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'F-35 warplane facing turbulence at home and abroad'- What will Turkey do?

... fancy stuffs...
It could not be a fancy stuff! you know how important is the navy for USA, and this fighter is going to be the backbone of the navy's air fleet in the next decades. This jet is the future of USA. TFX development requires some technology answers! You know 5th generation fighter is much more than just 'stealthy plane'
Why not order less and spend a bit more on air defense.
There is no country in the region that could be a real threat for Turkey anyway, even without the F35.

I am against this. consider you have to fight but you have an option. You could choose your opponent.

One is a perfect defender. but it is almost unlikely to attack and hit you.

The other one is a week defender but he could hit dangerously when attacks.

Which one are you gonna fight?

So, personally, I never replace an state of the art attacking fighter with an air defense system. Considering the new generation of Russian fighters (4.5+ and 5th generations) and their classic costumers in the region ... how can't one see the threat? not only Russian fighters, for example Iraq has F-16 bloc 50+.
It could not be a fancy stuff! you know how important is the navy for USA, and this fighter is going to be the backbone of the navy's air fleet in the next decades. This jet is the future of USA. TFX development requires some technology answers! You know 5th generation fighter is much more than just 'stealthy plane'

Tab, I find your strange response being Iranian. Well, US doesn't predict the futures, the prices is dramatically increasing and high maintenances including delay timelines. You can see some of allies are decided to go different plans which is very reasonable. One of allies is Canada has decided not to go for F-35s, read URL="http://www.vancouversun.com/news/story.html?id=7663555"]news[/URL]. Please don't think F-35s being only potential planes, doesn't mean more powerful and overcome other potential planes, it is just stealthy, their dogfights is not great, and carrying heavy payloads. Maybe it is good for Turkey to use against PPK or Iranians terrorists, which scare them. South Korea doesn't need Turkey partnership on KFX developments.

Think again.
no offence , but it doesn't work against Iran ...
Tab, I find your strange response being Iranian.
Why do you think all Iranian think same. There are lots of Iranian prefer western friends to Russian uncountable alliance.

Well, US doesn't predict the futures, the prices is dramatically increasing and high maintenances including delay timelines.
It is still cost efficient than eurofighter Typhoon tranche 3A. With all the delays it will be among the first 5th generation fighters. and about maintenance check the link, please: US Air Force praises early performance of Lockheed Martin F-35

You can see some of allies are decided to go different plans which is very reasonable. One of allies is Canada has decided not to go for F-35s, read URL="http://www.vancouversun.com/news/story.html?id=7663555"]news[/URL].
Check this one, please! Canadians reviewing, not abandoning F-35 project

Please don't think F-35s being only potential planes, doesn't mean more powerful and overcome other potential planes
Ok, when there is no potential planes, F35 could not overcome it!!! agree! ;)

it is just stealthy
Please check my previous post! (Post #31)

their dogfights is not great, and carrying heavy payloads. Maybe it is good for Turkey to use against PPK
Thrust/weight F35A:
With full fuel: 0.87
With 50% fuel: 1.07 (when it is above the target!) not only isn't bad but also impressive! who says dogfights is not great!
carrying heavy payloads!!! :D this is an option, those who don't like heavy payload could carry light payloads!
and about PKK missions, F35 will replace F4 fleet. That is TFX which will replace f16 fleet beyond 2020.

or Iranians terrorists, which scare them.
Yohhhooohaaa Turkish members! please do scare from me! please!

South Korea doesn't need Turkey partnership on KFX developments.
No, as I said and extensively discussed in my previous post, Korea is all dependent on Turkey. Hey man who did talk about Korea?

Think again.
Thinking is free, I do more of it. ;)
Umm.. Yeah, so what? Don't say it is propaganda.
You ever heard of some one working for a firm and not likeing the products they produce?
What has that got to do with propaganda?
He cant say the product is bad,or can he?
You know as wel as i do that the F-35 is a failed product.
To expensive inferior bs.
You ever heard of some one working for a firm and not likeing the products they produce?
What has that got to do with propaganda?
He cant say the product is bad,or can he?
You know as wel as i do that the F-35 is a failed product.
To expensive inferior bs.
So when the pilot say that the Me-262 jet was like getting pushed by an angel, do you think its propaganda. Keep entertaining me.

Whats YF-16?
Never heard of it any info?
The Yf-16 was the prototype F-16. It was in a competition with the YF-17 (which later became the F-18). It was built in the 70s, I'll explain to you later :). You dont's know what's the YF-16! Wow :lol:


If you want to learn more just go to this site...
I don't quite understand why people keep babbling about the F-35.

When you look at a country desfence, what you need is a dynamic platform, which is the one you can use at their best across different scanario but also what is there available today. When you go shop for military hardware, you look at the price tag but also will look at the availability.

F-35, currently at production stage (Which mean the development stage are OVER, there will not be any increase on development) standing at 140 millions each, yeah, that is a lot of money if you are going to buycandy with it but you are talking the only available soluteion currently and probably in the next 5 to 10 years before any of the next 5th generation into other coutnry service. 140 mil to buy the edge for 10 years alone is worth is, not to mention you don't need to mind whatever the enemy will throw at you as you will be well set up for your defence. And you get to R&D your own stuff using the F-35 platform. Which is the dynamic defence i am talking about. You are not talking about getting just any plane for 140 millions alone. That is the edge as you can buy, today

how much it worth for your national defence??
Tab, I find your strange response being Iranian. Well, US doesn't predict the futures, the prices is dramatically increasing and high maintenances including delay timelines. You can see some of allies are decided to go different plans which is very reasonable. One of allies is Canada has decided not to go for F-35s, read URL="http://www.vancouversun.com/news/story.html?id=7663555"]news[/URL]. Please don't think F-35s being only potential planes, doesn't mean more powerful and overcome other potential planes, it is just stealthy, their dogfights is not great, and carrying heavy payloads. Maybe it is good for Turkey to use against PPK or Iranians terrorists, which scare them. South Korea doesn't need Turkey partnership on KFX developments.

Think again.

First of all, F-35's to be joined to Turkish inventory will mostly used as stealth bomber. Although some of Turkish 240 F-16's will be chaged to protect F-35's at likely air clashes against Russian aircrafts, The F-35 can protect himself better than a classic 4th generation fighters. Actually, Dogfights remain the Russian concept, While NATO completely changes the strategy for air engagement. Instead of performing sharp manouvrings with pushing the limits of aircraft and pilots, F-35 will lock on targets with latest generation HMDU and fire the AA missile which has capability of performing increadile mouneuvring and having resistance of huge G forces, Even If the tagrte to be locked locating behind of aircraft so While makin some assessments about issues, Don't forget to remember the increasing capabilities of NATO technologies to be applied for costumers...

and Turkey's contribution on production stage is really satisfactory(%50+ of total price). There are lots of Turkish institutes to be produced for domestic and export markets which means $$$.



Turkey's developed cruise missiles/guided bombs will be integrated on F-35's and exported for foreign markets as an F-35 package along with USA weapon alternatives.


First of all, F-35's to be joined to Turkish inventory will mostly used as stealth bomber. Although some of Turkish 240 F-16's will be chaged to protect F-35's at likely air clashes against Russian aircrafts, The F-35 can protect himself better than a classic 4th generation fighters. Actually, Dogfights remain the Russian concept, While NATO completely changes the strategy for air engagement. Instead of performing sharp manouvrings with pushing the limits of aircraft and pilots, F-35 will lock on targets with latest generation HMDU and fire the AA missile which has capability of performing increadile mouneuvring and having resistance of huge G forces, Even If the tagrte to be locked locating behind of aircraft so While makin some assessments about issues, Don't forget to remember the increasing capabilities of NATO technologies to be applied for costumers...


So what it all comes down to is BVR?

I have a hard time believing BVR can not be overcome.

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