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A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

well,one thing to say hindus do not have a problem with the religious practices.

Nobody has any problem what someone should worship and why and how?

Only the practices outside on the public realm are questioned and that the ones that threaten co existence.

There are muslim politicans who feel that their inability to compete in modern education causes serious problems for them and they should get reservation for that.

The creation of pakistan is the death blow for any kind of co existence with sunnis.

Speak for yourself please. You are not the sole repository of opinion.

Yes am not but this is what i gauge.

I would agree with you Nassr that it is hurtful to see such hatred. However, you must see that the 'aam admi' is a gullible creature and this gentlemen represents a segment of society but he cannot be generalised to the entire Hindu population there are many Hindus who are not really bothered by people's faiths and struggle with them in daily life. It is a mere confirmatory bias: in politics the most vocal is seen as the most powerful and it's people like you and me who do not speak against hatred that actually increases it amongst the people. I have seen it here on PDF when I engage a person's prejudices that if I am respectful, understanding and communicative then I usually get the person to at least admit that his point of view is not all true and that's the first step.

yeah but we are the idol worshipping kaffirs,the archtype philosophical enemies,why should we tolerate those whose sole existence is to finish us on earth.
I started this thread primarily for Pakistanis to see as to how Indians comment on an internal communal riot between the Muslims and Hindus is played out in a mainstream Indian newspaper. The first thing I encountered was a horde of very angry Indians. What surprised me even more was that a large number of them agreed with those comments and argued as to what was wrong in those statements. It further surprised me when I found out that they can not differentiate between highly racist hateful comments and the right to freedom of speech and that too being allowed in a mainstream and famous Indian newspaper.

Normally, we do not read the comments section of any newspaper report. This is where an aam admi would express him/herself. And this also gives us the pulse of the people as to how do they feel about a certain happening. What I saw horrified me and got doubly confirmed with the Indian comments and abuses hurled at me and us Pakistanis.

For me at-least this was an exposure of a different kind. I can not say that I enjoyed it.

It is good that you have opened a thread to educate your fellow netizens about an incident but then painting the entire nation with the same brush can't be considered smart, no??When you paint everyone with same brush it brings in biased opinions which is nothing but another form of racism, no??

Now think a bit...These are fabricated riots...otherwise there are areas where Muslims have been outnumbered by 10-15 times and even more...and the total deaths are 39-40.....if this issue is actually so deep rooted shouldn't the number be 100-150 times higher?? No i am not saying there is no issue...of-course there are fault lines but then there are fault lines everywhere....I am sure i don't need to remind you about Shia/Sunni fault lines that exist in your backyard....but people have learned to live with those fault lines...it is these scums(read politicians) who for their vested interests provoke these fault lines and results are in front of you.....

Look i am Sikh and my family members have seen the worst of 84 riots...yet i remember my Nani Ma saying...it was not Hindu's who were the rioters because it was the Hindu's who saved us...those who were after our lives were just rioters...her simple words had lot of depth...i will leave it to you and audience to learn from it!!
I would agree with you Nassr that it is hurtful to see such hatred. However, you must see that the 'aam admi' is a gullible creature and this gentlemen represents a segment of society but he cannot be generalised to the entire Hindu population there are many Hindus who are not really bothered by people's faiths and struggle with them in daily life. It is a mere confirmatory bias: in politics the most vocal is seen as the most powerful and it's people like you and me who do not speak against hatred that actually increases it amongst the people. I have seen it here on PDF when I engage a person's prejudices that if I am respectful, understanding and communicative then I usually get the person to at least admit that his point of view is not all true and that's the first step.

Here, if I may, I may not be able to agree with some of the aspects that you touch upon. The educated may generally be hostile in private or while in presence of friends etc or when anonymity provides him the ability to reach an audience through a loudspeaker. However, the educated may not kill in such a brazen manner. It is the aam aadmi, the less privileged and less educated and thus susceptible to hatred generated either by an educated or a literate manipulator(s), who kills and is used to create mayhem. He would not listen to reason but only hatred and vengeance.

The anonymity on such sites where people can express themselves without the fear of any reprisals, the educated or partially educated, cultured or those mired in cultural dogmas, can express their prejudices and hatred without killing anyone. However, least do they also realise that the hatred thus generated have a way of reaching those who can and do kill without remorse. Therefore, can we state that those spewing hatred on such social media networks or sites etc also share an equal blame as the one who kills or may they be exonerated as the newspaper that cleanse its hands legally by printing legal rejoinders, is indeed a moot point.
I repeat,i strongly disagree with this extermination statement,Muslims are happiest in Muslim countries and highly disadvantaged by living amongst otehr communities.

I request Muslim countries to accept Muslim people from countries like India and resettle them in your own countries.

By Muslim here,i strictly mean Sunni.

Here, if I may, I may not be able to agree with some of the aspects that you touch upon. The educated may generally be hostile in private or while in presence of friends etc or when anonymity provides him the ability to reach an audience through a loudspeaker. However, the educated may not kill in such a brazen manner. It is the aam aadmi, the less privileged and less educated and thus susceptible to hatred generated either by an educated or a literate manipulator(s), who kills and is used to create mayhem. He would not listen to reason but only hatred and vengeance.

The anonymity on such sites where people can express themselves without the fear of any reprisals, the educated or partially educated, cultured or those mired in cultural dogmas, can express their prejudices and hatred without killing anyone. However, least do they also realise that the hatred thus generated have a way of reaching those who can and do kill without remorse. Therefore, can we state that those spewing hatred on such social media networks or sites etc also share an equal blame as the one who kills or may they be exonerated as the newspaper that cleanse its hands legally by printing legal rejoinders, is indeed a moot point.

I completely agree there are so many Innocent Hindus & Muslims who shouldn't become collateral damage in political games.

Muslims of UP have to squarely blame all those educated Mohajjirs who left UP/Bihar during partition instead of staying back and helping their brothers.
Speak for yourself please. You are not the sole repository of opinion.

In the North India at least, Hindus, by and large, have a visceral hatred and animosity towards Muslims and this is sustained by the collective consciousness and memories of the past which includes Islamic atrocities, division of the motherland, Muslim non involvement in the freedom struggle etc and their generally aggressive and violent behavior. I realize that south Indians do not have the same feeling but that is because they were shielded from Islamic excesses.

Even parties and castes pretending to be pro-Muslims are just playing an electoral game. They cant really go against their DNA. SP is Yadav's party and the Yadavs were in the forefront in Bhagalpur riots.
well,one thing to say hindus do not have a problem with the religious practices.

Nobody has any problem what someone should worship and why and how?

Only the practices outside on the public realm are questioned and that the ones that threaten co existence.

There are muslim politicans who feel that their inability to compete in modern education causes serious problems for them and they should get reservation for that.

The creation of pakistan is the death blow for any kind of co existence with sunnis.

Yes am not but this is what i gauge.

yeah but we are the idol worshipping kaffirs,the archtype philosophical enemies,why should we tolerate those whose sole existence is to finish us on earth.

Well then, sir, if you believe that then you are welcome to try but for every cut you give you'll receive a few.
Well then, sir, if you believe that then you are welcome to try but for every cut you give you'll receive a few.

well,i am a woman,

secondly,like i said,we have no ideas to encroach or hurt Pakistan/Bangladesh in s dishonorable way.

It is a gentleman's agreement we respect but inside India,it is our Raj and out show.

and we decide what to do with our sunni muslims.
Here, if I may, I may not be able to agree with some of the aspects that you touch upon. The educated may generally be hostile in private or while in presence of friends etc or when anonymity provides him the ability to reach an audience through a loudspeaker. However, the educated may not kill in such a brazen manner. It is the aam aadmi, the less privileged and less educated and thus susceptible to hatred generated either by an educated or a literate manipulator(s), who kills and is used to create mayhem. He would not listen to reason but only hatred and vengeance.

The anonymity on such sites where people can express themselves without the fear of any reprisals, the educated or partially educated, cultured or those mired in cultural dogmas, can express their prejudices and hatred without killing anyone. However, least do they also realise that the hatred thus generated have a way of reaching those who can and do kill without remorse. Therefore, can we state that those spewing hatred on such social media networks or sites etc also share an equal blame as the one who kills or may they be exonerated as the newspaper that cleanse its hands legally by printing legal rejoinders, is indeed a moot point.

Very nice observation, Nassr, I'm a psychology student and I can elaborate on what you are saying. See, this phenomena is called the Lucifer Effect: it is what causes people to become evil and malignant. The factors you are saying are actually held within that theory however, here's the kicker: you and I are also as likely as anyone else to act out the same way if we were in a similar situation! So then we cannot actually blame the people can we? My point is that being evil to another is actually very human and we should address it as so rather than address it against an ethnic group because we will only add fuel to the fire.

well,i am a woman,

secondly,like i said,we have no ideas to encroach or hurt Pakistan/Bangladesh in s dishonorable way.

It is a gentleman's agreement we respect but inside India,it is our Raj and out show.

and we decide what to do with our sunni muslims.

Right, madam, I am a human first and Pakistani later. So I would speak out against the 'Raj's' treatment against any set of humans be they Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs or whatever. Oh and btw the Raj's suppose to be dead I thought India was for its people by its people and because of its people and that included all Indians.
It is good that you have opened a thread to educate your fellow netizens about an incident but then painting the entire nation with the same brush can't be considered smart, no??When you paint everyone with same brush it brings in biased opinions which is nothing but another form of racism, no??

Now think a bit...These are fabricated riots...otherwise there are areas where Muslims have been outnumbered by 10-15 times and even more...and the total deaths are 39-40.....if this issue is actually so deep rooted shouldn't the number be 100-150 times higher?? No i am not saying there is no issue...of-course there are fault lines but then there are fault lines everywhere....I am sure i don't need to remind you about Shia/Sunni fault lines that exist in your backyard....but people have learned to live with those fault lines...it is these scums(read politicians) who for their vested interests provoke these fault lines and results are in front of you.....

Look i am Sikh and my family members have seen the worst of 84 riots...yet i remember my Nani Ma saying ...it was not Hindu's who were the rioters because it was the Hindu's who saved us...those who were after our lives were just rioters...her simple words had lot of depth...i will leave it to you and audience to learn from it!!

I wish it was so simple. Particularly when it is decided by some that it is the time for meting out a community punishment which let lose one powerful community against another weaker entity and the law enforcing is deliberately delayed for appropriately sufficient time, so that the punishment meted out is considered sufficiently appropriate. It is here that laws of nature are taken over by the law givers down on earth and Godly injunctions are made to inject a fear factor amongst a community, against the mighty and powerful. It is here that the reality dawns and the brutality exposes the governing principles of the powerful who in their endeavour to retain the power express their power through brutality. The superficial wounds may heal, the wounded soul remains wounded. And it is here that freedom takes an expression of identical and responsive brutality. And that is why the decisions of a few powerful may have far more ramifications for the future than the powerful may make presumption for.
In the North India at least, Hindus, by and large, have a visceral hatred and animosity towards Muslims and this is sustained by the collective consciousness and memories of the past which includes Islamic atrocities, division of the motherland, Muslim non involvement in the freedom struggle etc and their generally aggressive and violent behavior. I realize that south Indians do not have the same feeling but that is because they were shielded from Islamic excesses.

Even parties and castes pretending to be pro-Muslims are just playing an electoral game. They cant really go against their DNA. SP is Yadav's party and the Yadavs were in the forefront in Bhagalpur riots.

There is no visceral hatred as such.


How would you describe the situation afflicting @Nassr here. He is frequenting anonymous unmoderated forums and posting bull$hit.He should have tried Youtube comment section also.
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In the North India at least, Hindus, by and large, have a visceral hatred and animosity towards Muslims and this is sustained by the collective consciousness and memories of the past which includes Islamic atrocities, division of the motherland, Muslim non involvement in the freedom struggle etc and their generally aggressive and violent behavior. I realize that south Indians do not have the same feeling but that is because they were shielded from Islamic excesses.

I'm sure there are Hindus who feel what you do, there are others who feel differently. It is not a North-South divide alone, there are many in the South who will share your opinion but many who won't. My point is limited to discouraging generalisations. I have limited interest in bothering about any individuals's opinion, Hindu or Muslim. Bigotry, wherher latent or pronounced, exists in most people. How it is managed makes the difference. I just don't want anyone to arrogate to themselves, the right to speak for a larger group.

Even parties and castes pretending to be pro-Muslims are just playing an electoral game.

I for an instance am a born Hindu but follow atheism. I don't hate Muslims and no one in my whole family chaha, bhayya, mom, mam, fufa, mami etc etc don't hate Muslims either... most of them are ignorant about Islam and it's beliefs. I can only speak about me and my family unlike OP who generalizes the whole country due to some torture received to him or his family by radical Hindus. My family (dad and mom) taught me to be to respect every religion and I think its very common in India by and large. The books we teach tell us bout peaceful secular nation unlike our neighbors. Most of the rioters are uneducated people who resort to violence for petty gains (monetary + alcohol). Yes i support Modi for being a PM cause he is lesser of the evil... he has done fine job in Gujarat and I look forward to him to replicate the same in whole of our country. I don't know about his involvement in Godhra riots, but SC gave him a clean chit and it's good enough for me.
well,i am a woman,

secondly,like i said,we have no ideas to encroach or hurt Pakistan/Bangladesh in s dishonorable way.

It is a gentleman's agreement we respect but inside India,it is our Raj and out show.

and we decide what to do with our sunni muslims.

No, you don't. Which is why we have a constitution which allows "Sunni Muslims", like everyone else to decide for themself. It is no one's "raj".
Look the point i am debating is simple...the so called notion that Hindus are evil or Muslims are evil is nothing but propaganda of vested interests...It is this hatred that vested interests wants to cash upon...Hindus/Muslims have been co-existing peacefully in this part of the world from centuaries and will continue to do so...However there will always be scum bags who will try to create trouble for their own vested interests...

I wish it was so simple. Particularly when it is decided by some that it is the time for meting out a community punishment which let lose one powerful community against another weaker entity and the law enforcing is deliberately delayed for appropriately sufficient time, so that the punishment meted out is considered sufficiently appropriate. It is here that laws of nature are taken over by the law givers down on earth and Godly injunctions are made to inject a fear factor amongst a community, against the mighty and powerful. It is here that the reality dawns and the brutality exposes the governing principles of the powerful who in their endeavour to retain the power express their power through brutality. The superficial wounds may heal, the wounded soul remains wounded. And it is here that freedom takes an expression of identical and responsive brutality. And that is why the decisions of a few powerful may have far more ramifications for the future than the powerful may make presumption for.

Well that is the tragidy of these riots...it is the flaw in the people who fail to understand the basic logical difference b/w the conspiracy and the real conspirator, no?? And isn't people like you and me equally responsible?? Look politics is my country is similar to the one you have faced/seen/facing on daily basis...That is why it is utmost important that so called Elites should use their words more carefully...it is human tendancy to pick the negative and more pulse rattling news....However there are incidents which will completely contradict some of the assumptions/points made in this thread...read for yourself!!

Muzaffarnagar violence: From the chaos, tales of Hindu-Muslim unity - The Times of India
Muzaffarnagar: peace, harmony tales warm up curdled blood - Hindustan Times

once again...it is the rioters who are responsible for riots...It is Hindus and Muslims who rise above the situation and save each other....Now it is upto us what we want to be....your thread and the arguments in here is certainly and most unfortunately giving a negative vibe....
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