced to this situation today.

As I mentioned elsewhere - whether Pakistanis believe RAW, Mossad or mutants from the planet X are supporting the extremists has little bearing on fighting terrorism, so long as Pakistanis agree that local facilitators (the extremist groups such as the TTP) need to be eliminated.

The key issue here is not who is blamed for supporting these groups, but Pakistani attitudes towards the groups themselves and their tactics.

If Pakistanis support action against the TTP and other extremists because they believe them to be sponsored by RAW/Mossad or whatever - great!

All I care about is that they support the government taking action against these groups.
And what happens in Afghanistan if the US withdraws? The Taliban take over? Probably not in the way they did after the Soviets left. So we will have once more a massive civil war in Afghanistan between the NA and Taliban, and Pakistan will bear a cost in terms of refugees, violence and instability again.

And what guarantee is there that the Afghan Taliban will then not support the Pakistani Taliban? They both believe in imposing their 'Islamic State'.

Right , better Afghanistan should be divided into three states Uzbik, Tajik and Pushtoon states and FATA also need remodeling for long term peace and security .

I think this is the only practical solution to restore peace.
As I mentioned elsewhere - whether Pakistanis believe RAW, Mossad or mutants from the planet X are supporting the extremists has little bearing on fighting terrorism, so long as Pakistanis agree that local facilitators (the extremist groups such as the TTP) need to be eliminated.

The key issue here is not who is blamed for supporting these groups, but Pakistani attitudes towards the groups themselves and their tactics.

If Pakistanis support action against the TTP and other extremists because they believe them to be sponsored by RAW/Mossad or whatever - great!

All I care about is that they support the government taking action against these groups.

Have you looked at the part that I bolded in his post? He was hoping to eliminate all non Muslims behind this attack. That is what I wanted to counter & my whole post was based on his religious remarks.

And nobody would care under what pretext you kill the extremists. You might kill them for being with RAW, Mossad or for planting flowers in Pakistan. I could not care less.
May the departed RIP! My condolences to the families of the dead.

Well I suspect an Iranian hand in this attack. Of late they have been pretty vociferous in their accusations against your spy agency. Just yesterday an Iranian missionary in your North-West was shot dead. Several other events over the past few weeks too suggest a strong motive for Iran to carry out such an attack specifically targeting the ISI. A cold war between the spy agencies of the two countries perhaps?

Iranian consulate official shot dead in Peshawar
Iran accuses Pakistan over attack
Iran says Pakistan freed rebel chief before attack
Iran sends bodies of five ‘blast victims’
Pakistan arrests 11 Iranians close to border
may Allah give these shaheeds the highest rank in the heavens and expose and wipe out all those non muslims and RAWlibans who are behind these assassinations do dismantle Pakistan and take its nuclear arsenal in their hands.
this bloody war has cost us much blood and the time is not far when the countries behind these attacks will be exposed and we will avenge each and every deadbody of our shaheeds

Rameex Xaved you need to priortise when you are protestings
Its our people that comes first (muslim) not weapons.

Have you looked at the part that I bolded in his post? He was hoping to eliminate all non Muslims behind this attack. That is what I wanted to counter & my whole post was based on his religious remarks.

And nobody would care under what pretext you kill the extremists. You might kill them for being with RAW, Mossad or for planting flowers in Pakistan. I could not care less.
No he did not reread his post :

non muslims and RAWlibans who are behind these assassinations

If theses people, RAW and who commit atroscities in other countries are seen as Non-combatants then you might as well add Terrorists as well. They are both the same. DO the same thing. Killing of civillains is no different no matter who you are
you are known to be a terrorist full stop !
Besides death of civillains increased when the war on terror started

As for ISI there have been many attacks on spy agency across history and the world , from CIA, KGB, Mossad, MI5, MI6, all have survived and made stroinger . This is no different to ISI.
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I know what he tried too but presenting one example to show US was all goody goody in Iraq is rather an appologatic attitude.

If US did attack Iraq on the basis of its lies then today we would not have seen such barbarism.

Iraq was much better earlier

100% with you, Iraq was much better before. This goes to show how war can impact a nation. Now we have one more country where governance needs to be established. Iraq was absolutely unjustified. This also created problems for Afghanistan as focus got shifted. US troops moved from Afghanistan to Iraq
About civilian casualties it is part of war, so better avoid war.

My condolences for people who lost their life. I also feel pain for people who are witnessing attacks on regular basis.
May the departed RIP! My condolences to the families of the dead.

Well I suspect an Iranian hand in this attack. Of late they have been pretty vociferous in their accusations against your spy agency. Just yesterday an Iranian missionary in your North-West was shot dead. Several other events over the past few weeks too suggest a strong motive for Iran to carry out such an attack specifically targeting the ISI. A cold war between the spy agencies of the two countries perhaps?

Iranian consulate official shot dead in Peshawar
Iran accuses Pakistan over attack
Iran says Pakistan freed rebel chief before attack
Iran sends bodies of five ‘blast victims’
Pakistan arrests 11 Iranians close to border

There is no Iranian hand, and the border of iran is in the Balochistan area, hundreds of miles away from this side of NWFP, and the recent killing of the Iranian consulate employee is not that much of a problem as he was a Pakistani national not an Iranian one. Iran knows very well why and who is behind the rift being created with Pakistan, otherwise they would have by now taken much much harsher attitude against Pakistan. But no doubt anger is there by Iranian side but not enough to start a bombing campaign of such nature. We had lowest level of relations before too, but Iranians are no murderers of such magnitude. So i think this card of blaming Iran should now be stopped.
i was trying to find out that were there any members of the ISI that were actually killed or were they just civilians standing by.
If Pakistanis support action against the TTP and other extremists because they believe them to be sponsored by RAW/Mossad or whatever - great!
Pardon me while I puke at the notion of motivating people to battle by heaping blame on the innocent.
Pardon me while I puke at the notion of motivating people to battle by heaping blame on the innocent.

Innocent ?? That also RAW & Mossad ??? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Joke of the day or should i say Century. :rofl:
If Pakistanis support action against the TTP and other extremists because they believe them to be sponsored by RAW/Mossad or whatever - great! All I care about is that they support the government taking action against these groups.

Do you realize the implications of what you are saying? What is happening in Pakistan right now is terrible, heinous and....I have no words for such terrible suffering. Do you realize the amount of sheer blind hatred (hatred is too mild a word) you are creating by sitting silently by while your government blames it on India? Such thinking will not end terrorism, it will perpetuate terrorism because you have now created a sense of revenge in the minds of all Pakistanis who believe these lies.

Believe me, it might be useful to make India the scapegoat today. But in the long term, this will only lead to more trouble. This is classic short-term thinking, which is exactly what your government has been doing all these years.

Innocent ?? That also RAW & Mossad ???
Not one proof so far that would convince any court of law outside Pakistan of RAW involvement in terrorism in Pakistan, and nothing other than hot Pakistani breath for the Mossad.

Right now you have to fight the Talibs, that suits everybody, but afterward your ruling class will be looking around for others to blame, lest the anger of the people be directed towards themselves. Are you so willing to let yourself be blinded again and again?
The Massive Blast that happened in Peshawar today was very close to where we live. Alot of the Windows in our neighborhood including ours were shattered by the shockwave!! no one was hurt from my family though but many innocent lives have been lost!! This is really becoming frustrating day by day for residents who live in Peshawar. I wish i was with my family at this point!!
Durran3, do you see the authorities doing anything useful?
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