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Nato supplies breakthrough US to officially apologise for Salala, Pakistan

Do you really believe the average American was anti-Pakistani up until this clown Panetta took over?

the western media smear campaigns against Pakistan started to begin around 2008....May 2 operation as well as all this Haqqani/Quetta Shura mis-information and Shakil Afridi thing have definitely helped nurture this anti-Pakistan stance being held in American circles

that idiot Faisal Shezad (the failed times square bomber) also screwed things up, though that impact wasnt as bad as bin laden operation.....they could control their public's perception because the media is on their side -- as it was in 2003 when they lied about WMDs in Iraq.
Pakistan has got its, good asurunces from the only living economic super power of, the world!
& pakistan also got, its militry insurances from the 2nd largest militry, power of the world!
& pakistan also got, its energy assurances from a country called ? IRAN!

Only common interst,in these 4 nations is? They all are against USA & its allies, growing influences in, the world!
Specialy , in the region!
So its a “ELEPHANT TRAP TIME” in afghanistan!
Its going tobe 1000% , shamfull,painfull process of america,s american dreams, after vietnam!
Thanks to India,s quite but strong support!
... The Salala incident happened bcos the NATO changed its prerogative and gave hot pursuit to the terrorists who were retreating into Pakistan and that the Pakistan Border force opened fire to safeguard them and they returned fire.

I am interested to know how a rag-tag group of attackers manage to escape from NATO everytime there's a pursuit. Either NATO provides very poor transportation to its troops or the attackers use invisibility devices. Can someone clarify, please?

Attacking a border-post in pursuit of terrorists is a very lame excuse indeed.
US: "Come on India! Do Something"


US: " We will sanction you if you don't cut imports from oil from Iran"
India: "We are a rising power and have independent foreign policy"
US: "We will sanction you!"
India - (Reuters) - The United States will exempt India, South Korea, Turkey and four other countries from financial sanctions because they have significantly cut purchases of Iranian oil, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Monday
I am interested to know how a rag-tag group of attackers manage to escape from NATO everytime there's a pursuit. Either NATO provides very poor transportation to its troops or the attackers use invisibility devices. Can someone clarify, please?

Attacking a border-post in pursuit of terrorists is a very lame excuse indeed.

We don't need to ask questions about salala incident, I am quite sure, many incidents in afghanistan in future ,will going to make things, clear.
Its their trun to do , more!
Breaking News.

WASHINGTON: The United States is withdrawing its team of negotiators from Pakistan without securing a long-sought deal with Islamabad to allow trucks to again supply Nato troops in neighboring Afghanistan, the Pentagon said on Monday.

“I believe that some of the team left over the weekend and the remainder of the team will leave shortly,” George Little, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters. “This was a US decision.”

US withdraws negotiators from Pakistan, no supply deal | DAWN.COM

sad news for indians :(
I hope, we all adults know the meaning of sorry!

In my understanding, sorry is a promise of future!

Therefore all (honest) sorry, shall be welcome!

While, recipient of sorry have the right to accept or reject!
Interesting read
Opening the NATO Supply Route: Does Pakistan have any Option?



Opening the NATO Supply Route: Does Pakistan have any Option? | Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
Drones are a sign of frustration for the rampant ied attacks inflicted upon NATO. Pakistan already knows that fighting with the Talibs is pointless.
Another & probably most sought-after purpose of drone attacks is to produce revengeful lads who are willing to commit suicide to take revenge for death of their loved ones...

Such angry guys/children are then recruited by foxes-in-sheep-clothing wandering in Pakistan especially Tribal areas & Afghanistan, who brainwash those children & boys into believing that their loved ones died because of Pakistan's support to US, so go & take revenge from Pakistanis...

Imran Khan has said the same multiple times ...
they got a free ride for 10 years and now they are crying..
we still have kept our airways open though

That is actually a very useful map to notice how difficult the job is getting stuff in through the northern route.

So many countries and terrain that the USA needs to go through, not to mention the Winter time period. Pakistan, on the other hand offers N5, which is open all year round.

Putting their bruised ego aside, USA should have apologized for the wrong they did and moved on.
Excerpts from: Apology will help improve ties, says key US senator | DAWN.COM


“National security of the US will be better served with a positive relationship with Pakistan,” Senator Dianne Feinstein told a Senate hearing on budget priorities for 2013.

The Senator, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, observed that both sides made mistakes in handling the Nov 26 incident, which caused the death of 24 Pakistani soldiers in a US air raid.

After the raid, Pakistan closed ground supply lines for US and Nato forces in Afghanistan and is still refusing to reopen them.

Senator Feinstein noted that the dispute over the supply lines could be solved “with some civilian acceptance of the mistakes” the US had made.

Such an acceptance could also lead to the reopening of Nato supply lines, she said, adding that “it would do well to apologise” for the mistakes made.

“We appreciate Senator Feinstein for showing the way forward in normalising ties in a relationship that is important to both sides and critical for stabilising the region,” said Pakistan’s Ambassador Sherry Rehman while welcoming the gesture.


At the State Department, spokesperson Victoria Nuland said the United States had stayed engaged with Pakistan despite an earlier decision to recall its negotiators from Islamabad.

The conciliatory statements follow an unprecedented decline in bilateral relations last week when Pakistan’s army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani refused to meet a senior US officials. In retaliation, the Americans recalled their team.

The Los Angles Times newspaper reported on Wednesday that before the recall, the United States and Pakistan were “putting the final touches” on a deal for reopening the routes.

“Pakistan had backed away from its demand for a sharp increase in transit fees as a condition for reopening the routes.

There were also signs that Pakistan was open to something short of a high-level public apology,” the report said.

“But Mr Panetta’s comments in Kabul … and his talks on defence cooperation in India … have thrown that progress into doubt.”

The State Department, however, did not agree with this description as spokesperson Nuland told journalists that the two sides had already concluded technical discussions before Americans negotiators returned home.

“We are continuing to stay engaged with the Pakistani side,” she said.
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