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A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

In their liberal attitude and magnanimity, our forefathers in SA misjudged the local Hindu spite. They should have gone all out to convert whole of SA into Muslims. Jinnah and ML leaders had understood this well when enunciating the Two Nation Theory.
Ask your countrymen my2cents about his concern for Indian lives. It was he who suggested that:

I just pointed out what the consequence of such an action could be.:bounce::taz:

Since 1947 Muslim pogroms are regular feature of the Indian story, so riots, pogroms, you name it, India has it all. In Bangladesh and Pakistan, you have isolated incidents, not break down of law and order like this. India is a border line failed state.

Coming from you - I would take it as a compliment. Thanks :coffee:

In their liberal attitude and magnanimity, our forefathers in SA misjudged the local Hindu spite. They should have gone all out to convert whole of SA into Muslims. Jinnah and ML leaders had understood this well when enunciating the Two Nation Theory.
Thanks for the Direct Action Day. :coffee:
who should i blame for you being a moron,

The waters of the Chenab?

Nope. Why don’t you start with Haraxwati and then Vitasta, AsiknI, Parusni, Vipas, Suturdi, Marudvadha, Drashwati/HariyupIya/YavyavatI and then Apaya. Shayed aapko sahoon aa jaye.
In their liberal attitude and magnanimity, our forefathers in SA misjudged the local Hindu spite. They should have gone all out to convert whole of SA into Muslims.

Those wet dreams must realy be useful...eh? No different from many Indians wishing that India had let Pakistanis wipe out all the Bengali speakers & only then booted the Pakistanis out and take over a reasonably empty country........:disagree:
In their liberal attitude and magnanimity, our forefathers in SA misjudged the local Hindu spite. They should have gone all out to convert whole of SA into Muslims. Jinnah and ML leaders had understood this well when enunciating the Two Nation Theory.

Its not that they didn't try hard. And the weaker ones did get converted and are now singing paeans in praise of the oppressors / rapists. Stockholm Syndrome , anyone.....??
One question. - whatever he wrote is happening, and events are real incident.
It is a response to what happening in country.
And hindu don't hate muslim, hindu hate their mindset which is against Republic of India, and as chtizen of India he has right to question.
Breeding in huge numbers, doing nothing for country, always involve in anti India movements, always against other religion,
what do you expect then, ? Keep watching all this and do nothing ?
We can imagine how many invaluable Hindu scriptures and scientific evidences might have lost in it. In the same way they destroyed our Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, which was a Mecca for Hindus and now they are refusing that there was no mandhir existing there.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...dian-hindus-hate-muslims-4.html#ixzz2ef9kkTlv

Once small correction for our Hindu friends, there is no evidence that the Babri Mosque is on top of any Hindu temple. This is false propaganda that has been propagated by the leaders of the Hindutva in India. The antiquities and archaeological survey carried out by well educated and internationally respected people have categorically proven that there is no temple under the Babri. These scientists have received death threats from hard-line Hindus who believe in a lie rather than be shamed into admitting their errors and diabolical tearing down of the Mosque on a hearsay.

This incident is a stark reminder of the tenuous claims that India is secular. The other was the election of a right wing fascist party to government. Within months of taking power, the BJP government had carried out 5 nuclear bomb tests (2 failed) and the scenes in India of Hindu crowds celebrating and once again the hatred for the Muslim was on clear show.

These ToI comments are most likely to be the tip of the Muslim hating iceberg.

However, the solace if any, is that India has so many issues, so many hatreds, so many what the fcuk problems that Muslim hating is just one of many destabilising threats to India. For Muslims in India, they can look at the Hindu-upon-Hindu apartheid, the caste system which has ensured a few hundred million people lead a life of penury, and thus provide cheap labour that can be exploited even to the point of death without the ensuing guilt that such exploitation should engender. The dowry, another Hindu (and now due to cultural creep also used by Muslims) establishment has ensured a major demographic shift as millions of females have been destroyed, ripped out from their mothers, or if born left to die, this means that millions of Indian men will have no chance of marriage.

I do not deny that Muslims around the world have a problem, the problem is the same as it is for India. India has tackled this problem by creating dalits and other untouchables and have inculcated that they do not have rights to few resources, to live a life of stoic quietness and wait your turn to be re-born as higher caste or achieve Nirvana.

Muslims do not have this option, they are all equals, including women (it is another thing that men will pick and choose certain rules and hence have downgraded women but that is also true in the west as well) and they can see that their lands and resources have been exploited by the powerful, by the puppets, by the west. A child in New York consumes 20X the resources an average child consumes in Karachi, Amman or Aden.

This is not sustainable and Muslims, as do many other groups will fight to retain their rights. Why would China worry about small rocky points in the sea if not for resources, why is Japan defending them, why is India building dams in disputed areas, why is the US arming the rebels in Syria even though they are - Al-Qaida - resources.

The difference is that Muslims have used asymmetrical warfare which is a stroke of genius but are lead by idiots. For every dollar spent by the terrorists, the west has spent 10 million. This means that the west needs to demonise the terrorists and using their massive propaganda media have the means to instigate a massive image makeover for Muslims labelling and showing them as medieval savages. Look how the world believes this. More Muslims are victims rather than the perpetrators of violence.

The real terror is inequality committed by the haves and have nots. Millions of people around the world are killed due to this new imperialism of siphoning resources to the rich and letting the poor die in squalor. No one in ToI is writing about that. It is easier to pick on the illuminated 'evil' target rather than the real culprits.
No Sir. But probably you have never gone to the areas of Sindh where Pakistani Hindus live in good numbers - I have. These Pakistani Hindus have such a hold on their areas and they are so powerful that nobody can dare stand up against them. But it never turned communal even in those areas. Probably the Muslims in those areas are much more in number, but nothing of this kind has even happened in those areas. I support the hold of Pakistani Hindus in those areas as they help in development and also help keep peace.

I respect and understand your sentiments. This thread is not against a community, it is to understand the Indian Hindu's hatred against Indian Muslim and why such riots take place time and time again since 1947. I have not brought in the name of Pakistan in this thread.

The surprising aspect here is that most Indians deny such sentiments that exist in India. And it is not only the Indian Muslims, it is the Sikhs, Christians and other minority communities that fall under and suffer in such hateful environment.

Nassr, I have actually visisted the areas where Hindus live in Sindh but I would like to point out their condition in areas where they are NOT in the majority i.e. the urban centres of Karachi. There they are subalternated as are the Chirstians, they are ghettosied and this pattern holds true for all minorities everywhere: yes, they do have centres where they are in power, yes, there are few families that reach a strong enough standing not be treated in the subalterned condition. However, sociologically that is how the minority group is treated. It has nothing to do with people's faith it's all sociology.

Regarding the Indian Hindus treatment of minorities in India, no intelligent Indian will deny communalism in their country. It exists. Simple as that. There is a narrative in India as there is in Pakistan of hordes of Muslim raiders coming and raping and pillaging the masses. The narrative extends to make points of the 'terror' in which the Hindu community lived under Muslim rule and as a Mughal I have often read the conservative and prejudiced Hindu community lash out against them as the ultimate expression of Muslim tyranny on them. Historically, this narrative does not hold much ground and I am open to anyone here to challenge me on this. However, what is important is the perception that this narrative creates.

The process of nation-building requires the identification and assimilation of various strata of society and in this process a phenomena has been observed which is called the Othering this basically means that members of the society usually with the greatest number i.e. like Hindus in India or greatest power i.e. Whites in South Africa would identify certain factors as being the criteria for being 'US' or 'WE' that is acceptable to the larger society and allowed to hold a certain degree of power and an exclusion criteria for being 'THEM' that is not being acceptable as US. In India it became to non-Hindu, non-Dharmic and so on, these arrangements are often in hierarchies. In South Africa it became Whites and non-Whites and so on. The rightist parties in India exploit this process and actively engage it to create a political bank that is why this process is sustained.
I started this thread primarily for Pakistanis to see as to how Indians comment on an internal communal riot between the Muslims and Hindus is played out in a mainstream Indian newspaper. The first thing I encountered was a horde of very angry Indians. What surprised me even more was that a large number of them agreed with those comments and argued as to what was wrong in those statements. It further surprised me when I found out that they can not differentiate between highly racist hateful comments and the right to freedom of speech and that too being allowed in a mainstream and famous Indian newspaper.

Normally, we do not read the comments section of any newspaper report. This is where an aam admi would express him/herself. And this also gives us the pulse of the people as to how do they feel about a certain happening. What I saw horrified me and got doubly confirmed with the Indian comments and abuses hurled at me and us Pakistanis.

For me at-least this was an exposure of a different kind. I can not say that I enjoyed it.
Dont write a paragraph to explain a simple thing,

This is the real opinion of Hindu people,however you want to sugarcoat it or not.
Nassr, I have actually visisted the areas where Hindus live in Sindh but I would like to point out their condition in areas where they are NOT in the majority i.e. the urban centres of Karachi. There they are subalternated as are the Chirstians, they are ghettosied and this pattern holds true for all minorities everywhere: yes, they do have centres where they are in power, yes, there are few families that reach a strong enough standing not be treated in the subalterned condition. However, sociologically that is how the minority group is treated. It has nothing to do with people's faith it's all sociology.

Regarding the Indian Hindus treatment of minorities in India, no intelligent Indian will deny communalism in their country. It exists. Simple as that. There is a narrative in India as there is in Pakistan of hordes of Muslim raiders coming and raping and pillaging the masses. The narrative extends to make points of the 'terror' in which the Hindu community lived under Muslim rule and as a Mughal I have often read the conservative and prejudiced Hindu community lash out against them as the ultimate expression of Muslim tyranny on them. Historically, this narrative does not hold much ground and I am open to anyone here to challenge me on this. However, what is important is the perception that this narrative creates.

The process of nation-building requires the identification and assimilation of various strata of society and in this process a phenomena has been observed which is called the Othering this basically means that members of the society usually with the greatest number i.e. like Hindus in India or greatest power i.e. Whites in South Africa would identify certain factors as being the criteria for being 'US' or 'WE' that is acceptable to the larger society and allowed to hold a certain degree of power and an exclusion criteria for being 'THEM' that is not being acceptable as US. In India it became to non-Hindu, non-Dharmic and so on, these arrangements are often in hierarchies. In South Africa it became Whites and non-Whites and so on. The rightist parties in India exploit this process and actively engage it to create a political bank that is why this process is sustained.

I appreciate and highly regard your assessment. Very apt and lucid explanation of the environment. This indeed was educative.
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I started this thread primarily for Pakistanis to see as to how Indians comment on an internal communal riot between the Muslims and Hindus is played out in a mainstream Indian newspaper. The first thing I encountered was a horde of very angry Indians. What surprised me even more was that a large number of them agreed with those comments and argued as to what was wrong in those statements. It further surprised me when I found out that they can not differentiate between highly racist hateful comments and the right to freedom of speech and that too being allowed in a mainstream and famous Indian newspaper.

Normally, we do not read the comments section of any newspaper report. This is where an aam admi would express him/herself. And this also gives us the pulse of the people as to how do they feel about a certain happening. What I saw horrified me and got doubly confirmed with the Indian comments and abuses hurled at me and us Pakistanis.

For me at-least this was an exposure of a different kind. I can not say that I enjoyed it.

I would agree with you Nassr that it is hurtful to see such hatred. However, you must see that the 'aam admi' is a gullible creature and this gentlemen represents a segment of society but he cannot be generalised to the entire Hindu population there are many Hindus who are not really bothered by people's faiths and struggle with them in daily life. It is a mere confirmatory bias: in politics the most vocal is seen as the most powerful and it's people like you and me who do not speak against hatred that actually increases it amongst the people. I have seen it here on PDF when I engage a person's prejudices that if I am respectful, understanding and communicative then I usually get the person to at least admit that his point of view is not all true and that's the first step.
Dont write a paragraph to explain a simple thing,

This is the real opinion of Hindu people,however you want to sugarcoat it or not.

I am not even attempting to sugarcoat any Indian comment in the newspaper. I posted them as they appeared - In a case or two, removed highly objectionable content.

There are some Indians here who do not agree with you and state that this is the opinion of a few and not most Indian Hindus. You are one honest young lady and I acknowledge this, despite not in agreement with you most of the times.
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