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A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

hmmmmm ............. it indeed is difficult to eliminate 150 million Muslims, irrespective of them being Indians. Thank you for hating the Muslims for what they did 6-700 years ago. You do remember it like yesterday, don't you. Allah tumhaari umar daraz karay - how old are you by the way, 450 years old.

Badla toh hoga hi hoga,aaj,kal ya parso.

Oh boy! Teaching of history is really abysmal in Pakistan.

Sorry! The world did not start with Md Bin Kasim's invasions of Sindh's and the Punjab was not Buddhist.

I casually asked a Pak Doctor here,what do you think Pak Population ll be:

He is like,100 carore hoga.

I was like,eh?

This is the level of your doctors,OMG.

History of Pakistan!! Haha!:rofl: You serious???

What happened in 1947 then??

And most of the IVC sites are in India, so how is that history of Pakistan??

Dont even try this debate,it is like crystal maze.
What if some non-Hindu posted it? There is nothing called a Hindu digital signature in a comment that established without doubt that the commenter is 'Hindu'. :azn:
the retard are those Indians who are supporting such abusive language by hardline hindu extremists that too in a national daily
There are over 140 armed secessionist groups in India. The largest in any one country in the whole world. Out of these, only about 32 are Muslim. The remaining one hundred armed secessionist groups and I am not including the Naxals and their killing spree, do not want to remain part of India. Should I blame Indian Hindus for all this mayhem in India.

who should i blame for you being a moron,

The waters of the Chenab?
The reason for not doing that is not you,you matter zilch in geo political decisions.

What 'geo-political' decisions? :lol:

india is a waste-land contained from all side by Pakistan-China alliance...

PS, you don't systematically go against Muslims because it will disintegrate your pathetic country...

ISI will cut india right through if indians ever decided to start mass murdering Muslims...

Admit it, you have nothing in your hand.

Cut-off from central asia, nuclear Pakistan on west....millions of muslims inside indian heartland...himalayas to north and sino-pak alliance...

indian hindus can't do **** even if they want to go against muslims :omghaha:
We are not Arabs. We are not desis - you Indians are. There was no Aryan migration that took place here. And there are no Aryans or even Aryas in India.

Actually it is you Indians who should be concerned more about your aukaat, if I must use this word. See, India as a country is almost completely surrounded on land by Pakistan and China - both are nuclear powers and have strong military force. The only small way left through Burma is also under threat as even the Burmese are venturing in to Indian territory and are asking Indian villagers to move out of their area and India can not do much about it. Your only way out is through Indian Ocean - here also much stronger international naval forces are operating, making Indian Navy a second fiddle. You are a nobody. The sooner you understand this, the better it'll be for you.

even we have nuclear weapons and your only cities of wroth are striking distance.
I was shocked to read the comments in India Times. So much hatred for Muslims and Pakistan is spewed in the comments section of this newspaper. I am sure it would be the same in other mainstream Indian newspapers.

Visit this site and see for yourself – it is horrific and shameful. This is aam Indian expressing him/herself. Unbelievably shocking indeed.

Muzaffarnagar violence: Over 10,000 displaced; 10,000 arrested - The Times of India


Dear Non-Muslim Indians.............A Virus will always be a Virus....... Islam virus is incurable..... Right from Alauddin Khilji (1303 CE) to Afzal Guru (Present 2013) there is no difference in the Islamic mindset....... Dear Narendra Modi......Save us, Liberate us.........India is an Unfinished Chapter of Islamic Caliphate. No other country in the world could save itself from becoming an Islamic Nation where ever Islamic dominance had prevailed for more than 50 years. Middle East, Turkey, Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South Asia, Malaysia etc are just examples. Once the Muslims rise in population in any part of the world, they exert a substantial influence on the politics, indulge in terror, bombings, riots in the nation to establish Satan Allah laws like Sharia, Fatwa, Hizab, Khatna, Burqa, Jihad, Halal etc. Any nation that allows Muslims immigration from Muslim nations is signing its own death warrant. Allah is the Satan of Islamic Caliphate and Terrorism. Already his Islamic children have killed CRPF jawans, done beheading and killed innocents in Hyderabad just to quench Allah's blood thirst. But Allah is more thirsty and his Terrorist children kill people all over the world. Allah is thirsty for innocent blood not only of Asia Sub continent but also in Middle East, Africa, Europe & United States. Time shall come when Modi along with whole Non Islamic world shall unite to exterminate (1.3 Billion) Allah Viruses to Save Earth from Islamic Caliphate and Satan Allah Terrorism. Allah is Satan !

there are all kinds of idiots everywhere.just like u have hafeez sayeed and other mullahs we have idiots too.does'nt mean everybody hates muslims.if u generalize whole india with 20 posts.i've never seen a naive person than u.other 1.2 billion did not comment anything anti islamic what do u say about it then??we also have muslims who are anti hindu.what's ur take on them??
What 'geo-political' decisions? :lol:

india is a waste-land contained from all side by Pakistan-China alliance...

PS, you don't systematically go against Muslims because it will disintegrate your pathetic country...

ISI will cut india right through if indians ever decided to start mass murdering Muslims...

Admit it, you have nothing in your hand.

Cut-off from central asia, nuclear Pakistan on west....millions of muslims inside indian heartland...himalayas to north and sino-pak alliance...

indian hindus can't do **** even if they want to go against muslims :omghaha:

Cut off from Central Asia?

what do i need central Asia for?

The real reason is out of respect for Iran,thats all.

Rest is immaterial.

Why should we go anywhere miyaan?

We have agriculture and Thorium/Uranium.

To eat and to defend.

You dont have an alliance with China,you beg from from China.

What 'geo-political' decisions? :lol:

india is a waste-land contained from all side by Pakistan-China alliance...

PS, you don't systematically go against Muslims because it will disintegrate your pathetic country...

ISI will cut india right through if indians ever decided to start mass murdering Muslims...

Admit it, you have nothing in your hand.

Cut-off from central asia, nuclear Pakistan on west....millions of muslims inside indian heartland...himalayas to north and sino-pak alliance...

indian hindus can't do **** even if they want to go against muslims :omghaha:

Btw,Many Medicine sthat you sue in pakistan are mnufactured from India and sold in Pakistan through UAE,so you can say thank you next time your abba or ammi pop in a pill.
so,this thread is still running with the source..
so,next time i am gonna make a thread by quoting youtube comments as an example.. :coffee:

oops you tube doesnt work in pakistan :P
Because all I hear is about teaching the Muslims a lesson. Lets say there is a news that a Muslim committed a crime, whether it is fabricated by Hindutva RSS Bajrang Dal or actually true, it becomes an excuse for teaching the whole Muslim village or community a lesson, so they never dare to something similar again. The teaching lesson will start with Indian Muslims and then it will extend to South Asian Muslims in the neighborhood and if India's Hindu's can afford to, it will extend to surrounding countries, all in a spirit of revenge for all the Muslim invasions that ever took place in history. The Muslims must be taught a lesson so they never dare to invade Hindu land again.

Delusional mindset and power to do harm is a bad combination, and that is what we have in India, unfortunately.

Are you sure these tensions and riots happen only in India and not in Pakistan or BD?? If we had that mindset to harm our muslims we would not have gone secular. We would have driven all the muslims to Pakistan and Bangladesh. Communal tensions are a reality in India but we nip them in bud as soon as they arise. We had bombing in Hyderabad recently and lot of people died but our city was relatively calm. Unfortunately communal tensions are created by vested interests.
What if some non-Hindu posted it? There is nothing called a Hindu digital signature in a comment that established without doubt that the commenter is 'Hindu'. :azn:

The OKEY button is in hands of the websites, newspapers to discourage abusive and blasphemous language .

Hindu or NON-Hindu commentators, the fact is that your Indian national newspapers allow such language which shows they lack quality and like Indian political parties they are using such language and hate for own interests.
The less said about him - the better.
Very few Bengali Hindus are proud to proclaim themselves as Hindu.
After all the only Indian state that distinguished itself by giving imambhata (Imam Allowance) ie - allowance from State treasury to Muslim Imams only and not to Hindu, Christian priests, Buddhist monks, Sikhs etc. They call it secularism :D

What a sorry decline for a place which leaves others by miles in terms of their contributions to freedom, and which produced stalwarts like Bankim Chandra and Vivekananda. I guess it is just burn out after all that exertion and Bengal will lead again.
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