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Persian God King > i would make more fun of people like you who are faking to be not in the regime
but take the position of the propaganda
have the balls to say who you are

I feel sorry for people like you, your backing these people who hate your guts.
I dont give a **** about Iranian regime, I care about my people.
and if you cared about your people then you would not be taking this peoples side.

Like that mosamanian you like, go look at some of the comment he made, like "We will burn all shia's".

I have 10 times more balls than you, I wont backstabb my people like you.
I never came across an Iranian who has the same position as you, how can an Iranian like these snakes?
I am Iranian atheist who prefers and non Islamic Iran, but I will always defend my people from our enemies. maybe you should do the same.

You said you knew people who fought against sadam in our war, well do I, and remember these saudi snakes funded sadam. If you dont Iranian regime that fine, but try to be on your people side at least.
@ Khalid Al-Qurashi

Here you go:

bro, some of what you say in post #182 is not fair. Please, don't mock other people like that. There are better ways to convey those ideas. Thanks.

Trust me I tried to have nice converstaion with them, but the nicer you are to them the more nasty they are to you.
I joined this forum to make better relation with them but after seeing some of the comments like that from mossa I chnaged my mind

LOL we been arounf thousand of years before them yet they say we should not exists.
Persian God King > i would make more fun of people like you who are faking to be not in the regime
but take the position of the propaganda
have the balls to say who you are
We all know who YOU are. A paid MKO mercenary that is trying to impede Irans progress.
When I first came to this thread I was laughing my a$$ off, literally.

what some Idiots in this thread don't get is that saudi arabia has no other reserves other than oil, how you gonna make money without oil? agriculture LOL? your country is just a desert.you cant become an export economy like china because no one will bring their main companies to your country, usa is trying to take back their jobs from china by making and exporting products themselves, even if they did bring companies to you land with what resources are you going to make the product? you gonna buy resources? with what money? selling sand perhaps.

Its easy to sit on a camel and pay some Germans or yankees to make building for you to show off, but in reality you're nothing.
once oil runs our you will be slaves for your white masters, literally.you're their slaves already but right now licking their boots instead of cleaning their a$$es.

Iran is light years ahead of you, we have the resources and the brain power. we dont build cites like this because your cities should bt symbolic of your economy LOL. you export 4-5 times more oil than Iran yet your GDP is lower.

what bunch of jokers.

I totally agree with right there .. We are nothing but stupid slaves .Why bother build up cities , unis , renewable energy plants that we can't maintain in the future due to a lack of intelligence known by most of you , waste money and send saudi nationals to study aboard ? . I've no idea what our economy experts are trying to do . Clearly they are no match to you because you are genetically smarter . Sitting on a camel and wait till the oil runs out is the best salution because we're just useless . If we had *10 saudi arabs like you . We'd be in a better position right now since Allah clearly had given you the skill of*predicting the future . I'm sure you love us and you are not saying this because of HATE ( despite your previous reply to brother Hussain when you asked him to take a side like its a childish game ) Okay now , since we made this clear , lets move on with this thread without reminding us of our stupidity . We know that and we know Hate and taking sides has nothing to do here :) .*
*Peace .
We all know who YOU are. A paid MKO mercenary that is trying to impede Irans progress.

He is either a flase flager, or he need some serious guidance.
he think either you are with ahmadinejad or against him.
its not about our leader, but our people.

he is being sweet to the Iranian haters I dont dunno why.
He is either a flase flager, or he need some serious guidance.
he think either you are with ahmadinejad or against him.
its not about our leader, but our people.

he is being sweet to the Iranian haters I dont dunno why.
Dont worry, only place the MKO members belong is the grave. Sooner or later justice will bite the a.ss of ''Hussein'' and his alikes
I totally agree with right there .. We are nothing but stupid slaves .Why bother build up cities , unis , renewable energy plants that we can't maintain in the future due to a lack of intelligence known by most of you , waste money and send saudi nationals to study aboard ? . I've no idea what our economy experts are trying to do . Clearly they are no match to you because you are genetically smarter . Sitting on a camel and wait till the oil runs out is the best salution because we're just useless . If we had *10 saudi arabs like you . We'd be in a better position right now since Allah clearly had given you the skill of*predicting the future . I'm sure you love us and you are not saying this because of HATE ( despite your previous reply to brother Hussain when you asked him to take a side like its a childish game ) Okay now , since we made this clear , lets move on with this thread without reminding us of our stupidity . We know that and we know Hate and taking sides has nothing to do here :) .*
*Peace .

Alright for one why would I hate you when I never even met an saudi, I am judging you based on people like mossa, who spend his entire life hating Iranian.

I agree my comment was a bot too far, I will edit it. but my main points were correct, If i were you country I will spend money trying to secure resources for you country, Because trust me one your oil runs out the west will rip you apart.

you are the place where mecca is, your country is the holliest place in Islam, the west knows that.
Khalid, point is that Mosamania himself refused to apologize. The only feedback I got was that ‘He can say whatever he wants’.

Anyways, you probably know that one of his comments is almost exactly what Shaikhul Islam ibn Taymyyah says in ‘Minhaaju asSunnah’. Or what about Muhammad ibn AbdulWahhab saying that ‘Shia are famous for marrying their mahaarim’ or that ‘When Shia people die, their shape changes to animals’, etc....

My point is that ‘Who sows wind, will harvest storm’. As far as I understand, Iranians are not racist in general. But when we see this kind of stuff coming out from Saudi, and the Takfeer, and at the same time Malik Abdullah kissing with Bush, etc... You would naturally expect angry reactions from some people in Iran.

Still, nothing justifies racist comments and mocking other people. We keep our patience untill Allah judges between us.

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