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Vietnamese school children are 'years ahead' of Indian pupils

The Vietnamese viewed the surrounding Indianized souheast asian Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim peoples as inferior because of their Indic civilization. Vietnam believed it was the center and master of southeast asia. Vietnamese rulers would take the title of "Emperor" referring to themselves and call Vietnam an "Empire" and it claimed all of the surrounding Indianized Kingdoms were its vassal and tributaries, like Champa, Chiangmai (Thailand), Ayuttaya (Thailand), Lan Xang (Laos), Cambodia, Malacca (Malaysia), and Java (Indonesia).

Dai Viet (Vietnam) engaged in a massive military campaign in its neighbors especially in the 15th century. It went to war, crushed Champa and genoicded the Cham, then raided the Indianized Tai chieftainships in Lan Xang (modern day Laos) and pretty much terrorized its Indianized Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist neighbors. The Vietnamese used Confucian rhettoric of restoring order to the "babarians" to justify their atacks. The unprovoked aggresion by Vietnam against its neighbors was unprecedented during that time.

Some Vietnamese racists claim that Chinese run economies of other southeast asian countries but not Vietnam because those other souheast asians are lazy because of their Indic culture.

Dai Viet (Vietnam) used Classical Chinese as its official language, and Confucianism as their ideology, but it was a big enemy of China.

China's best allies were in southeast asia were in fact the Indianized Muslim Kingdoms (who were previously Hindu or animist), like the Malacca Sutanate and Sulu Sultanate, and Kingdom of Champa. Those states were all protectorates of China. Some of the Malays still use Indian titles like "Maharajah" and Sanskrit words. Champa and Malacca were China's allies against Vietnam. China helped protect Malacca from Ayutthaya Hindu Majapahits when the Malaccan Sultan Parameswara converted Hinduism to Islam and renamed himself Iskandar Shah, since China saw the spread of Muslim Sultanates as an oppurtunity for China to expand its influence and ally with the new states, establishing protectorates over them against foreign invaders like the Portuguese.

In fact when Vietnam conquered Champa, they brought Chinese culture in the form of Confucianism and Chinese characters to the newly conquered land, but it was negative for China because we lost our ally and our enemy gained land.

We do not base our alliances on common culture or civilization. I do not think negatively at all of the southeast asians who adopted Indian culture despite my negative feelings about India. I thihk that the so called "lazyness" of the indianized Malays is just people who misperceive the easygoing way of life they live in comparison to OCD type people like Vietnamese.

And the Indic heritage of southeast asians does not mean they like India, they were allied to China while Vietnam was the enemy of China. Since most southeast asians are of Indianized culture and Vietnam is the only southeast asians who adopted civilization from China, this situation is a net gain for China if Indianized southeast asians ally with China and Vietnam allies with India. China should build stronger relations with former Indic influenced states like Malaysia to offset Vietnam.
Where in overseas.? Maybe the one who came before 10 or 15 years are working or the one coming illegally. Some of them get to US through family connections may get in to taxi and motels. But as far as I know most coming through education visa( doesnt matter good or bad student) mostly get in to some consultancies and get a job.
Even students from third tier college in India gets job in USA. :cheers:
I dont know about UK and Australia.
LOL!! He must have traveled to India
Vietnamese school children are 'years ahead' of Indian pupils

12 Aug 2013



A nationwide survey reports that 47% of Indian 10-year-olds are unable to add two-digit numbers.

A new study has found that even the most disadvantaged children in Vietnam are educationally years ahead of their peers in India, and this is likely to have significant consequences for both economies.

The study by Oxford University's Young Lives research project found that 95% of 10-year-olds in Vietnam could add four-digit numbers, 85% could subtract fractions, and 81% were able to find x in a simple equation. This contrasts with India, where a nationwide survey reports 47% of 10-year-olds unable to add two-digit numbers and as many as 68% of grade-three children in government schools unable to read a test designed for first-year pupils.

A lack of educational skills is one of the biggest problems facing the large youth populations of emerging economies. The study, published on 12 August to mark World Youth Day, points to poor teaching practice in the classroom as the main reason why many students in India who regularly attend are still not learning.

The study examined more than 3,000 children drawn from 56 state schools in Vietnam, who were from disadvantaged as well as average or better-off backgrounds. While poorer children started from lower attainment levels, almost all made good progress in classes taught by 'motivated and well-trained teachers'. However, in India (where almost half the population is under 25 and per capita GDP is broadly similar to that of Vietnam) disadvantaged pupils get relatively poor academic results. Young Lives concludes that in India schools are very often failing to deliver good teaching to children from low-income backgrounds.

In Vietnam, the social or financial situation of a child's family seems to have little effect on the child's quality of education and their progress, says the study. In India, Young Lives found parents in the state of Andhra Pradesh were so disappointed with the low quality of state schools that the proportion of eight-year-olds being educated in low-fee private schools almost doubled to 44% between 2002 and 2009. The study in Andhra Pradesh showed the poorest children were more likely to be in schools with relatively high levels of absenteeism among the teachers.

Professor Jo Boyden, who leads the Young Lives research, said: 'The study suggests there is a problem in India with teaching systems being unable to meet the needs of the vast majority of children. However, the Vietnam data indicates that most pupils, regardless of background, can make good progress if they are in schools that provide effective support for their learning.'

Young Lives also found poor standards in school studies undertaken in Peru and Ethiopia.

Professor Boyden added: 'With many emerging economies having more than 40% of their population below the age of 25 (for example Vietnam, India and South Africa), and in some cases the proportion being more than six in 10 (for example Ethiopia, Angola and Rwanda), failure to deliver quality education will thwart ambitions for future development.'

Growth Through Quality Jobs and Investment is one of the three key themes of next month's G20 Summit. To continue growing, many of the emerging economies will need to shift from a dependency on commodity extraction or manufacturing for export to jobs that require better educational outcomes. Human capital will be crucial for future inclusive growth in countries such as India, and even more so for fast-growing African countries such as Ethiopia and Angola. The improvements need to start in the schooling that children receive, and teaching standards in all schools need to give the best start to children of all backgrounds, say the researchers.

India's population is large. A large number of students belong to villages. There is a lack of good quality teachers as talented youngsters would choose better pay jobs than becoming a teacher.

1. Corruption is rampant money given to improve schools is often returned without spending.

That much said measures are being taken to improve the quality of things it will take time to see progress and things are better than what it was before. The progress is slow.
It's very obvious that Vietnam do better than India. I've seen the pictures of Vietnam cities in another thread, much wealthier and cleaner than Indian cities. If I have to choose to live in between Vietnam and India, I would not hesitate to choose Vietnam.

Vietnam has the potential to be another Korea. Vietnam has the critical mass (Population 87million) and has the same Buddhist / Confucius culture as the rest of East Asians.

Long term wise Vietnam could also be a bigger threat.

Vietnam dream of Empire.
so what has caused this to happen in india is the teachers are receiving their pays but not showing up for work!
What is the indian government and the school boards doing to rectify the situations?

The disadvantage in India is that we dont have a proper mechanism (administration) which takes care of things smoothly, even though in china there is corruption, but people are having accountability, which lacks in India and we have to admit that. Administration wise china is good so it is prospering where as in India every one want to grab what every they could get.

I know this because I am in education field and HOD for Computer Science and Robotics of a reputed Institution, here all the students pay more than a lakh per year which is too high when compared to even internationally, they the students are very rich they do come in BMW to school but still they are having malnutrition problem, all these are the out come of bad administration.

This is where china is gud and they are well ahead, good administration can give good results..
Congrats to vietnam....

why chinese are calling vietnam people as vietcongs, is it a slang or due to history..
vietnamnese should share there experience with Indians.however.....
Stop you fart.

You guys are no where in Picture. Indians are well known as Engineers, Doctors, Accountants all over the world. We are not famous as Pizza boys.

Vietnam has the potential to be another Korea. Vietnam has the critical mass (Population 87million) and has the same Buddhist / Confucius culture as the rest of East Asians.

Long term wise Vietnam could also be a bigger threat.

Vietnam dream of Empire.

Dear Concentrate a bit on your English. It is difficult to derive any meaning from your writing without context.
The Vietnamese viewed the surrounding Indianized souheast asian Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim peoples as inferior because of their Indic civilization. Vietnam believed it was the center and master of southeast asia. Vietnamese rulers would take the title of "Emperor" referring to themselves and call Vietnam an "Empire" and it claimed all of the surrounding Indianized Kingdoms were its vassal and tributaries, like Champa, Chiangmai (Thailand), Ayuttaya (Thailand), Lan Xang (Laos), Cambodia, Malacca (Malaysia), and Java (Indonesia).

Dai Viet (Vietnam) engaged in a massive military campaign in its neighbors especially in the 15th century. It went to war, crushed Champa and genoicded the Cham, then raided the Indianized Tai chieftainships in Lan Xang (modern day Laos) and pretty much terrorized its Indianized Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist neighbors. The Vietnamese used Confucian rhettoric of restoring order to the "babarians" to justify their atacks. The unprovoked aggresion by Vietnam against its neighbors was unprecedented during that time.

Some Vietnamese racists claim that Chinese run economies of other southeast asian countries but not Vietnam because those other souheast asians are lazy because of their Indic culture.

Dai Viet (Vietnam) used Classical Chinese as its official language, and Confucianism as their ideology, but it was a big enemy of China.

China's best allies were in southeast asia were in fact the Indianized Muslim Kingdoms (who were previously Hindu or animist), like the Malacca Sutanate and Sulu Sultanate, and Kingdom of Champa. Those states were all protectorates of China. Some of the Malays still use Indian titles like "Maharajah" and Sanskrit words. Champa and Malacca were China's allies against Vietnam. China helped protect Malacca from Ayutthaya Hindu Majapahits when the Malaccan Sultan Parameswara converted Hinduism to Islam and renamed himself Iskandar Shah, since China saw the spread of Muslim Sultanates as an oppurtunity for China to expand its influence and ally with the new states, establishing protectorates over them against foreign invaders like the Portuguese.

In fact when Vietnam conquered Champa, they brought Chinese culture in the form of Confucianism and Chinese characters to the newly conquered land, but it was negative for China because we lost our ally and our enemy gained land.

We do not base our alliances on common culture or civilization. I do not think negatively at all of the southeast asians who adopted Indian culture despite my negative feelings about India. I thihk that the so called "lazyness" of the indianized Malays is just people who misperceive the easygoing way of life they live in comparison to OCD type people like Vietnamese.

And the Indic heritage of southeast asians does not mean they like India, they were allied to China while Vietnam was the enemy of China. Since most southeast asians are of Indianized culture and Vietnam is the only southeast asians who adopted civilization from China, this situation is a net gain for China if Indianized southeast asians ally with China and Vietnam allies with India. China should build stronger relations with former Indic influenced states like Malaysia to offset Vietnam.
Pls spare me your crocodile tears. You just misuse others to contain Vietnam. You want hegemony. Just because Vietnam competes with China for influence in the region, you hate us. That´s all.

China looks down on Vietnam. That is the fact.
The Vietnamese viewed the surrounding Indianized souheast asian Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim peoples as inferior because of their Indic civilization.

Vietnamese follow Buddhism, an Indian religion. I have seen Buddhists from different countries keeping lots of affection for India. Your argument don't look convincing.
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