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Lyari Operation

hi guys can you tell me what and how many gangsters were killed thx

Right now, there no official confrimed reports, but we have to , wait till 48 hours, what our govt , is planing, they had halted , opreation for 48 hours, & had tolD , gangSters to surrender to govt, if they don't, govt is readY to go ahead with , special forces like, Lal moSque!
I guss, then thEy are going to show full , details of the killeD & captureD criminals!
Right now, there no official confrimed reports, but we have to , wait till 48 hours, what our govt , is planing, they had halted , opreation for 48 hours, & had tolD , gangSters to surrender to govt, if they don't, govt is readY to go ahead with , special forces like, Lal moSque!
I guss, then thEy are going to show full , details of the killeD & captureD criminals!

ok thx appreciate it
Dear mate,
What you think, they will be sitting ducks,& will be waiting , that an army of gAngsters, would be attAcking them, when they are watching, that even a police force, can't do anything about it 8 dAm days!

So what is the difference between the two.
Baba, the ladla of Lyari’s fighters, wanted to be a cop

By Faraz Khan
Published: May 5, 2012

Noor Mohammad aka Baba Ladla was made Rehman aka Dakait’s chief operational commander as early as 2009 and is believed to have been fighting since 2003. PHOTO: FILE
KARACHI: He stands tall, his hands behind his back, surveying all that belongs to him. Five feet seven inches of pure muscle and menace. The look says warrior but the name is a grandmother’s term of endearment: Baba Ladla.
His real name is a pious Noor Mohammad but everyone else knows him as one of Lyari’s baddest boys and Rehman aka Dakait’s chief operational commander. He was born in Kalri and went to the government secondary boys school, a far cry from his current occupation.
As I approach him, word spread like a Chinese whisper. Men, women and children draw slightly closer, aware of being within the same radius as one of Karachi’s most-feared men.
He mutters in Balochi to get rid of the crowd, but it doesn’t budge. He draws his pistol and fires a shot in the air.
Everyone flees.
After exchanging some pleasantries, we start to talk about the police operation. “They opened indiscriminate fire and killed people who were not involved,” he says with disgust. “They misbehaved with the women and broke into our homes and destroyed them.” Perhaps the police thought that by aggravating the residents, they would turn against Lyari’s gangsters.
As incentive, the government announced Rs3 million for Baba Ladla’s arrest. “What would the SSP do if I announced Rs5 million for the person who brought him to me dead or alive?” sneers Baba Ladla while referring to CID SSP Chaudhry Aslam, the chain-smoking nemesis who has made a career out of Lyari.
“Chaudhry Aslam has no idea what can happen to him in five seconds here. If God wills it, then the SSP will no longer be a problem for us.”
Who is the last man standing is anyone’s guess. But suffice it to say that if anything happened to Baba Ladla, there would be no gangs. They say this because Baba Ladla steps up to do the job himself instead of letting his boys take the heat. He is not one to run or hide.
Frustration over finding a job brought Baba Ladla, 32, into the fold of Dakait’s gang. After he passed his class VIII exams in 1990, his uncle Hameed alias Chachu, who was a friend of the late Usman Ghani, a PPP leader, got him a clerical job at a bank on II Chundrigar Road.
“I did that daily wages job for almost two years but was fired,” he says. “Subsequently I applied for the post of a police constable and used to visit the Central Police Office daily for a year as some cops gave me the hope that I would get the job.”
When nothing panned out, hash helped keep the kitchen fires burning. He is the eldest of four brothers, three of who went to jail: Rashid in Karachi, Zahid in Gadani and Zakir in Landhi.
“Since I had joined the drug mafia, confrontation with the police became a regular affair and I was picked up several times,” he says. His father, Ghulam Hussain, who works as a labourer with a major corporation, hasn’t spoken to him for the past 10 years.

The police have registered over 50 murder, attempted murder, extortion and kidnapping cases against him. If you want to find him though, you’ll need his men to help. They will lead you through Gul Mohammad Lane, past the Baba Ladla Mobile Communication Shop and then deeper into the maze to stop near Afshani Gali. Along the way to the final destination of Panjeri Road teenagers turned into men walking around with guns slung over their shoulders. You pick your way over dug-up roads and fallen electricity poles – a war zone that works ironically in favour of the men. No armoured personnel carrier can make it through.
As I prepare to part ways with Baba Ladla, I try my luck and ask him to pull the trigger to show a little marksmanship. He says he will but I should go to the morcha, towards Cheel Chowk, and wait. I march off, giddy with having met the man.
But when I turn around, he has vanished.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 5th, 2012.
now LIYARI gangsters will become what MQM became jkust because operation against MQM was stopped it became bigger due to sympathy! just now on tv liyari guy was saying "BALOCH PEOPLE's HAQ NAHI MILTA"!

this semi operation will be worse for karachi just like all other semi operations. and be ready for bomb blasts and killin of CID head CHAUDRY ASLAM whose house was bombed before.

Building alliances: PML-N invites Uzair Baloch to join party – The Express Tribune

Building alliances: PML-N invites Uzair Baloch to join party
By Our Correspondent
Published: May 5, 2012

PML-N Sindh president Ghous Ali Shah announces formal invitation extended to Amn Committee (PAC) leader Uzair Baloch. PHOTO: EXPRESS
The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Sindh president, Ghous Ali Shah, announced on Friday that a formal invitation has been extended to the Peoples Amn Committee (PAC) leader, Uzair Baloch, to join the party.
“Baloch has responded positively and we are hoping that he will accept the offer,” Shah informed the media after the PML-N Sindh council’s meeting at the Muslim League House on Friday.
“Up till the moment Baloch was in the Pakistan Peoples Party, he was an angel but as soon as he left, the operation began,” alleged Shah. “He is being punished for leaving the party and we demand an end to this injustice.”
He also called for an end to the Lyari operation, saying that the people living in the locality had the same rights as other citizens in the country. Shah mentioned that he met with the PAC leader but did not share details about the meeting.
The PML-N will start its anti-government movement in Sindh from May 6. Shah announced that from Friday onwards the party would be reaching out to the nationalist parties and other leaders who would be interested in their movement. Party leaders Saleem Zia and Marvi Memon also attended the meeting.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 5th, 2012.

i personally have started feeling UZAIR baloch is a good guy & PPP felt threatened by this guy and what he was doing for his people and hence started the operation against him. because clearly from pictures and everything seems like ALL of liyari is supporting him! & the real enemy now of liyari is PPP
now LIYARI gangsters will become what MQM became jkust because operation against MQM was stopped it became bigger due to sympathy! just now on tv liyari guy was saying "BALOCH PEOPLE's HAQ NAHI MILTA"!

i personally have started feeling UZAIR baloch is a good guy & PPP felt threatened by this guy and what he was doing for his people and hence started the operation against him. because clearly from pictures and everything seems like ALL of liyari is supporting him! & the real enemy now of liyari is PPP

the operation against MQM was ethnic, it was against muhajirs and a conspiracy that MQM was forming another country called jinnahpur, it was not because MQM had become violant, army was doing the operation

the operation against lyari is because they are armed gangsters, drug sellers have made lyari a backward area and kept lyariites hostage and police is conducting the operation

ooh now, gangster is a good guy now, we can feel how PPP has politicise and trying to do operation agaist their own asset who has supported PPP for long time but good guy ;), every body even gangsters is a good guy except urdu speakers naah?
the operation against MQM was ethnic, it was against muhajirs and a conspiracy that MQM was forming another country called jinnahpur, it was not because MQM had become violant, army was doing the operation

the operation against lyari is because they are armed gangsters, drug sellers have made lyari a backward area and kept lyariites hostage and police is conducting the operation

ooh now, gangster is a good guy now, we can feel how PPP has politicise and trying to do operation agaist their own asset who has supported PPP for long time but good guy ;), every body even gangsters is a good guy except urdu speakers naah?

MQM was becoming a terrorist party and just like Uzair baloch and NABEEL gabol split the MQM in 90s had split between Afaq & Altaf.

so if you look closely you will find many resemblences to the situation. and if you just switch on tv you will see that liyari people are coming on tv and calling this an OPERATION AGAINST BALOCH AWAM! so this is being given a ethnic turn of events.
i get it, according to ice_man, armed to teeth gangster who is continuously firing at police since one week and has killed scores of them is a good guy, and a political party a terrorist party
i get it, according to ice_man, armed to teeth gangster who is continuously firing at police since one week and has killed scores of them is a good guy, and a political party a terrorist party

i guess that is what you believe right? because clearly you can't forget 12th may 2007 that easily can you when MQM was firing on live tv for the world to see!

MQM was and is armed to the teeth gangster and is a political party too :lol:
the operation against MQM was ethnic, it was against muhajirs and a conspiracy that MQM was forming another country called jinnahpur, it was not because MQM had become violant, army was doing the operation

the operation against lyari is because they are armed gangsters, drug sellers have made lyari a backward area and kept lyariites hostage and police is conducting the operation

ooh now, gangster is a good guy now, we can feel how PPP has politicise and trying to do operation agaist their own asset who has supported PPP for long time but good guy ;), every body even gangsters is a good guy except urdu speakers naah?

Its really bad that we group or fight against each other on basis of ethanicity. This division is not stopping. Initially the basis was mohair, then it got split into A and H groups, this did not stop here further division among same people took place in Shia and Sunni groups. Earlier it was only MQM & PPP now ANP has been representing itself as representative of Pukhtoons and PPP is also in division phase in Liyari. Let's be truthful to ourselves that all these parties, groups and sub groups are heavily armed and they must be disarmed. How? It's upto these people, we do it today or after sometime, after shedding lot of blood, taking each others lives, destroying business environment, making people jobless and after shifting of industry to BD, Dubai and other places. If tomorrow we have to decide the same, why not today.
A criminal is criminal and he must not be spared and parties should stop considering them assets. Karachiites must decide if they want to nab these culprits and punish them, establish some sort of truth an reconciliation commission or whatever way the want to proceed. If PPP and MQM can reconcile after the operation by PPP government in 90s why not today these leaders sit on one table and decide so that in future we do not fall into such situation.
... Karachiites must decide if they want to nab these culprits and punish them, establish some sort of truth an reconciliation commission or whatever way the want to proceed....
Just as Pakistanis need to decide about the militants operating under the defunct?? name Taliban.

If the point wasn't taken, I meant the awam are awam, you need to be asking the authorities and the politicians instead.

Anybody who lives in Karachi, can easily tell you high densely populated and backward area liyari is. Can anyone believe that in a place like Karachi where skyscrapers are popping up like anything have a place call liyari which is still portrait a picture of a eighteenth century town. The people of liyari are normally very friendly sports loving but at the same time too much involve in the gang wars. The problem was never been like this before but since the day they politicized the situation, it has gone from bad to worst and the hidden hand is making it even worst. My two cents.
Have you been there? Word is there's six-star hotels and grand grand casinos all run outside of the documented economy, not just your run-down-neighbourhoods.
At least six shot dead in different areas of Karachi | DAWN.COM

KARACHI: In the violent incidents in different areas of Karachi, at least six people were shot dead on Saturday, DawnNews reported.

Three people were shot dead in city’s volatile Kati Pahari area as unidentified armed assailants opened fire, police said.

The three men were killed in the limits of Pirabad Police Station in Qasba Colony, said police officer Rana Zulfiqar.

The deceased were identified as 25-year-old Muzamil, 30-year-old Riaz and 40-year-old Ghayas Shah.

Riaz and Muzammil belonged to a political party.

The killings created tension in the area; the angry protestors torched two motorbikes

The bodies were shifted to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) for medico-legal formalities.

Three dead bodies were found from the area of Metro cinema, Surjani town and Araam Bagh; The victims were kidnapped before they were shot dead.

The police and the rangers held a flag march in different areas including Lines area in the aftermath of today’s killings.
Just as Pakistanis need to decide about the militants operating under the defunct?? name Taliban.

You mean which Taliban. We are very clear about TTP who are Pakistani national. The other Taliban across the border, are to be dealt with by someone else.
second this is not a thread about Taliban, let's stick to the topic








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