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Pakistan overturns sentence of doctor who helped find bin Laden

he's too much of a commoner looking peasant to be a PM of a country where the pre-requisite is being a multi millionaire and having more assets abroad than at home

and blames will solve everything.....assuming IF those blamed introspect and stop being mental slaves and stop choosing public personalities who resort to politics ("bull-shyt") for vote-banks

on "Dr." Afridi -- my position has been clear and consistent since 2011. The sentence should be upheld. If anything, more time should be added to his sentence.

we are just 2 different sides of the same coin!:pakistan:
People shouldn't be turning this into another Osama episode.
His actions are being judged independently of his supposed role.

Osama wouldn't have went down one way or another, the way he chose, he aided foreign military intel conduct a shameful violation of our sovereignty, he dumped his moral standing by abusing his post as a doctor in the field, he also sold his soul to who his countrymen regard as the devil, not for some greater good, but personal gain.

No mention of Osama anywhere. He should be tried and handed down a sentence fit for his treachery.
In such case , you most certainly do not understand the concept of treason at all , but yet are keen to debate on it . Not interested in wasting my time further with a person who would classify the provision of information to a foreign agency without the explicit sanction of the state as a ' mere ' insult to country's agencies . You do not know the laws regarding it .

P.S I haven't answered the old childish rants in your posts . Keep them to yourself . The world knows a few other things too and I wish not to derail this thread with them .

you have not given any fact or logic in your reply.abusively dismissing pure common sense and logic will neither do good to you nor to pakistan. I will not mind your hateful insult but feeling only pity because it is you people, who are suffering from the side effects of this misguided thinking. best of luck for you and pakistan from this side.
you have not given any fact or logic in your reply.abusively dismissing pure common sense and logic will neither do good to you nor to pakistan. I will not mind your hateful insult but feeling only pity because it is you people, who are suffering from the side effects of this misguided thinking. best of luck for you and pakistan from this side.

Read the Chechen rebel scenario again and answer me accordingly . Because there , the person will not be merely insulting the Indian law enforcement agencies and secret services , he would be guilty of treason against the state and the same Indians here supporting the doctor and asking for his release will be shouting for justice to be served . No person is ever allowed in any country to actively collaborate with a foreign country secret services * even if friendly * and provide any information about anything/anyone or assist in any way thereof unless and until explicitly sanctioned by the state , because the state cant commit treason against itself . It is common knowledge , nothing that I needed to school you for , cmon . The doctor should have provided the same information to his own country agencies , not to CIA in return of monetary or other benefits . Second , I never hurled any abuse towards you in any post . I just said that you do not want understand the concept of treason and yet are keen to debate on it .

Pure common sense and logic ? Well I am amazed .
Read the Chechen rebel scenario again and answer me accordingly . Because there , the person will not be merely insulting the Indian law enforcement agencies and secret services , he would be guilty of treason against the state and the same Indians here supporting the doctor and asking for his release will be shouting for justice to be served . No person is ever allowed in any country to actively collaborate with a foreign country secret services * even if friendly * and provide any information about anything/anyone or assist in any way thereof unless and until explicitly sanctioned by the state , because the state cant commit treason against itself . It is common knowledge , nothing that I needed to school you for , cmon . The doctor should have provided the same information to his own country agencies , not to CIA in return of monetary or other benefits . Second , I never hurled any abuse towards you in any post . I just said that you do not want understand the concept of treason and yet are keen to debate on it .

Pure common sense and logic ? Well I am amazed .

I am well aware of the chechen rebel scenario or most of the insurgency problems in the world for that matter, because it is my bread and butter to know about them and advice the needy agencies or orgs. if asked. the problem is, you and me view it from the complete different angles. I have the maturity to understand why you think that way, but you dont. so do what ever you think is right and let the time decide who was right and who was wrong.
I am well aware of the chechen rebel scenario or most of the insurgency problems in the world for that matter, because it is my bread and butter to know about them and advice the needy agencies or orgs. if asked. the problem is, you and me view it from the complete different angles. I have the maturity to understand why you think that way, but you dont. so do what ever you think is right and let the time decide who was right and who was wrong.

Doesn't seem like it . The simple point is ' A treason was committed for monetary benefits ' because the definition of treason includes ' a violation of allegiance to one's state and the betrayal of a trust or confidence/breach of faith/treachery ' . Lets have a hundred different point of views about it being angelic , noble , heroic or selfish , betraying the country , harming the state , resulting in embarrassment for his country . Doesn't change anything regarding the person in question , he was/is guilty of treason in any way , according to the laws of Pakistan . I understand well why you think the way you do , but we aren't interested in given cart blanche to citizens of Pakistan to collaborate with foreign agencies for money and other benefits and set an example for others by freeing the doctor . Au contraire , actually .
Doesn't seem like it . The simple point is ' A treason was committed for monetary benefits ' because the definition of treason includes ' a violation of allegiance to one's state and the betrayal of a trust or confidence/breach of faith/treachery ' . Lets have a hundred different point of views about it being angelic , noble , heroic or selfish , betraying the country , harming the state , resulting in embarrassment for his country . Doesn't change anything regarding the person in question , he was/is guilty of treason in any way , according to the laws of Pakistan . I understand well why you think the way you do , but we aren't interested in given cart blanche to citizens of Pakistan to collaborate with foreign agencies for money and other benefits and set an example for others by freeing the doctor . Au contraire , actually .

OBL was not a state's guest. had no alliance with the state. no interests of pakistan were harmed by that information which Dr. provided to CIA. It was the ISI and army who embarrassed pakistan by giving shelter to that dreaded terrorists with out the permission of state, unless you think that army is THE STATE in pakistan.
OBL was not a state's guest. had no alliance with the state. no interests of pakistan were harmed by that information which Dr. provided to CIA. It was the ISI and army who embarrassed pakistan by giving shelter to that dreaded terrorists with out the permission of state, unless you think that army is THE STATE in pakistan.

Of course not . The country sure was embarrassed by the unilateral action by USA , because of the information provided by the doctor in question . Had it been the ISI , you would have been seeing the opposite here .

Yeah , the usual debunked claims . Any evidence that the terrorist was a state guest of the Govt of Pakistan or being sheltered by ISI or Army ? Any official statement by the Americans in this regard ? Any at all ? Actually , the Obama Administration praised the Pakistan for its help . Why not provide the information to the Govt of Pakistan , ISI or any other law enforcement of my country then ? Why choose CIA instead and get money from them in the meantime , giving a bad name to his profession and resulting in people's mistrust in polio vaccination campaign ? :azn:

You claim to be some sort of adviser and yet you still dont understand the ' violation of allegiance/breach of trust ' part . Let me make it clear . He wasn't supposed to help the CIA , if its clear then its fine , otherwise keep playing the blame game . Ai'nt not interested .
in response of only the bold part-

In the aftermath of bin Laden's capture and death, U.S. President Barack Obama asked Pakistan to investigate the network that sustained bin Laden.[2] "We think that there had to be some sort of support network for bin Laden inside of Pakistan," Obama said in a "60 Minutes" interview with CBS news. He also added that U.S. was not "sure" "who or what that support network was."[2][3] In addition to this, in an interview to Time magazine, CIA Director Leon Panetta stated that U.S. officials did not alert Pakistani counterparts to the raid because they feared the terrorist leader would be warned.



subjects like this are raised like they have been raised, not through official gazettes.

I am not blaming the state of pakistan, but some one else.

I rest my case here, no more debate on this subject. good luck.
Of course not . The country sure was embarrassed by the unilateral action by USA , because of the information provided by the doctor in question . Had it been the ISI , you would have been seeing the opposite here .

Yeah , the usual debunked claims . Any evidence that the terrorist was a state guest of the Govt of Pakistan or being sheltered by ISI or Army ? Any official statement by the Americans in this regard ? Any at all ? Actually , the Obama Administration praised the Pakistan for its help . Why not provide the information to the Govt of Pakistan , ISI or any other law enforcement of my country then ? Why choose CIA instead and get money from them in the meantime , giving a bad name to his profession and resulting in people's mistrust in polio vaccination campaign ? :azn:

You claim to be some sort of adviser and yet you still dont understand the ' violation of allegiance/breach of trust ' part . Let me make it clear . He wasn't supposed to help the CIA , if its clear then its fine , otherwise keep playing the blame game . Ai'nt not interested .

only for the bold part-

Allegations of support system in Pakistan for Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[In the aftermath of bin Laden's capture and death, U.S. President Barack Obama asked Pakistan to investigate the network that sustained bin Laden.[2] "We think that there had to be some sort of support network for bin Laden inside of Pakistan," Obama said in a "60 Minutes" interview with CBS news. He also added that U.S. was not "sure" "who or what that support network was."[2][3] In addition to this, in an interview to Time magazine, CIA Director Leon Panetta stated that U.S. officials did not alert Pakistani counterparts to the raid because they feared the terrorist leader would be warned.]



subjects like this are raised like they have been raised, not by official gazettes.
I am not blaming the state of pakistan, but some one else.
I rest my case here. no more debate on this subject. peace.
I am not blaming the state of pakistan, but some one else.

I rest my case here, no more debate on this subject. good luck.

Allegations , they call them for a reason . A blame on the armed forces of Pakistan and its secret agencies equates a blame on Pakistan itself .

Sure , even I am not interested in debating with people who like to cherry pick and overlook and skip where convenient .

The equation remains the same .
Of course not . The country sure was embarrassed by the unilateral action by USA , because of the information provided by the doctor in question . Had it been the ISI , you would have been seeing the opposite here .

Yeah , the usual debunked claims . Any evidence that the terrorist was a state guest of the Govt of Pakistan or being sheltered by ISI or Army ? Any official statement by the Americans in this regard ? Any at all ? Actually , the Obama Administration praised the Pakistan for its help . Why not provide the information to the Govt of Pakistan , ISI or any other law enforcement of my country then ? Why choose CIA instead and get money from them in the meantime , giving a bad name to his profession and resulting in people's mistrust in polio vaccination campaign ? :azn:

You claim to be some sort of adviser and yet you still dont understand the ' violation of allegiance/breach of trust ' part . Let me make it clear . He wasn't supposed to help the CIA , if its clear then its fine , otherwise keep playing the blame game . Ai'nt not interested .

They are not realizing the change in alliance and change of interest.:angel:
Honestly, it wouldn't even manner if Dr. Shakil Afridi was released free, he is a very broken man. In fact, it would be best for him if they put him out of his misery.
Doesn't change anything regarding the person in question , he was/is guilty of treason in any way , according to the laws of Pakistan.
I don't believe the Pakistani government has any confidence that Dr. A. is guilty of treason regarding the Abbottabad affair. He was convicted of an unrelated charge in an administrative procedure, not a judicial one.

Apparently Dr. Afridi will be re-"tried" the same way, this time with a higher-level administrator doing the sentencing. His brother wants the trial to be open; who thinks that will happen? Is it the details of Afridi's deeds that must be concealed or the embarrassments of the authorities?

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