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Pakistan overturns sentence of doctor who helped find bin Laden

OBL was not a state's guest. had no alliance with the state. no interests of pakistan were harmed by that information which Dr. provided to CIA. It was the ISI and army who embarrassed pakistan by giving shelter to that dreaded terrorists with out the permission of state, unless you think that army is THE STATE in pakistan.

are you for real?
what kind of an idiot ignores the fact that its the politicians begging for dialogues with the terrorists and staging protests against the americans while the army and ISI is actually fighting, killing and capturing the terrorists? only that idiot who is compelled to do so because of his nationality

Americans have savaged their citizens for sharing state secrets with Israel!!! their best loved country!! I will like to see how you jump out of your seat if an Indian decides to share information with a foreign country without the knowledge of the Indian state when sharing this information is only beneficial to the state and its people.

do yourselves a favour and stop bleeding your hearts for this scumbag who was at best a rat and an informant who has been discarded by the Americans themselves already.

the Americans themselves have ruled out any possibility of a cover up or a collusion by the military or civilian leadership and only from their 3rd tier civilian spokesmen has been a suggestion that maybe lower ranking military and intelligence personnel were involved in his hiding for the pst 6 or 8 years which is by itself ludacris because no low ranking military or intel person stays in one station for more than 1 or 2 years and having to carry his guy along with 3 wives 10 goats and 15 hens without getting noticed around the country is simply impossible.

it was a big gamble by the Americans to go ahead with the operation without Pakistani involvement just to be 100% sure that there is no leak, hell even the people involved int he ops didnt know till late who was their target and this gamble paid off thankfully.... and Americans knew the reaction Pakistan will have so they wouldn't have cared to withhold any evidence to implicate the Military leadership. the best Panetta did was say that either Pakistanis were complicit or incompetent but it was just like a web forum rhetoric based on circumstances and thats where it gave the web posters to leech on and justify their existence to speculate whatever their mental capacity allowed them.

so my dear carry on with your pearls of wisdom but do have some respect for yourself. Americans used a crook doctor and in the end conned him and left him for us. how would you like to know that it was them who led us to his sorry *** LOL

now cry me a river.

US army Generals wont be having pictures with our Military leadership if they suspect it of hiding OBL. but dont worry

I wont blame you if you dont get it.

its a by birth thing I understand ;)

I don't believe the Pakistani government has any confidence that Dr. A. is guilty of treason regarding the Abbottabad affair. He was convicted of an unrelated charge in an administrative procedure, not a judicial one.

Apparently Dr. Afridi will be re-"tried" the same way, this time with a higher-level administrator doing the sentencing. His brother wants the trial to be open; who thinks that will happen? Is it the details of Afridi's deeds that must be concealed or the embarrassments of the authorities?

No , he was tried under Frontier Crimes Regulations because the crimes were committed in the semi autonomous territory of Federally Administered Tribal Areas which doesn't have any authority to charge a person for treason , hence he was given a sentence of 33 years for other ones . The Govt of Pakistan didn't intervene at all , at that time .

Well if he is retried , the man has a lot of worry . Because the Supreme Court of Pakistan isn't lenient for a person committing treason by collaborating with foreign spy agency for any reason whatsoever . Now for the ' open trial ' demand by his brother , it hasn't been accepted or rejected by Pakistani authorities . Whenever that happens , we can comment on that .
are you for real?
what kind of an idiot ignores the fact that its the politicians begging for dialogues with the terrorists and staging protests against the americans while the army and ISI is actually fighting, killing and capturing the terrorists? only that idiot who is compelled to do so because of his nationality

Americans have savaged their citizens for sharing state secrets with Israel!!! their best loved country!! I will like to see how you jump out of your seat if an Indian decides to share information with a foreign country without the knowledge of the Indian state when sharing this information is only beneficial to the state and its people.

do yourselves a favour and stop bleeding your hearts for this scumbag who was at best a rat and an informant who has been discarded by the Americans themselves already.

the Americans themselves have ruled out any possibility of a cover up or a collusion by the military or civilian leadership and only from their 3rd tier civilian spokesmen has been a suggestion that maybe lower ranking military and intelligence personnel were involved in his hiding for the pst 6 or 8 years which is by itself ludacris because no low ranking military or intel person stays in one station for more than 1 or 2 years and having to carry his guy along with 3 wives 10 goats and 15 hens without getting noticed around the country is simply impossible.

it was a big gamble by the Americans to go ahead with the operation without Pakistani involvement just to be 100% sure that there is no leak, hell even the people involved int he ops didnt know till late who was their target and this gamble paid off thankfully.... and Americans knew the reaction Pakistan will have so they wouldn't have cared to withhold any evidence to implicate the Military leadership. the best Panetta did was say that either Pakistanis were complicit or incompetent but it was just like a web forum rhetoric based on circumstances and thats where it gave the web posters to leech on and justify their existence to speculate whatever their mental capacity allowed them.

so my dear carry on with your pearls of wisdom but do have some respect for yourself. Americans used a crook doctor and in the end conned him and left him for us. how would you like to know that it was them who led us to his sorry *** LOL

now cry me a river.

US army Generals wont be having pictures with our Military leadership if they suspect it of hiding OBL. but dont worry

I wont blame you if you dont get it.

its a by birth thing I understand ;)


I am impressed with your art of abusing. Surprisingly, all the hardcore fanatics ( no matter to which section they belongs) have a very similar trait- lack of reason and logic and abundance of abuse. and I have already answered your question about Indian version of Dr. Afridi in my previous post.
Your para four in which you have very painfully tried to explain why no lower rank official was involved, actually very clearly proves that It was a game played by the top brasses. ( I have provided a pakistani link in support of claim but you conveniently ignored it )

your photo proves nothing. I have almost hundreds of photos with pakistani ( mostly with lt.colonels, majors and 6 or 7 with the major general who is second highest bravery award winner of pakistan ) that doesn't mean I am a friend of them. It simply proves that we have enough maturity to stand together in spite of all our differences.
and dont expect me to cry for or because of you, I can cry for pakistani people, i can cry for pakistani army officers. but I dont have even a drop of tear for people like you.

lastly, refrain from abusing and insulting even if you are angry with some one, because abuses show nothing but an incapable and weak mind, which is not a good sign for a think tank.
His brother wants the trial to be open; who thinks that will happen?

Why should his trial be open?
The US conducts trials using secret evidence for matters involving "national security".
I suspect every country has such loopholes in their judicial system.

Magic words, those, "national security"...
I am impressed with your art of abusing. Surprisingly, all the hardcore fanatics ( no matter to which section they belongs) have a very similar trait- lack of reason and logic and abundance of abuse. and I have already answered your question about Indian version of Dr. Afridi in my previous post.
Your para four in which you have very painfully tried to explain why no lower rank official was not involved, actually very clearly proves that It was a game played by the top brasses. ( I have provided a pakistani link in support of claim but you conveniently ignored it )

lastly, refrain from abusing and insulting even if you are angry with some one, because abuses show nothing but an incapable and weak mind, which is not a good sign for a think tank.

Why do you feel abused every now and then ? First it was me , now it is him . No-one here is going to educate about the topic at hand personally if you are coming to debate with them , something I told you in my first post seeing how you didn't know the concept of ' treason ' but will stubbornly continue to cheery pick parts from posts , out of context and then comment on them . If you do not have anything to refute the points , this ' victim ' card playing isn't going to get you anywhere . You already didn't answer my question regarding the laws and the scenario . What logic do you even talk about , when you do not accept it from others ? Yeah , the Indian version , in which ' treason ' is a mere insult to the country . Get some education about the laws of your country first instead of playing dumb and skipping the posts where convenient . If the States didn't forgive its citizen for spying for Israel , why should Pakistan do so ?

Why should his trial be open?
The US conducts trials using secret evidence for matters involving "national security".
I suspect every country has such loopholes in their judicial system.

Magic words, those, "national security"...

Magic words for this particular fine specimen is ' Double Standards and Hypocrisy ' which isn't strange since it is actively pursued by his country . Remember the WMD's in Iraq , the Bay of Pigs invasion and now the Syrian Chemical attack pretext ?
Why do you feel abused every now and then ? First it was me , now it is him . No-one here is going to educate about the topic at hand personally if you are coming to debate with them , something I told you in my first post seeing how you didn't know the concept of ' treason ' but will stubbornly continue to cheery pick parts from posts , out of c ontext and then comment on them . If you do not have anything to refute the points , this ' victim ' card playing isn't going to get you anywhere . You already didn't answer my question regarding the laws and the scenario . What logic do you even talk about , when you do not accept it from others ? Yeah , the Indian version , in which ' treason ' is a mere insult to the country . Get some education about the laws of your country first instead of playing dumb and skipping the posts where convenient . If the States didn't forgive its citizen for spying for Israel , why should Pakistan do so ?

No, I dont feel abused, because such kind of garbage can not affect me by any means. but the matter of fact is the language used by both of you is called ABUSE in civilized world. for the rest of your post, I have already rested my case.
No, I dont feel abused, because such kind of garbage can not affect me by any means. but the matter of fact is the language used by both of you is called ABUSE in civilized world. for the rest of your post, I have already rested my case.

Ahh Sure , yet you still couldn't answer that garbage using the logic , laws and ground realities you fondly spoke of , in your second post . I rest my case here by saying ' Our country - Our Laws ' despite the punishment being no different in your country for the same crime . Sue the Govt of Pakistan at Hague , if you have proof , else it is just ' allegations ' , ' blame games ' , ' wild conspiracy theories ' and ' claims ' - add your hate against my country .
Ahh Sure , yet you still couldn't answer that garbage using the logic , laws and ground realities you fondly spoke of , in your second post . I rest my case here by saying ' Our country - Our Laws ' despite the punishment being no different in your country for the same crime . Sue the Govt of Pakistan at Hague , if you have proof , else it is just ' allegations ' , ' blame games ' , ' wild conspiracy theories ' and ' claims ' - add your hate against my country .
dear Secur

regarding this friend of yours who you are so patiently addressing,
help me to understand since when sentencing a CIA discarded rat for a doctor has anything to do with hate against India

talk about being creative , imaginative or downright :cuckoo:
dear Secur

regarding this friend of yours who you are so patiently addressing,
help me to understand since when sentencing a CIA discarded rat for a doctor has anything to do with hate against India

talk about being creative , imaginative or downright :cuckoo:

Too much bias and assumptions perhaps ? :lol:

Commander , what is the root/main cause of the person acting and playing dumb whilst knowing well , the consequences and concept of treason ? :D If not the hate . My scenario and your reasoning were as rational as possible , the same Indians will be shouting for ' Justice to be served ' and ' Hang the traitor ' in that case who are asking for the doctor to be released and be granted a medal here .
REALLY ? what is taste of USA boot man every body lick it so hard in pakistan ? from ayoub to nawaz every head of state ISI chiefs army chiefs licking it . there is something secret in it man .:eek:
Peanut butter? :undecided:
he should have been awarded with Nishan-e-Pakistan but as you know he was born in Pakistan so his bad luck.. lol
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