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3000 reconverted to Hinduism in Odisha

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Thank you for saying that, I have heard many Hindus say this.
So naturally the next question is, What does it matter what you call yourself?
According to many Hindus, including yourself, even a Muslim or Christian can be a Hindu.
So, when someone stops calling themselves a Hindus, they are still Hindu.
When someone starts calling themselves a different name, ie Muslim, Christian, etc they are still Hindu.

No to be a Hindu you have to be open minded, respect all religions as equally valid, accept God is in yourself and your path to nirvana is in figuring it out etc.

Now I dont think Christianity or Islam ,as religions, accept all religions as equal or all are valid. They say they are the only true faith and others are false. Also accepting God is in yourself (thereby everybody is God - Har Har Mahadev) becomes blasphemy in Islam.

So how can a practising Christian or a Muslim who believes in their respective faith and also says other faiths are false be a Hindu ? Not possible.

So then then why do Hindus get upset when people change the name of their religion?
Why do they need to be re-converted?

Because this money minded conversion (harvesting souls) by the conversionaries has nothing to dow with spirituality and everything to do with increasing numbers. It is also damaging the native traditions, social balance and threatens to destroy the fragile communal harmony in many places because the conversion stuff usually includes not just accepting the other faith, but also denigrating the local faith and cast us of some demon worshipping pagans (oh yes that is what Hindus are called by the conversionaries in an apparent reference to us worshipping idols). So someone gets pissed off, attacks other and you have a full blown riot.

Also in some places these missionaries and their allied NGOs are standing in the way of social and economic developement by opposing various projects like the recent anti-nuclear protests in Kudankulam ,Tamil Nadu and even the Central Govt has accepted that foreign funded NGOs and missionary orgs are behind this protest at the behest of their patrons there.

Not only that for both the Mughalstan dreamers and the missionaries, India is the land that got away from them. And a land that needs to be reconquered. It is the only land that stands in the way of domination of Abrahamic religions.

Lastly this unchecked religious conversion by the missionaries has fuelled separatist demands in some places like the North East where most of the terrorist groups like NSCM, NLFT etc are either supported or funded by the church.

India is a civilizational entity and that civilization exists only as long as the followers of Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Sikhims, Buddhism and Jainism) are in the majority. The ciivilization will be lost and we will become identityless like South Korea or Iran when the Dharmic religions are no longer in majority.

And Worse of all, why do Hindus attack their fellow Hindus just for calling themselves a different name?
do you follow the logic here?

Once they leave the Dharmic [Hindu] way of life, they are not Hindus. Attacking them is not justified however but those attacks in most cases are just retaliatory attacks caused by provocation from others.
Blame it on the hypocrisy/double standards/appeasement our Govt/politicos exhibit like the recent Salman rushdie affair. Naturally when a Hindu see this kind of step-motherly treatment -- where threats are invented to keep out someone from attending a fair just because some loonies in a community doesn't like it -- he gets pissed off and voila you have one more right winger.

Want to stop the right wing from growing ? Deny the oxygen that they thrive on. Start practising real secularism where everyone is treated same irrespective of their faith and not the fake desi pseudo-secularism.

BTW if the conversionaries (missionaries engaged in conversion) have the "Constitutional freedom" to convert the tribals, then the Right wing groups have the same "constitutional freedom" to bring them back home. What is there to moan/***** about it ?

you can start by repealing that law that sends people to jail for 7 years for eating beef. :)
But Hindus forget about the animalism nature of Man, this is why Indians and atheists and even Christians and Jews live in a chaotic mind frame and social behaviour. they all want to instil this idea in the brains of people.

yeah everything is fine in the Islamic world and it is overflowing with milk and honey right from Libya to Egypt to Syria to Yemen to Iraq to Afghanistan to Pakistan..:D

Islam says that what you do personally has consequences on your immediate surroundings and its effects either pleases people and God or not, since religion is meant for social behaviour.

We have that concept called Karma in Dharmic religions.

---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 PM ----------

you can start by repealing that law that sends people to jail for 7 years for eating beef. :)

Da vinci code is banned in some states because it offends some Christians and Salman Rushdie is not even allowed to enter India. So every community gets its due in India.
No to be a Hindu you have to be open minded, respect all religions as equally valid, accept God is in yourself and your path to norvana is in figuring it out etc.

Now I dont think Christianity or Islam as religions accept all religions as equal. They say they are the only true faith and others are false. Also accepting God is in yourself (thereby everybody is God - Har Har Mahadev) becomes blasphemy in Islam.

So how can a practising Christian or a Muslim who believes in their respective faith be a Hindu ? Not possible.
See now this doesn't make sense to me. You say you accept all religions.......except those religions that don't accept you.....
Do you see how that is confusing?
The problem I see is that it doesn't have a uniform ideology. And that leads to people just saying that they want and attributing it to Hinduism. This of course leads to many contradictions and fallacies. Such at the one i just pointed out.

Because this money minded conversion (harvesting souls) by the conversionaries is damaging the native traditions, social balance and threatens to destroy the fragile communal harmony in many places because the conversion stuff usually includes not just accepting the other faith, but also denigrating the local faith and cast us of some demon worshipping pagans (oh yes that is what Hindus are called by the conversionaries in an apparent reference to us worshipping idols). So someone gets pissed off, attacks other and you have a full blown riot.

Also in some places these missionaries and their allied NGOs are standing in the way of social and economic developement by opposing various projects like the recent anti-nuclear protests in Kudankulam ,Tamil Nadu and even the Central Govt has accepted that foreign funded NGOs and missionary orgs are behind this protest at the behest of their patrons there.

Not only that for both the Mughalstan dreamers and the missionaries, India is the land that got away from them. And a land that needs to be reconquered. It is the only land that stands in the way of domination of Abrahamic religions.

Lastly this unchecked religious conversion by the missionaries has fuelled separatist demands in some places like the North East where most of the terrorist groups like NSCM, NLFT etc are either supported or funded by the church.

There are a few things you seem to be saying.
1. I agree, converting people with material goods is always wrong
2. But it is equally wrong to force people not to convert to a religion if they are doing it from their heart.
3. Minorities have been part of India from the beginning, forcing people to be Hindus will actually do more harm then good when it comes to a nation
4. I think "Mughalstan" and what not are just a release for you anti Abrahamic religion bias. No one it out to get India, many parts of the world still have their own traditional religions, India is not the only country that has managed to keep its.

Once they leave the Dharmic [Hindu] way of life, they are not Hindus. Attacking them is not justified however but those attacks in most cases are just retaliatory attacks caused by provocation from others.

This goes back to part 1, some people say you are always Hindus, and some people say you are not. What is the truth?
stupid decision to re convert when congress is bringing a bill for reservation for religious minorities. Or is that not for recent coverts to other religions or only for muslims?
See now this doesn't make sense to me. You say you accept all religions.......except those religions that don't accept you.....
Do you see how that is confusing?
The problem I see is that it doesn't have a uniform ideology. And that leads to people just saying that they want and attributing it to Hinduism. This of course leads to many contradictions and fallacies. Such at the one i just pointed out.

There is no contradiction in what I'm saying. You are just confused unable to grasp the import of my words.

I said I accept all religions are true and religions are nothing but rivers that lead to the same ocean [God]. Meaning I accept a Muslim as a Muslim, a christian as a christian..not a Muslim as a Hindu or a christian as a Hindu. Ganga will be Ganga and Indus will be Indus. Ganga cannot be Indus or vice versa. But then again they are both rivers leading into the vast ocean. Got it ?

2. But it is equally wrong to force people not to convert to a religion if they are doing it from their heart.

These people are just coming back home to their native faith from the faith that they were induced/coerced into joining. I dont see anything wrong in it, as long as violence was not involved.

3. Minorities have been part of India from the beginning, forcing people to be Hindus will actually do more harm then good when it comes to a nation

But the Dharmic religions have been a part of this land from time immemorial much much before some one even thought of the Abrahamic religions. So when some loony missionary of tableeghi tries to do some antics to increase numbers there will inevitably be a backlash. You see India is the only land we Dharmics can call our home. This land is our Mecca,our Medina,Bethlehem,Vatican etc. Sometimes people can get a bit too protective.

4. I think "Mughalstan" and what not are just a release for you anti Abrahamic religion bias. No one it out to get India, many parts of the world still have their own traditional religions, India is not the only country that has managed to keep its.

I dont think so. Check this map


The various shades of red are Christian and Green - Islam. China, Japan etc are mostly atheist and that leaves out only India and some countries in South East Asia as practioners of Dharmic faiths. Out of this the whole population of the south east asia is what ? a hundred million ?. India is the only major country in the world where about a billion people follow their native faith inspite of both Islamic kings ruling for 500 years and British for another 150 years. And that is causing some heartburn somewhere.

This goes back to part 1, some people say you are always Hindus, and some people say you are not. What is the truth?

Already explained.
I don't know what is the point in discussing this event, its just a individual interest of 3000 people who left the religion to return back to the same when they find that the religion that they converted does not offer anything better than the one they left.

And people here still talk about religious superiority, etc, etc. which in my honest opinion is bull crap.
All religion teaches the same. "Lead a honest life and do not harm a fellow human being in your quest for money and power".
Live by it and you get a new world.
Some Hindus are unnecessarily paranoid about Christians. Being a Christian, I can vouch that majority of the people of my faith are democratic at heart and have equal love for Hindus. You cannot even identify us from a crowd. We have 'Indian' culture, ethos in our household. Befriend a Christian from among your neighbourhood and experience for yourself. Christians are among the most peace-loving communities in India.

There are some instances of people who zealously doing convertions, but they are not Catholics or Methodists, the majority sects. There are some obscure sects who do it for the sake of donations from west. Even we Christians have very bad opinion of them as they are bringing bad name to our community.
when the forced conversion will end in our region...:(
when the forced conversion will end in our region...:(

When everybody stops shouting from rooftops that his' is the only true religion, all others are false, their practioners are infidels and starts respecting all religions as true and they all lead to the same God/Gods.

---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------

There are some obscure sects who do it for the sake of donations from west. Even we Christians have very bad opinion of them as they are bringing bad name to our community.

Exactly - they are mostly neo-evangelists, revivalists, Baptists, Pentecostals who receive donations from abroad and follow a sales approach...hardly ever seen a Catholic missionary or a missionary who does work purely for love.

The mainstream christians should take a serious note of these fringe groups destroying the name of christianity in India and should take serious steps to rein them in before they do irreparable damage to the community's reputation.
3000 reconverted to Hinduism in Odisha

Rourkela (Odisha), Feb 24 (PTI) The VHP today claimed that over 3,000 people of 658 families from three states were reconverted to Hinduism at a function held in Sundargarh district. People from Odisha and neighbouring Jharkhand and Chhattishgarh congregated at Sundargarh town where the function, described by the VHP as "home coming", was held yesterday. Several people, particularly poor and uneducated tribals and dalits had converted through allurement, international executive president of VHP Pravin Togadia said at the function demanding a strict law against conversion.

Source : PTI

Over 3,000 Return to Hindu Fold

SUNDARGARH: As many as 3,127 persons on Thursday returned to the Hindu fold in a ‘home coming’ ceremony of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) held in Sundargarh town.� VHP leader Pravin Togadia attending the ceremony.


everyone has right to practice any religion he/she wants

these people are welcome
To all my Hindu brothers: Get rid of Casteism. Start from your own home. Then we can all work together for the upliftment of our Country. No one would dare to mess with our nation then.

It may be news to you. But casteism is well and kicking in all faiths in India, except perhaps Parsis.
arya samaj's shuddhi movement or VHP's Ghar vapasi movements are against Caste based Discrimination

@asad 71

so u copy pasted my post from another forum ? ...thanks

this is very good

Caste based Discrimination is horrible thing

its good that arya samaj's shuddhi movement and VHP's Ghar vapasi movements are against Caste based Discrimination
See now this doesn't make sense to me. You say you accept all religions.......except those religions that don't accept you.....
Do you see how that is confusing?
The problem I see is that it doesn't have a uniform ideology. And that leads to people just saying that they want and attributing it to Hinduism. This of course leads to many contradictions and fallacies. Such at the one i just pointed out.

There are a few things you seem to be saying.
1. I agree, converting people with material goods is always wrong
2. But it is equally wrong to force people not to convert to a religion if they are doing it from their heart.
3. Minorities have been part of India from the beginning, forcing people to be Hindus will actually do more harm then good when it comes to a nation
4. I think "Mughalstan" and what not are just a release for you anti Abrahamic religion bias. No one it out to get India, many parts of the world still have their own traditional religions, India is not the only country that has managed to keep its.

This goes back to part 1, some people say you are always Hindus, and some people say you are not. What is the truth?

Lot of people dream of a caliphate and it is there in their lifestyle,

you can hear the Azaan coming out at 5 am everyday,whats the need? Other people are sleeping right do the people care about those sleeping?

I know of christians who complain about temple processions saying it makes their minds go mad and as satanic,it is all good when they are in minority but when the get to 30% and more,all the music starts.

Minorities have been a part of India only since last 1000 years and India exists for long before that.

---------- Post added at 01:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 PM ----------

Some Hindus are unnecessarily paranoid about Christians. Being a Christian, I can vouch that majority of the people of my faith are democratic at heart and have equal love for Hindus. You cannot even identify us from a crowd. We have 'Indian' culture, ethos in our household. Befriend a Christian from among your neighbourhood and experience for yourself. Christians are among the most peace-loving communities in India.

There are some instances of people who zealously doing convertions, but they are not Catholics or Methodists, the majority sects. There are some obscure sects who do it for the sake of donations from west. Even we Christians have very bad opinion of them as they are bringing bad name to our community.

Christians are cool but overtly aggressive in propoganda.Persay they are cool and dont care much but the church still has an agenda on India and that upsets priorities.
My city had been abode of Mother Theresa and Missionaries of Charity since independence, but never witnessed any mass scale conversion from Hinduism to Christianity here.

Christopher Hitchens Interview

And this guy is no saffron bandit. He is an atheist.

BTW did not MT call AIDS as a divine punishment ? MT for all her good work, had her follies too. Ignoring them or covering them doesn't really do justice.
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