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Bomb hits Pakistan's spy agency in northwest

US is too blind to see this and too reckless to feel the pain with which we are inflicted with daily..daily, hundreds of us die in bombings, many of our soldiers die, US doesnt see it.

Have a look here : Humble chief gains national attention. Check out the second photo. That guy is chief of Med group and that little girl is a Iraqi, whose complete family was executed by Iraqi insurgents.

For more details read this :
snopes.com: John Gebhardt

THIS is what America represents.
Dont try to be appologist for US attrocities in Iraq.

I think he was trying to point out the atrocities of the Islamic extremists in Iraq.

It is fact that the majority of the innocents who have died in Iraq and Pakistan have been killed by Islamic extremists, AQ, the Taliban etc., and not by US or Pakistani security forces.

While one could argue that the US invasions were the catalyst for the rise of this violence, lets not ignore the groups (Taliban Al Qaeda) that are actually carrying out these attacks, whoever they may be sponsored by.

The similarities with Iraq in terms of the tactics being used in Pakistan would seem to indicate that Al Qaeda has a very strong presence in Pakistan now and extensive collaboration with extremist groups.

A recent article also illustrated how hard it is going to be to crackdown on Al Qaeda and these groups as they organize as small cells, working out of houses and compounds, instead of large camps such as the ones in SW etc. This means the role of effective intelligence gathering, law enforcement and help from citizens is paramount.
Why would the Taliban want to bomb a spy agency ? Stinks of external link IMO.
Very sad and dangerous satuation , why our leaders dont say good bye to uncle sam , when they will understand their hidden agendas.

Why Al Qaeada dont go and attack in Israel and US ?
Very sad and dangerous satuation , why our leaders dont say good bye to uncle sam , when they will understand their hidden agendas.

Why Al Qaeada dont go and attack in Israel and US ?
Al Qaeda did attack the US, and are you forgetting the various suicide bombings against civilians in Israel?

Israel has built a fence to keep out such people (though I believe they also used it to steal even more land from the Palestinians) and the US is lucky to be relatively isolated in North America, along with having a very effective law enforcement and intelligence apparatus with an informed and cooperative public.

Just recently they have had two high profile terrorist busts - first Najibullah Zazi and recently David Headly and Rana, so it isn't that people with the Al Qaeda mindset are not trying, they are being thwarted for various reasons.
BTW - the new propaganda tactic of the Taliban and Al Qaeda is to blame 'Blackwater' when they target civilians with suicide bombings.

Don't be fooled - these suicide bombings all have the same MO and are conducted by the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Why would the Taliban want to bomb a spy agency ? Stinks of external link IMO.

Because the intelligence agency is responsible for collecting intelligence on the Taliban/AQ which results in targeted strikes and local cells being busted ...
I think he was trying to point out the atrocities of the Islamic extremists in Iraq.

It is fact that the majority of the innocents who have died in Iraq and Pakistan have been killed by Islamic extremists, AQ, the Taliban etc., and not by US or Pakistani security forces.

While one could argue that the US invasions were the catalyst for the rise of this violence, lets not ignore the groups (Taliban Al Qaeda) that are actually carrying out these attacks, whoever they may be sponsored by.

The similarities with Iraq in terms of the tactics being used in Pakistan would seem to indicate that Al Qaeda has a very strong presence in Pakistan now and extensive collaboration with extremist groups.

A recent article also illustrated how hard it is going to be to crackdown on Al Qaeda and these groups as they organize as small cells, working out of houses and compounds, instead of large camps such as the ones in SW etc. This means the role of effective intelligence gathering, law enforcement and help from citizens is paramount.

I know what he tried too but presenting one example to show US was all goody goody in Iraq is rather an appologatic attitude.

If US did attack Iraq on the basis of its lies then today we would not have seen such barbarism.

Iraq was much better earlier
but presenting one example to show US was all goody goody in Iraq is rather an appologatic attitude.

I simply provided that post, to a sweeping comment about US being insensitive to your pain. Context was NOT Iraq.
Al Qaeda did attack the US, and are you forgetting the various suicide bombings against civilians in Israel?

Israel has built a fence to keep out such people (though I believe they also used it to steal even more land from the Palestinians) and the US is lucky to be relatively isolated in North America, along with having a very effective law enforcement and intelligence apparatus with an informed and cooperative public.

Just recently they have had two high profile terrorist busts - first Najibullah Zazi and recently David Headly and Rana, so it isn't that people with the Al Qaeda mindset are not trying, they are being thwarted for various reasons.

What will be worst case senario if GOP say no to US or withdraw their logistic support.

I think we can servive without US aids and grants and further sanctions .

Simultanously on two fronts army cant fight , to protect civilians and defence facilities from terrorist suicidel attack is almost impossible all over the world.

It need long term planning and resources.US is using our facilities but cant providing us enough support to protect our assets .
I know what he tried too but presenting one example to show US was all goody goody in Iraq is rather an appologatic attitude.

If US did attack Iraq on the basis of its lies then today we would not have seen such barbarism.

Iraq was much better earlier

I agree Iraq was a horrible blunder, and cost hundreds of thousands of lives perhaps, but I also think that the US is genuinely trying to rectify that blunder as much as it can by assisting the Iraqi government in stabilizing Iraq in various ways.

And I think that the soldier shown cradling the little Iraqi girl is a poignant reminder that we are, most of us, at our core humans who care for other humans, regardless of what our government's do.

I do not see the image posted as a reflection on US policy, but I do see it as indicative of the humanity and compassion in most of us, American soldiers included.
What will be worst case senario if GOP say no to US or withdraw their logistic support.

I think we can servive without US aids and grants and further sanctions .

Simultanously on two fronts army cant fight , to protect civilians and defence facilities from terrorist suicidel attack is almost impossible all over the world.

It need long term planning and resources.
And what happens in Afghanistan if the US withdraws? The Taliban take over? Probably not in the way they did after the Soviets left. So we will have once more a massive civil war in Afghanistan between the NA and Taliban, and Pakistan will bear a cost in terms of refugees, violence and instability again.

And what guarantee is there that the Afghan Taliban will then not support the Pakistani Taliban? They both believe in imposing their 'Islamic State'.
may Allah give these shaheeds the highest rank in the heavens and expose and wipe out all those non muslims and RAWlibans who are behind these assassinations do dismantle Pakistan and take its nuclear arsenal in their hands.
this bloody war has cost us much blood and the time is not far when the countries behind these attacks will be exposed and we will avenge each and every deadbody of our shaheeds

Even if that happens, probably nobody will be 'wiped out' as the set you have chosen is a zero/null set. There are no non-Muslims behind this attack & there is no 'RAWliban' as well. Nobody from outside is looking to dismantle you except in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You come across as a war monger who only wishes a clash of civilizations without understanding the need to introspect. If you represent Pakistani majority, and I really hope you do not, it is no wonder why Pakistan is reduced to this situation today.
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