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3000 reconverted to Hinduism in Odisha

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To all my Hindu brothers: Get rid of Casteism. Start from your own home. Then we can all work together for the upliftment of our Country. No one would dare to mess with our nation then.
Brother I respect every religion, that does not mean that accept cirticism of one religion for its age old practice. Long back pre-independance the lower cast was not allowed to be equals and today after 66 years of independance we have changed we call each others as brothers in schools and colleges. you can not expect a 1000 year old tradition to change all of a sudden, it will take another 60 to 100 years to change and untill then you have to give time and space.

I have seen anglo-Indian, portestents indulging themself in conversion and preaching and i do have a lot of christian friends. so don't say that its only a sect of Cristianity that does conversion.
In India there are n number of TV Channels, do you know which religion spends millions of Rs to buy transmission bands to have seperate channels for preaching their religion. its cristianity. i dont even see this practice with Hindus, Muslims, Budhist.
No educated right thinking Indian will ever convert to any abrahamic religion. No offense, but compared to the heights religion has reached in the East, your gospels and your psalms are very childish.

You have chosen a symbol of torture as a symbol of your religion, and frankly I have read the whole bible I found it very boring to go through. The Quran has a much greater literary value.

All your 'books' go about 'morality' there is hardly any spiritual worth in them. so you will always find the poor, the deprived, the hungry converting...India has neglected the material, but it is now improving.

I reiterate except for portions of the Gospels in the Bible most of it is a very bad book on morality...If you really want to teach morality to your children tell them Panchatantra and Jataka stories...atleast the they dont have rape and murder and people turning into pillars of salt...

I am an atheist and I dont care but I appreciate that my fellow Hindus (I am hindu btw, Atheism is recognised in hinduism) do not threaten me with hell and eternal damnation.

The sermons of the Buddha and the aphorisms of Patanjali, the logic of Kapila and the fiery poetry of Shankara rise high above the slasher stories in your books..
Christopher Hitchens Interview

And this guy is no saffron bandit. He is an atheist.

BTW did not MT call AIDS as a divine punishment ? MT for all her good work, had her follies too. Ignoring them or covering them doesn't really do justice.

I know of all these and the fact that Mother Theresa said she was doing all the charity on behalf of Christianity, not for humanitarian reasons. Also Mother Theresa didn't help people to stand on their feet but Missionaries of Charity was for people who needed a shelter for his/her last days. Missionaries of Charity rather painted Calcutta as city of beggers and leapers to the rest of the world.

See I'm not propping her up, I'm only saying she was not able to convert people from Hinduism to Chritianity, although that was her reason for all the social work.
@russelpeters Old Testament is just a History book for Christians which is used as a context on which New Testament is based. I did not want to say this, but you are forcing me to do it. Stories of Gods in Hindu Puranas are a joke on human intelligence. I mean, come on, here you have Gods who carve for sex, madira (Alcohol), power. God Indra, ring any bells?

Dont get me started mate.
I know of all these and the fact that Mother Theresa said she was doing all the charity on behalf of Christianity, not for humanitarian reasons. Also Mother Theresa didn't help people to stand on their feet but Missionaries of Charity was for people who needed a shelter for his/her last days. Missionaries of Charity rather painted Calcutta as city of beggers and leapers to the rest of the world.

See I'm not propping her up, I'm only saying she was not able to convert people from Hinduism to Chritianity, although that was her reason for all the social work.

If she wished, she could have easily converted all the inmates of Missionaries of Charity. Dont demean the Mother. You are a thankless man. Tell me, before Mother, which of your so called 'bhadra-purush' (gentleman) ever touched the lepers which were left to die on streets?

The reason for her Social work was to enlighten the common people about Christ. What is wrong in that?

Dont tell me about Kolkata. It was and it still is one of the dirtiest cities of India. Decaying in almost every nook and corner. Go visit Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Pune, Bangalore. Kolkatans will hang their head in shame.
@russelpeters Old Testament is just a History book for Christians which is used as a context on which New Testament is based. I did not want to say this, but you are forcing me to do it. Stories of Gods in Hindu Puranas are a joke on human intelligence. I mean, come on, here you have Gods who carve for sex, madira (Alcohol), power. God Indra, ring any bells?

Dont get me started mate.

Indra is not a god man.

There are only 3 gods,

Brahma-Vishnu and Shiva and even they are just metaphorical concepts.

---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 PM ----------

Kolkata is fine man,not too bad.

I can show you much more dirty parts of Mumbai.
@russelpeters Old Testament is just a History book for Christians which is used as a context on which New Testament is based. I did not want to say this, but you are forcing me to do it. Stories of Gods in Hindu Puranas are a joke on human intelligence. I mean, come on, here you have Gods who carve for sex, madira (Alcohol), power. God Indra, ring any bells?

Dont get me started mate.

Ah unlike us, they go on flashing it as Word of God. We have the sense to understand puranas are stories.

Every right fundamentalist Christians go on about of Adam and Eve, they continually deny evolution on the basis of The Old Testament.

Hindus have understood that the stories in Puranas are metaphoric and not real.Go and ask any average hindu, in the Puranic Mythos, just like Adam and Eve there is a first couple. Do you know the names of the 'Adam' and 'Eve' in Hindu mythology.

No you dont, its Manu and Shatrupa.Manu might be known to some people, but in the context of caste politics. No one ever advertised Manu and Shatrupa as real people..95% hindus dont even know the name "Shatroopa".

Unlike Christians, we have not opposed modern theories of evolution.They take their stories at FACE value.They teach that sh!t to children. they oppose teaching science in schools. and they want to "save" other. arrogant, arrogant people.

I know protestants, perfectly normal people, intelligent..Doctors, psychiatrists, cancer specialists...such people.but when it comes to evolution they become stupid. and they want to rescue others

frankly christianity is dying in the west. it has no other choice...
In India there are n number of TV Channels, do you know which religion spends millions of Rs to buy transmission bands to have seperate channels for preaching their religion. its cristianity. i dont even see this practice with Hindus, Muslims, Budhist.

Zee Jaagran - Hindu
TV-9 Sanskruthi - Hindu
Sudarshan TV - Hindu
MH1- Shraddha - Hindu
Aastha - Hindu
Sanskar - Hindu
Darshan TV - Hindu
Disha TV - Hindu
Bhakti TV - Hindu
Kaatyayani TV - Hindu
Sadhana - Hindu
OM Television - Hindu
Pragya - Hindu
Satsang TV - Hindu
Paras - Jain
Arihant - Jain
Jinvani TV - Jain
Shalom TV - Christian
GOD TV - Christian
Blessing TV - Christian
Glory Tv - Christian
Peace TV - Islamic
QTV - Islamic
PTC Punjabi - Sikh
Indra is not a god man.

There are only 3 gods,

Brahma-Vishnu and Shiva and even they are just metaphorical concepts.

---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 PM ----------

Kolkata is fine man,not too bad.

I can show you much more dirty parts of Mumbai.

1. Indra is a God. Much revered in Upanishads. Later made into Prem Chopra
2. And all three of them fight over superiority. Tell Vishnu is Super-God to a Shaivite or vice-versa to a Vaishnav... and then somebody will come from behind and say Aadi-Shakti is the Supreme God.
3. But overall, Kolkata has the image of a dirty city. Rest of the mess created by commies.
When The Lost Brothers Met - A Report on the home coming of 1300 Muslims to Hindu fold

The VISHAL SHUDDHI YAJNA started with seeking blessings of the God by reciting the most beautiful ‘Gayatri Mantra”. When these people started reciting Gayatri Mantra it could be heard by people in far places in the city.

Recitation of Gayatri Mantra by around 1,300 people had created such a magnetic impact which could be felt for days to come in the Arya Samaj Temple at Shahjehanpur. After then these blessed souls sat around holy fire [AGNI] on the altar and offered their prayers.

Captivating and charming sound of ‘Aum Swaha- Aum Swaha’ filled the atmosphere. These people were away from enlightenment for centuries and they did not know to recite the Vedic Mantra’s but the voice of “Aum Swaha” could be heard from miles away.

The messengers of change aka Agniveers also witnessed one more pleasant scene. These people had taken a vow to recite “Gayatri Mantra” in the morning an evening till they learn do proper “Sandhya” (a powerful meditation method for success).

Participants were so overwhelmed with the entire sequence of events that they formed small groups and started reciting “Gayatri Mantra” to each other so that they can keep this gift of God close to their hearts. It appeared that everything was happening with some kind of Divine Inspiration. We will never be able to forget those moments.

Messenger of change from Agniveer were treated by these participants like angels. Countless people had dreamt of angels with white wings encircling the city and their houses previous night and the next morning they were meeting the Agniveers in white clothes. This was enough for the people to realize that everything that was happening was a Divine wish. Whenever these small groups had difficulty is reciting the “Gayatri Mantra” or they had any other doubt they would call Agniveers.

It would be grossly unfair to the emotions of the participants if this specific incident remained to be mentioned here. Out of 1,200 participants there were around 400-500 of our sisters and mothers. When our sisters met the Messengers of Change and found that the angels with white wings were none other than Agniveers, the bond was immediately established between souls of brothers and sisters.

A small girl who told her name as Maimuna [ for life now “Manisha”] asked the Agniveers if she could tie Rakhi to Agniveers since she did not have brothers. Agniveers offered their hands but there was no Rakhi to tie. But these minor difficulties could not come in the way of relation of brothers and sisters which was established by God. The sacred thread [JANEU] was treated as Rakhi. All the eyes were wet with tears.

After seeing this some old ladies started to cry with happiness. “Rakshabandhan” was celebrated on 23rd December, 2011 in Shehjehanpur.
3000 reconverted to Hinduism in Odisha

Rourkela (Odisha), Feb 24 (PTI) The VHP today claimed that over 3,000 people of 658 families from three states were reconverted to Hinduism at a function held in Sundargarh district. People from Odisha and neighbouring Jharkhand and Chhattishgarh congregated at Sundargarh town where the function, described by the VHP as "home coming", was held yesterday. Several people, particularly poor and uneducated tribals and dalits had converted through allurement, international executive president of VHP Pravin Togadia said at the function demanding a strict law against conversion.

Source : PTI

Over 3,000 Return to Hindu Fold

SUNDARGARH: As many as 3,127 persons on Thursday returned to the Hindu fold in a ‘home coming’ ceremony of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) held in Sundargarh town.� VHP leader Pravin Togadia attending the ceremony.


لگتا ایسا ہے جس نے پیسے زايد دیے اس طرف یہ لوگ چلے دیے۔
1. Indra is a God. Much revered in Upanishads. Later made into Prem Chopra
2. And all three of them fight over superiority. Tell Vishnu is Super-God to a Shaivite or vice-versa to a Vaishnav... and then somebody will come from behind and say Aadi-Shakti is the Supreme God.
3. But overall, Kolkata has the image of a dirty city. Rest of the mess created by commies.

all that is puranic bullshit..vedas do not mention vishnu,indra,shiva,ganpati,indra,mitra as separate gods but just different names of one supreme ishwar..
So in Hinduism everything is allowed and what anyone chooses to do is between him and god.

But Hindus forget about the animalism nature of Man, this is why Indians and atheists and even Christians and Jews live in a chaotic mind frame and social behaviour. they all want to instil this idea in the brains of people.

Islam says that what you do personally has consequences on your immediate surroundings and its effects either pleases people and God or not, since religion is meant for social behaviour.

God himself doesn't need us, he encompasses everything and with a scientific look at the universe you can see how negligible earth is let alone human kind.

Karma in Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hinduism is the oldest spiritual tradition of this world and is all about liberty and freedom to carve one's own path to divine.It has no concept of apostasy or blasphemy or even conversion! But without any push towards conversion it is winning hearts and minds of people all over the world by it's teaching,love and philosophy alone.

Hinduism is not just a faith. It is the union of reason and intuition that can not be defined but is only to be experienced. Evil and error are not ultimate. There is no Hell, for that means there is a place where God is not, and there are sins which exceed his love.

Hindu texts laugh at religions as being the dogma of self-righteous fools and emphasize on Dharma-the righteous way. Hinduism is just a convenient label for the worlds oldest spiritual and philosophical tradition
لگتا ایسا ہے جس نے پیسے زايد دیے اس طرف یہ لوگ چلے دیے۔

There is no conversion in Hinduism..It's just a Dharmic way..:wave:
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