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GCC warns Hezbollah!!!

This stupid fuvking jew 500 keeps trying to initiate conflict between iranians and palestinians like the typical sick person he is. Iranians ignore you. hes trying to put you down and with it bash palestinians, ignore the zionist trash.

So what do Palestinians think of Iranians and the help they provide?
This stupid fuvking jew 500 keeps trying to initiate conflict between iranians and palestinians like the typical sick person he is. Iranians ignore you. hes trying to put you down and with it bash palestinians, ignore the zionist trash.

The only trash is a Palestinian supporting Iran's genocide against Syrians.
Hamas already cut all ties with Iran & HizbAllat:
Iran cuts Hamas funding over Syria - Telegraph
Hamas-Hezbollah Ties Deteriorate Over Syria - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
The only trash is a Palestinian supporting Iran's genocide against Syrians.
Hamas already cut all ties with Iran & HizbAllat:
Iran cuts Hamas funding over Syria - Telegraph
Hamas-Hezbollah Ties Deteriorate Over Syria - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

You piece of khara I dont support whats happening in Syria, I said I wish arabic countries would keep their own agenda and be active in our arabic region which is something only Iran is doing and we are watching doing nothing.

So what do Palestinians think of Iranians and the help they provide?

I cant speak for all Palestinians and I dont understand your context when youre asking what do we think of iranians, be more specific.
I cant speak for all Palestinians and I dont understand your context when youre asking what do we think of iranians, be more specific.

I meant like you said you been to Gaza before or was it the WB? So how do people on the ground feel about Iranians, is it negative like the israeli was saying?
I meant like you said you been to Gaza before or was it the WB? So how do people on the ground feel about Iranians, is it negative like the israeli was saying?

I dont need to give my opinion and it seems these questions are only asked to palestinians. And nothing is like what the israeli is saying, dont even regard him as a human, hes here to bash us left and right and I dont talk to lowlife trash like him and neither should any muslim. Or anyone in the world.
So what do Palestinians think of Iranians and the help they provide?

Most Palestinians hate them, but tolerate them because of money.
You see, the most important factor for Palestinian is money, the one who writes their check gets to boss them around.
Qatar understood that when they gave them millions to pull them from Iran.
Most Palestinians hate them, but tolerate them because of money.
You see, the most important factor for Palestinian is money, the one who writes their check gets to boss them around.
Qatar understood that when they gave them millions to pull them from Iran.

You racist Khaleeji piece of garbage making gross generlizations when in fact most poeole I know and most people in Gaza live.off a $100 a month and after alll they been through they still say thank God everyday for everything they have. I doubt youre a saudi, you're probably not originally from there as you sound hysterical especially with your username which you surely reflect upon. You dont speak for not even one single Palestinian and you horribly reprsent Saudi Arabia and what it should be. Imagine what the Prophet would react to you. Disgusitng and appaling.
Btw, Bannu 'Ummayah' you're really good at just talking, just like your countrys leaders, and you have misinformation on many things, like weapons in Gaza. Such as these manufactured by the resistance in Gaza which is brave enough to respond to Israelis bullying in the region with their 'Quds' rockets.

And 'Banu Ummahyah' talks about Palestinians as if they love money when in fact during the protests in saudi arabia where dozens were killed by thejr government which 'bosses them around' only came to an end after the government passed extra money around to every citizen.
Jews were not slaves in Babylon. They lived there very well.

Fact is Babylon Destroyed Jerusalem & the 1st Temple of Soloman(as) to capture the Jews,
For what? To "Wine and Dine" them like Hitler.

You Jews Were Forced Laborious & Slaves in Hitlers Camp and in Babylon. And in EGYPT.

Hitler Kept Jews as "Personal Guests" in Camps. Just Like Egyptians and Babylonians "Personal Guests". Not to take the Jews to live with them and sit on their behind as The Babylonians gave you free food and rivers of milk and honey.

I rest my case, the Yehudi/Jew is Delusional and in Denial

Hitler and Babylon Both were its "FRIENDS" and They lived very well.

You are not fighting anything, just kissing *** to Palestinians and they spit on u.

Just Like Russians wanted to Kiss YOUR ARSE when They Saved you from Hitler?

Just Like Persians Wanted to Kiss YOUR ARSE when WE Saved you Slaves in Babylon?

You Change your Mind? You Just Said "If your regime wont stop attacking us" - Now You say We Are NOT Attacking and Fighting ? We haven't done anything yet and you are already shaking at Rustam's feet? Rustam is just a meager Servant, You are yet to see the Persian Empire.

Stop smoking.

I dont need advice from a SLAVE That cant even defend itself before my great ancestors freed you from Babylon.

Take My Advice, Leave Zionism and Stop Sucking Blood. You will Live longer.

We survived through many like you before, its you who need to be saved.

You Never Survived on YOUR OWN. WE Saved You From Babylon Just Like Russians SAVED you from Hitler.

We are the Ones Who Saved and Freed these Yehudi Slaves and Now Slaves says I need to be Saved..

In fact your regime is already collapsing: unemployment, drugs, prostitution, fertility rate below reproduction level, corruption... When Assad falls u will remain with no allies at all.

The Prophesy said that We are supposed to Chase and Kill your "Messiah" from Damascus to Lut. The Battle will be Between Persia and Banu Israel. No Arabs, Europeans, Americans and Turks will live on that day to save you. Assad is a Nobody to us, He Wins or Falls doesn't affect us. The Country will serve as a Buffer zone untill the final battle.

Rome was founded in 753 BC.
Most ancient Persian kingdom is Medan kingdom founded in 678 BC.


- In 550 BC under Persian Achaemenid dynasty have created the first World's empire in human history.

- Recorded Civilization on Iranian plateau starts before 5200 years, at the same time as in Sumer and Egypt.

- Rome's Official Language LATIN comes from Indo Iranian Language Sanskrit. Sanskrit Comes from Persian.

You Are Talking About Empires.

I am Talking About Civilizations.

2 Different Things...

Persia and Egypt Are the Two Oldest Civilizations In HUMAN History, Persia was the first Empire.

As For Rome, Romans That Also Killed You Jews In Jerusalem, We Dont even Consider the Romans Equal to us, and they ruled Empires, WE consider Romans Peasants, let alone you Bedouin Jewish Slaves from Egypt and Babylon. Even Bedouins Had their Slums AKA "Empires" like you.

Every Persian is a Historian, Dont even Bother.
This stupid fuvking jew 500 keeps trying to initiate conflict between iranians and palestinians like the typical sick person he is. Iranians ignore you. hes trying to put you down and with it bash palestinians, ignore the zionist trash.

You racist Khaleeji piece of garbage making gross generlizations when in fact most poeole I know and most people in Gaza live.off a $100 a month and after alll they been through they still say thank God everyday for everything they have. I doubt youre a saudi, you're probably not originally from there as you sound hysterical especially with your username which you surely reflect upon. You dont speak for not even one single Palestinian and you horribly reprsent Saudi Arabia and what it should be. Imagine what the Prophet would react to you. Disgusitng and appaling.

Ya Falestini...
Whats the Difference Between The Bedouin and his Yehudis in Israel? They Both speak the same tone and support each other with the Crusader Against Iran and Palestine. They Would love to see all Palestinians Dead, then they could easily mix and mingle with their Yehudi Master. They were both Slaves.

Behold Ya Falestini..in WW1 Your Arab brothers Betrayed the Ottomans Who Would Protect you, and Today your Arab Brothers Betray you once again. While Persians are willing to Protect you.

"I am the Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud al-Faisal and I concede and acknowledge a thousand times to Sir Percy Cox, delegate of Great Britain, that I have no objection to giving Palestine to the poor Jews or even to non-Jews, and I will never ever violate their [the UK] orders.”

Isn’t it ironic how the Ottomans, our rulers at the time, would spill blood to protect us, while our brother Arabs were falling over themselves to give Palestine away.

Read This, Its Written by Another Falestini: PressTV - 65 years ago; UK committed Ein El Zeytoun & Deir Yassin massacres

There is a Old Saying in Palestine in Arabi .. "Nahnu Abna Al Muslimi.. Kullun Nafas Salahadin" Means "We are the Sons of Muslims, Each of us is a Saladin." Surely the one will shall not rest until the Holy land has been Liberated..

But I have a Persian twist to it.. "Nahnu Abna Al Farsi, Kullun Nafas Kourosh" Meaning We are the Sons of Persians, Each of us is a Cyrus the Great - Surely we will not stop until we destroy Babylon (Israel) as we did before.

The Arabs and Indians. Slaves of the Zionists and The European Americans. Sellouts.

About Nukes,
You Mean the Same West That Nuked Japanese Civilian Targets, Twice? A Civilian Hospital 3 Days AFTER Japan Surrendered?

or Do you Mean India that started the Nuclear Arms race in 70's in Asia by Threatening Pakistan?

Or the Same West that your Indian nation Joined to back stabb the Turkish Persian Muslim Mughel Rulers of Hind? Persian Muslim Sha Jahan Built Your TAJ Mehel Remember that. You Zionist Indian Sellouts, You did the same thing in Bengal to Nawabs Family Shiraz who also had Persian Ancestry. For doing that What did you get? 200 Years of Loot Plunder, Genocide, Your Country was the Greatest Contributor and Richest Nation Under Islamic Mughel Empire, Under Your British Slave Masters You Were not only raped and humiliated but even Looted to a poor worthless shoe cleaner nation of Hypocrites who sold their great Indian culture for some west who doesn't even have a fraction of it. During WW2 after Deaths of Millions in India and Bengal due to British IMPOSED Food Shortage/Famines, When Asked why your Master Winston Churchill did this, the guy whos nation you helped loot and rape your nation, The Same Ungrateful colonial friend Churchill Compared you with "Vermin". Look it up.

I look forward to the day when the Islamic Persian Forces Retake Delhi. The Greatest Ally of Israel in the World in India, America is #2. We will Retake Constantinople, We will Retake Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, We will Liberate Jerusalem and we will Surely Retake HINDUSTAN..

:lol: this guy is definitely off his meds.
:lol: this guy is definitely off his meds.

Funny, You Americans Indians and Zionists talk about Nukes and Iran, a member of the NPT,

- Yet you turn a Blind Eye the 100s of Nukes in the Zionist Regime who Refused to sign the NPT.

- You are blind to the fact that american the sole nuclear criminal that Nuked Japanese Civilians, Twice. Even after Japan Surrendered?

- or the fact that India that started the Nuclear Arms race in that asian region in 70's. Pakistan Got its Nukes in 90's.

So Who is really off his meds?
We know who you Hindiu Zionist Will Support, Your Colonial Fathers.. :laugh:
no maybe your misinformed they spoke Persian that was there language


notice at the begging of the video what language they talk!

lol you didnt even get what I said..dont bother..as for the mughals..they can kiss my ***.

- Yet you turn a Blind Eye the 100s of Nukes in the Zionist Regime who Refused to sign the NPT.

- You are blind to the fact that american the sole nuclear criminal that Nuked Japanese Civilians, Twice. Even after Japan Surrendered?

- or the fact that India that started the Nuclear Arms race in that asian region in 70's. Pakistan Got its Nukes in 90's.

So Who is really off his meds?
We know who you Hindiu Zionist Will Support, Your Colonial Fathers.. :laugh:

lol why the feck would I care about Israeli nukes or Hiroshima nukes ?

Yes, we started the nuclear race..so what are you going to do about it..atleast we acquired our nukes sucessfully giving a middle finger to the whole world.

BTW since you are going to re-capture delhi, contact this guy..he is a specialist in that :lol:

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