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India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan

India wont be starting the nuclear war.....though it will be ending it!!!

This is the same dangerous attitude that Clinton talked about: Indians thinking they can some how come out on top in a nuclear war. Its misplaced, in the advent of a nuclear war both India and Pakistan will be changed forever. I doubt whatever will be left of us can be called India or Pakistan, or anything resembling a habitable nation-state.

People here need to calm down. Saying that Kashmir needs a final resolution does not NOT equate to threatening nuclear war. But obviously given the existence of nuclear weapons its all the more necessary for us to work out our issues peacefully.

THAT is not the same as us holding a nuclear bomb to your head and saying 'give us Kashmir or we fire'. So please stop pretending it is. Its just prudence and cold clear logic that nuclear weapons make true peace urgently desirable, there is so need to get so childishly defensive.
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I agree with your statement, but India will not hit the sites you mentioned. I had objection to that, as it is there are people who have misconceptions and we are adding to it.

Given a option between getting cities like Mumbai or Delhi being nuked and keeping Muslims happy, what do you think will Indian strategic planners will choose?
India, Pak very casual in talking of nuking each other: Bill Clinton
Sep 30 05:05 AM

In the event of an Indo-Pak nuclear war, India will emerge the ultimate "winner" after wiping off Pakistan but lose up to 500 million of its own people, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch has claimed in his 700-page book The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President which hit the stores today.

The casual manner in which Indians and Pakistanis spoke of a nuclear war scenario alarmed Bill Clinton, the then US President, who admitted "they really talk that way".

Branch claims Indian leaders had portrayed such a scenario during the 1999 Kargil conflict to Clinton who was ready to "jump on a plane" to prevent its escalation into a full-fledged nuclear war as Pakistan, fearing military defeat, had almost prepared itself to nuke India.

The portion on nuclear warfare appears in the chapter Eight Missiles in Baghdad in which the author claims Clinton told him that New Delhi would nuke Pakistan, annihilating the entire country if anyone in Islamabad triggered nuclear bombs against it.

"He called this the one region on the globe facing a serious threat of nuclear war between two nations, India and Pakistan. Their mutual enmity was historically constant, yet chillingly erratic," Branch writes.

"In private, he (Clinton) disclosed, Indian officials spoke of knowing roughly how many nuclear bombs the Pakistanis possessed, from which they calculated that a doomsday nuclear volley would kill 300 to 500 million Indians while annihilating all 120 million Pakistanis. The Indians would thus claim "victory" on the strength of several hundred million countrymen they figured would be left over."

"But on the other side, the Pakistanis insisted that their rugged mountain terrain would shield more survivors than the exposed plains of India. They really talk that way, Clinton sighed. We have bad relations with both of them, he continued," Branch writes in his book.

At the peak of the Kargil war, writes Branch, Clinton told him that Pakistan sneaked its soldiers across the Line of Control as part of its strategy to escalate tension with India and thus gain international attention.

"Clinton surprised me about Kashmir... He said skirmishes there were much more serious than reported," Branch writes. "If they (India and Pakistan) called tonight, and said I could end this thing by flying over there, I would have no choice but to jump on the plane," Clinton was quoted as saying in the book, which is based on the secret taped conversations between Clinton and Branch.

"Failing mediation, Pakistan's zealots prepared nuclear attacks to stave off annihilation by India's conventional forces. India's zealots prepared nuclear attacks to preempt Pakistan, or retaliate, or defy any mandate for India to weaken its legal rule over Kashmir," Branch quoted Clinton as saying.

"Clinton said the current intelligence reports detailed by far the gravest alarm of his presidency. He could not say more, even on these restricted tapes, but Kashmir was far from over as a threat," says the book.


If any of the highlighted parts are true, I would say, we are sitting on a sleeping Volcano by handing over power to decide humankind's fate to some lunatics.
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These are not logical calculations.....in war Nukes can destroy subcontinent.....either used by India or Pak.....

Nukes effects on thousands of KM's........and people get effected even if they are 1000 KM away from the the nuke sufferd location.

Batter to ask Japanees.

Dont post childish things

Please make some sensible note. These are Nukes....they dont know maths or calculations.....where they will go destroy every thing.....land, people etc

logical.....you know what this word means...:).....may be your reply is logical...
get effected even if they are 1000 KM away from the the nuke sufferd location
Nukes can destroy subcontinent
Batter to ask Japanees
These are Nukes....they dont know maths or calculations.....where they will go destroy every thing.....land, people etc
These are Nukes....they dont know maths or calculations
...:)and i thought nowadays delivery system work on calculations....i never knew....you just need to fire from below...:)...a nuke missile..and it will automatically fall on enemy terrirtory...:)...haaaa...i cannot stop laughing.......no maths or calculations....:)

haaaa...u sound so logical.....1000kms away......japanese......subcontinents.......what a logic....go back read my first post...and understand what is logic........make some sense...when replying......:)...........do some homework....:)
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India Felt It Would Win Nuclear War With Pakistan

New York: In the event of a nuclear war with Pakistan, Indian leaders had predicted a bizarre victory, according to former US president Bill Clinton.

Indian officials had calculated that while 300 million to 500 million of their countrymen would die if Pakistani nukes hit India, all 120 million Pakistanis would be annihilated in a tit-for-tat Indian strike, Clinton is quoted as saying in a book.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch’s new book, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President, which goes on sale this week, has an unguarded Clinton venting about Indian and Pakistani leaders’ so-called willingness to threaten the death of millions in their standoff over nuclear arms.

“Indian officials spoke of knowing roughly how many nuclear bombs the Pakistanis possessed, from which they calculated that a doomsday nuclear volley would kill 300 [million] to 500 million Indians while annihilating all 120 million Pakistanis. The Indians would thus claim ‘victory’,” Branch has quoted Clinton as saying.

New Delhi is likely to be furious with the observation, which portrays it as a government willing to play fast and loose with its citizens lives to notch up a bizarre win against Pakistan.

Clinton had slapped sanctions on India and Pakistan over the tit-for-tat nuclear tests in 1998. His successor George Bush lifted those sanctions after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks as a reward, particularly for Pakistan, for offering to support Washington’s pursuit of Osama bin Laden.

Branch’s 700-page book is the result of his access to Clinton, in 79 sessions, during the two terms of his presidency from 1993 to 2001.

In an interview with USA Today, Branch said Clinton, who had read the manuscript, expressed concern about some details in the book. Branch said he believed Clinton “was nervous” about the book’s publication but had not asked for changes.

The Internet is abuzz with a smashed Boris Yeltsin anecdote in the book. Clinton recalled getting a security alert in 1995 that the secret service had found a whisky-tanked Yeltsin, in his underwear, teetering outside Blair House on Pennsylvania Avenue and trying to hail a taxi.

A longtime-friend, Branch quizzes Clinton on his political passions, his marriage and picks at the scabs of the Monica Lewinsky affair. One night in August 1999, six months after Clinton had survived the Senate impeachment trial, Clinton told Branch the Lewinsky affair began because “I cracked; I just cracked.”

India Felt It Would Win Nuclear War With Pakistan


And we thought our leaders were idiots....... :angry::hitwall:
I am surpriesed !!!

I must say , how India can Claim victory after losing 500000000 People?

Its another way of American Thinking ...

Not worried about it.

By the way , If such a war occurs its the Ultimate the end of the world , because it will destroy the OZONE ...........Happy holidays !!!!
India Felt It Would Win Nuclear War With Pakistan

New York: In the event of a nuclear war with Pakistan, Indian leaders had predicted a bizarre victory, according to former US president Bill Clinton.

Indian officials had calculated that while 300 million to 500 million of their countrymen would die if Pakistani nukes hit India, all 120 million Pakistanis would be annihilated in a tit-for-tat Indian strike, Clinton is quoted as saying in a book.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch’s new book, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President, which goes on sale this week, has an unguarded Clinton venting about Indian and Pakistani leaders’ so-called willingness to threaten the death of millions in their standoff over nuclear arms.

“Indian officials spoke of knowing roughly how many nuclear bombs the Pakistanis possessed, from which they calculated that a doomsday nuclear volley would kill 300 [million] to 500 million Indians while annihilating all 120 million Pakistanis. The Indians would thus claim ‘victory’,” Branch has quoted Clinton as saying.

New Delhi is likely to be furious with the observation, which portrays it as a government willing to play fast and loose with its citizens lives to notch up a bizarre win against Pakistan.

Clinton had slapped sanctions on India and Pakistan over the tit-for-tat nuclear tests in 1998. His successor George Bush lifted those sanctions after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks as a reward, particularly for Pakistan, for offering to support Washington’s pursuit of Osama bin Laden.

Branch’s 700-page book is the result of his access to Clinton, in 79 sessions, during the two terms of his presidency from 1993 to 2001.

In an interview with USA Today, Branch said Clinton, who had read the manuscript, expressed concern about some details in the book. Branch said he believed Clinton “was nervous” about the book’s publication but had not asked for changes.

The Internet is abuzz with a smashed Boris Yeltsin anecdote in the book. Clinton recalled getting a security alert in 1995 that the secret service had found a whisky-tanked Yeltsin, in his underwear, teetering outside Blair House on Pennsylvania Avenue and trying to hail a taxi.

A longtime-friend, Branch quizzes Clinton on his political passions, his marriage and picks at the scabs of the Monica Lewinsky affair. One night in August 1999, six months after Clinton had survived the Senate impeachment trial, Clinton told Branch the Lewinsky affair began because “I cracked; I just cracked.”

India Felt It Would Win Nuclear War With Pakistan
And we thought our leaders were idiots....... :angry::hitwall:
A nuclear exchange is not something of a child's play. An exchange that envisions the winning of India would have destroyed the entire ecology of ths Earth. It would have clouded the entire sky of this Earth for more than six months. Food could not be produced for more than one year. There would be famines throught the world and almost all the people of this world would have died either due to direct bombing, by its radiation, due to long-term hunger or by diseases.

The political lunatics should be sent to mental hospitals and should also visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki to get the firsthand knowlege of the power of destruction of atomic bombs. The strongest atomic weapon that the world has so far built is 4000 times stronger than the Hiroshima bomb.

So, why to play TV game with atomic bombs? These should either be destroyed or be kept in the bottle like a genie.
India Felt It Would Win Nuclear War With Pakistan

New York: In the event of a nuclear war with Pakistan, Indian leaders had predicted a bizarre victory, according to former US president Bill Clinton.

Indian officials had calculated that while 300 million to 500 million of their countrymen would die if Pakistani nukes hit India, all 120 million Pakistanis would be annihilated in a tit-for-tat Indian strike, Clinton is quoted as saying in a book.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch’s new book, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President, which goes on sale this week, has an unguarded Clinton venting about Indian and Pakistani leaders’ so-called willingness to threaten the death of millions in their standoff over nuclear arms.

“Indian officials spoke of knowing roughly how many nuclear bombs the Pakistanis possessed, from which they calculated that a doomsday nuclear volley would kill 300 [million] to 500 million Indians while annihilating all 120 million Pakistanis. The Indians would thus claim ‘victory’,” Branch has quoted Clinton as saying.

New Delhi is likely to be furious with the observation, which portrays it as a government willing to play fast and loose with its citizens lives to notch up a bizarre win against Pakistan.

Clinton had slapped sanctions on India and Pakistan over the tit-for-tat nuclear tests in 1998. His successor George Bush lifted those sanctions after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks as a reward, particularly for Pakistan, for offering to support Washington’s pursuit of Osama bin Laden.

Branch’s 700-page book is the result of his access to Clinton, in 79 sessions, during the two terms of his presidency from 1993 to 2001.

In an interview with USA Today, Branch said Clinton, who had read the manuscript, expressed concern about some details in the book. Branch said he believed Clinton “was nervous” about the book’s publication but had not asked for changes.

The Internet is abuzz with a smashed Boris Yeltsin anecdote in the book. Clinton recalled getting a security alert in 1995 that the secret service had found a whisky-tanked Yeltsin, in his underwear, teetering outside Blair House on Pennsylvania Avenue and trying to hail a taxi.

A longtime-friend, Branch quizzes Clinton on his political passions, his marriage and picks at the scabs of the Monica Lewinsky affair. One night in August 1999, six months after Clinton had survived the Senate impeachment trial, Clinton told Branch the Lewinsky affair began because “I cracked; I just cracked.”

India Felt It Would Win Nuclear War With Pakistan


And we thought our leaders were idiots....... :angry::hitwall:

winning a nuke war :lol: that too having a no first use of nuke policy :cheers:
typical indian thinking. you will see me protest in Tiananmen if my government refuse to nuke india after such "nuke exchange" with Pak.

we are still waiting for India to come up with any reliable delivery method that can be used to hit our population centers like Wuhan, Chengdu.

I would also urge my government to launch preemptive attacks on indian research centers/factories if they ever dare to work on any delivery method that can reach Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen.

A nuke armed india threating the peace of Asia will never be tolerated.
Ofcourse, Politicians will think about this option as they and other influential bureaucrats of both countries are well settled in US and Europe. After its all set and done, i somehow imagine politicians of both countries playing golf with each other :rofl: :bunny:
typical Indian propaganda.

DF-21C shown in Beijing this morning.

that concludes this thread or you need to convince yourself that China would let its _O_N_L_Y_ ally be nuked and do nothing.

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