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US mulls leaving no American troops behind in Afghanistan

Maybe India will airlift him out?

I'm pretty sure he's no longer an asset for the CIA anymore. :lol:

I can see how happy you are... Look like your wet dreams will shatter again.. Your brothers (Taliban, as you and taliban both are descendant of Zia-ul-haq) will have to wait more...
One Question @RazPaK, without superpower how long Taliban can stand?? (Last time USA was with Taliban), I don't think Pakistan can fill the gap (of superpower).

Team A .................................................................... Team B
1. USA......................................................................1. Taliban
2. NATO....................................................................2. Pakistan
3. ANA (Afghanistan govt)............................................3. China
4. India
5. Israel
6. Russia
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I can see how happy you are... Look like your wet dreams will shatter again.. Your brothers (Taliban, as you and taliban both are descendant of Zia-ul-haq) will have to wait more...

I can see how upset you are.

Your daddy Bharat Verma and others must be very disillusioned.
I don't think bringing 'family' into debates is not healthy. :astagh:
Taliban survives on hatred. Even without external support they will continue. Only difference is that previously they posed a threat to the world. Now they will pose a threat to themselves. Like African rebels/militia groups.
I can see how upset you are.

Your daddy Bharat Verma and others must be very disillusioned.
I can see how upset you are.

Your daddy Bharat Verma and others must be very disillusioned.

How can u know that I am related to Bharat Verma? As per you we all know these facts..
a) you are from the family which gave General Zia-ul-haq
b) U miss your grandpa
c) you bunked Madarsa at childhood, you are sorry for it,
d) you didn't gave any chance to Gori mam .
e) you want to marry some one who can cook
f) you want to marry just for child

These all information u shared with us in this forum... :P
How can u know that I am related to Bharat Verma? As per you we all know these facts..
a) you are from the family which gave General Zia-ul-haq
b) U miss your grandpa
c) you bunked Madarsa at childhood, you are sorry for it,
d) you didn't gave any chance to Gori mam .
e) you want to marry some one who can cook
f) you want to marry just for child

These all information u shared with us in this forum... :P

Zia is a distant relative of mine, but it has nothing to do with the discussion.

I didn't know you follow me so closely. I guess it's nice to have fans.

Anyway, your assertion that Zia-ul-Haq had something to do with the Taliban movement is false.
Right on. Bravo.

Don't get me wrong the US will lose. Lets be clear these clandestine forces are not there to fight in Afghanistan, they have enough stupid Afghans to do their dirty work for them, they are there to infiltrate Pakistan and Iran (something the ANA could never do since most of them cant even read a map) as well as to provide some air support. Pakistan needs to be ready to launch a defense and counter offensive when this occurs.

The Afghan government will fall just as was the case with Najibullah.

No conspiracy theories please.

That isn't a conspiracy theory otherwise tell me what Raymond Davis was doing in Pakistan? They even kidnapped Aafia Siddiqui.

Furthermore, what conspiracies theories are left? At one time everyone said that the idea the US forged evidence to invade Iraq was a conspiracy, that the idea the US government had approved of assassinating US citizens without trial was a conspiracy, that the US didn't have secret torture facilities setup throughout Europe was a conspiracy, that the US government wasn't spying on not just its own citizens but the world by hacking their telecom networks was a conspiracy, etc... and each of them were proved to be true while those who exposed the truth are hunted down and persecuted.

The US is guilty of tens of millions of avoidable deaths considering they have been at war for almost every year of their existence. Thus, they have no right to accuse any group or person of terrorism particularly when they assassinate them before they have a chance to appear in court.

As allies, Americans are more than welcome to come and work with our army and ISI. And most of the time they do.

No, they are not welcome nor are their supporters and the Pakistani people by large have made that clear.

The US government and military are not allies and as of this point they should be considered an imminent hostile threat. Their murder of Pakistani soldiers and support of India's nuclear program at the same time opposition to our own was more than enough proof.

Tell me how has the US ever been a friend of Pakistan? Give me a couple of examples because at virtually every step of our history they have betrayed the country or openly sided with our enemy and only an idiot would think they are friends. In 2001 Ashley Tellis wrote a report ("South Asia: US Policy Choices" in Taking Charge A Bipartisan Report to the President-Elect on Foreign Policy and National Security — Discussion Papers) that Bush was in agreement with which essentially stated that the US should abandon Pakistan for India. It was only after the 2001 "attacks" did they decide that they needed Pakistan again and they bribed the government (possibly even threatening some within it) and bribed some within our own military to cooperate. However, their nuclear deal with India was a confirmation of their abandonment of Pakistan because when they knew they could just buy Pakistani politicians or certain individuals within the military off and we would not retaliate in the harshest way possible they could pursue their goals of weakening our nation.

Iran is a different matter. And you should not mix a rogue state like Iran with law abiding country like Pakistan. Thank you

It was the US that supported Saddam Hussein in his war on the Iranians, they are by law allowed to pursue a civilian nuclear program but are having sanctions placed on them for crimes they aren't even guilty of having committed, etc...

I have my issues with Iran but by and large they are nowhere near being a rogue nation like the US.
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