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Whats your baradari or tribe?

Only if you are wearing Pag and i am wearing topi.

even when not in pag jatts look different


typical jatt...
And janjua are not jats. You wont find janjua in list of jatt clans. Few rajputs in Indian punjab migrated from Pakistan. Also 95% of sikhs are dalits or jats.

Janjua - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Among the Sikhs, the Rajputs are not very numerous as the Jats are. My theory is that as a result many Rajput Sikhs began identifying themselves as Jats. Sikhs who happen to be Janjuas, Bhattis refer to themselves as Jats, not Rajputs. Another theory is that many times Jats share the same Gote/last name as other castes. For example, you will find Uppal Jats and Uppal Khatris, same last name but two different castes.
The obvious differences are between punjabi dalits and non dalits. And since in Indian punjab they are either jats or dalits unlike in Pak, jutt gutt think jats are tallest, fair etc
In Indian Punjab there more than just Jats and Dalits. The Urban Khatris/Brahmins/Bania/Aggarwals form a sizable community, dominating commerce and business
Dogras >>>>> Jatts. Deal with it. Dogras look like a mixture between Punjabis and kashmiris.

Also Rajasthanis are the most underrated people in South Asia. Rajasthani Rajputs are very robust, tall and strong.
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In Punjab this is how it is

JaTTs > Rajputs > Arain > Gujjar

Majority of the Arain live between Lahore and Multan. This is due to settlement from East Punjab into this Doab Area.

Shahmir Kashmiri is right

Yes, Arains and Sheikhs have the stereotype of being miser. BuTTs have have the stereotype of being gangsters, and JaTTs have the stereotype of being stupid. Gujjars sell milk.

The Best Biradari of Punjab are the Rajputs.

Butts have alot of funny stereotypes... :lol:
Dogras >>>>> Jatts. Deal with it. Dogras look like a mixture between Punjabis and kashmiris.

Also Rajasthanis are the most underrated people in South Asia. Rajasthani Rajputs are very robust, tall and strong.

No doubt we see it all the time how robust, tall, fair, strong Indians are. :drag:
Dogras >>>>> Jatts. Deal with it. Dogras look like a mixture between Punjabis and kashmiris.

Also Rajasthanis are the most underrated people in South Asia. Rajasthani Rajputs are very robust, tall and strong.
Thanks buddy.:cheers:
Rajputs are native to India, they have always been in India.


Together with the Hephthalites in India, the Gujars also appeared, who were settled in Punjab, Sind and Rajputan, but a part of them afterwards moved into Malwa, an area later named after them - Gujarat.[Bivar 2003, 200; According to Bivar (2003, 200) the Gujars are ancestral also to the Gujar pastoralists who today frequent the higher elevations of the North-West Frontier Province and Kashmir]

As a result of the merging of the Hephthalites and the Gujars with population from northwestern India, the Rajputs (from Sanskrit “rajputra” – “son of the rajah”) formed. According to the Rajput tradition, the Hunas were included as one of the 36 Rajput clans [Banerji 1962, 57-58]

One of the Rajput clans still keeps the name “Hun”.[Литвинский 1996, 165]

In the 8th century AD the Rajputs moved into the rich area of the Ganges valley and Central India and created the large state under the name Gurjara-Pratihar. The Rajput rulers of the Tomars in 736 built the city Dhillika (modern Delhi) as capital of their state.[ 1 Smith 1907, 927-928; Медведев 1990, 134] Several scholars including D. B. Bhandarkar, Baij Nath Puri and A. F. Rudolf Hoernle believe that the Pratiharas were a branch of Gurjars .[8][9][10][11][12][13]

These conquests have transformed them to one of the decisive factors of the politics in India from the 8th century AD on. The Rajputs, during several centuries, remained in India as an united ethnic unit. In spite of the fact that Rajputs have adopted the religion (though special importance is added Sun) and language of local people, they were able to preserve their mentality and military customs. The Rajputs noticeably differ from their neighbours by nature, according special value to soldierly valor.
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