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US mulls leaving no American troops behind in Afghanistan

Do you think, India can replace America in Afghanistan for Karzai regime? -- If yes, how?

They can not, because then it will give chance to pakistan to directly involve in proxy war with india on the name of threat perception from west border. and indian is already busy with maoists and kashmir insurgencies which are increasing neither there economy neither there defence industries has such capability to allow indian as a replacement. one more thing it will give a reason to afghan taliban to fight with india in kashmir they cant go US but they can easily fight with Indians. So its no Way....

Well indian will try his best reap benefit until US presence is there.... thats why they dont want US to go back.
i hope the taliban will soften their policies when they make their government in afghanistan !
These weakly based political games between US and Afghan gov are at it's boiling point;

Karzai asked for weapons > US said NO

Karzai asked for prison transfer > US said YES

Karzai asked for Afghan-let peace process > US IGNORED it

Karzai asked US to leave Wardak province > US COMPELLED to leave

US opened Taliban office > Karzai BLOCKED US-Afghan long term military agreement

US allowed Taliban board and flag > Karzai BOYCOTTED peace negotiations

Karzai spoiled US goals in Qatar > US threatened to PULL OUT ALL troops

to be continued....

Good analysis. Bravo!

Karazai doesn't realize (OK, Northern Alliance folks who support Karazai don't realize) that USA is no longer interested in keeping forces in a hostile area.

From Yemen and FATA they have figured out that it is much much cheaper to just fly 100 more drones over the area of interest and selectively kill the mofos on the hit list.

What Talib@stards do to poor Karazai or to the Uzbeks and Tajiks or the Kabulis, well that is internal issue of Afghanistan.

Just like Yemen, things will be organized in such a way to keep the minimum semblance of government in Kabul.

USA will pay $3-4 billion to keep Kabuli government afloat.

they can fly 10-15 or even 20 drones on Southern and Eastern Afghanistan and keep the area AQ free.

At least this is the plan.

Please remember. I do not gloat when I write this.

My heart goes out to Afghanistani brothers. They have paid much too heave price in the last 50 years.


Karazai is not doing them any favor by trying to nab and bite the American hand that feeds them.

peace to all.
Karzai's blood pressure will have gone off the charts now. Poor guy, must be having sleepless nights. Cmon atleast Obama should leave him some guards to protect him, otherwise who can trust the Afghans.



He is on drugs according to media reports :D
I think this is just BS. Everyone knows they will leave troops behind if only to spy on Pakistan and Iran but more likely to engage in a multitude of clandestine activities.

I would venture to guess this is just a little reminder to Karzai that without the US he is finished so either he shapes up or ships out. The US knows that Karzai needs their support because, even though it is highly unlikely that the Taliban will be able to take over before his term expires since American monetary support will keep pouring in, when he leaves office his goal is to rob the country from the shadows. He will probably use the money he pilfered to start some kind of a business, assuming he hasn't already taken over control of his brothers narcotics operation and plans to expand it, and the contacts he has within the government, military and police to get special concessions in order to make himself millions at the expense of the average Afghan, Pakistani, Iranian, etc... which wouldn't be possible without US support.

Karzai is a warlord himself and I think people tend to forget that. He was already a toothless beggar in a Pakistani refugee camp once and the US is just reminding him that he has nowhere else to run now and if he doesn't cooperate nowhere to go but down.
Usama. Do you think,that Obama changed his mind because of that video conference or there are more factors at play?

it's been a slow and steady process....Karzai is fast losing allies --regional and international. He is increasingly isolated; his mental health and stability is questionable -even as per his own aides.

i hope the taliban will soften their policies when they make their government in afghanistan !

they wont have a choice really.....times have changed

they should learn from what happened in Egypt -- the power of mass mobilization

"softening up" is their only viable alternative; and that starts with allowing women to go to school and participate in public affairs. Cant expect any major change though, given how deeply conservative the society is

regardless of what happens -- all stakeholders in the region need to ensure no civil war of any kind ensues; millions will die or be displaced and it will only spell more misery and destruction.

a multi-donor trust must continue to be worked on (perhaps administered by a neutral country like Turkiye) so that investment in public sectors in Afghanistan can be realized.
I think this is just BS. .

Right on. Bravo.

Everyone knows they will leave troops behind if only to spy on Pakistan and Iran but more likely to engage in a multitude of clandestine activities..

No conspiracy theories please.

As allies, Americans are more than welcome to come and work with our army and ISI. And most of the time they do.

The only fisher in this relationship came when Pakistani government refused to accept the reality that Ben mofo laden was hiding in Pakistan.

Besides this, Americans can get all the information directly from our government.

We have nothing to hide.


p.s. Iran is a different matter. And you should not mix a rogue state like Iran with law abiding country like Pakistan. Thank you
Sorry bro for name mistake :D :D :D

Ill qoute one thing as said by our DG ISI Shujah Pasha " He quoted a US intelligence officer as saying “you are so cheap… we can buy you with a visa,” and said himself that systemic failures showed Pakistan was a “failing state”.
Elaborate it more,my dear....:pop:
karzai should resign and leave afghanistan for good if he wants to live if not then god bless the poor chap :angel:
Don't worry about Karzai folks.

He'll just join the Taliban.

Either that or he will be killed and hung from one of the lamp posts. Afghans will start doing what they (unfortunately) have been doing best - Kill each other, reimpose full fledged Shariah and behead women in the Kabul/Kandahar stadia
Don't worry about Karzai folks.

He'll just join the Taliban.

Either that or he will be killed and hung from one of the lamp posts. Afghans will start doing what they (unfortunately) have been doing best - Kill each other, reimpose full fledged Shariah and behead women in the Kabul/Kandahar stadia

Maybe India will airlift him out?

I'm pretty sure he's no longer an asset for the CIA anymore. :lol:
Duh! I don't think India finds Karzai too useful. That is to put it mildly. India even refused to send a single policeman to Afghanistan for the WoT. Iran might find him useful.

Seriously speaking though. He might just stay. He is smart. Unlike Rabbani. The ANA is also quite competent. But then again as even Pakistan can't trust their neighbor, I think for India to do that is foolhardy. :D
Maybe India will airlift him out?

I'm pretty sure he's no longer an asset for the CIA anymore. :lol:
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